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Name of ship as recorded on the record
Hannah ( Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Hannah, 26th February 1912 1912, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 9th November 1912 1912, Plan of Boiler for Hannah, 21st March 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Hannah, 15th April 1913 1913, Steel Steamer Report for Hannah, 10th April 1913 1913, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Hannah, 11th April 1913 1913, Report on Machinery for Hannah, 9th April 1913 1913, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Hannah, 31st March 1913 1913, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 25th March 1913 1913, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships Verification for Hannah, 19th March 1913 1913, Amended Plan of Straker's Horace Patent Boiler for Hannah, 22nd March 1912 1921, Plan of Cochran type Donkey Boiler for Hannah,14th October 1926 1926, Plan of Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th May 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, returning plan of electrical installation proposed for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Memo submitting the plan of electrical installation for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the owners intention to fit an electric light installation on board the Hannah, 31st October 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding the Annual Freeboard Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 21st December 1933 1933, Letter from F W Uittenbogaart, Managing Director of NV Stoomschip, Rotterdam, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for the Annual Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 19th December 1933 1933, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from F R Palmer, pro Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the trimming hatches in the bridge space for Hannah, 25th April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, regarding the re measurement survey carried out at Newcastle for Hannah, 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, stating that the Freeboard Survey will be completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah , 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the completion of the freeboard survey being completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah, 31st March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey,for Hannah, 30th March 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the completion of the freeboard survey for Hannah, 28th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Grand Canary, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from E Wootton, Director General of Blandy Bros & Co, Grand Canary, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, Regarding the completion of the Survey for the Convention Certificate for Hannah, 8th March 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, forwarding the Convention Freeboard Certificates & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 28th February 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees associated with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Las Palmas, Grand Canary, regarding the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding fees in connection with the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of communication from the Rotterdam Surveyors regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with convention freeboard assignment in the case of the Hannah, 22nd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding Fees for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding fees in connection with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from T Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London regarding International Freeboard Assignment for Hannah, 18th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the account associated with the remeasurement survey of Hannah, 17th February 1933 1933, Letter from R Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with the International Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Letter from George W Oxley, per E J Sutton & Co, Ship Owners, Newcastle, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, regarding Survey Fees in connection with new freeboard for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Invoice of fees charged to E J Sutton & Co by Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, for Freeboard Survey & Certificate of Load Line for Hannah, 16th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, informing that particulars of the alterations already effected, have been inserted in the freeboard report for Hannah, 21st January 1933 1933, Letter from Alexander E Stevenson, per the Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, forwarding freeboard verification form for Hannah, 20th January 1933 1933, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, enclosing Convention Freeboard certificate & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, requesting the Convention Freeboard Certificate & certified copy for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, confirming telegram sent today regarding Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Committee, London, requesting particulars of Convention Freeboard Survey of the Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to F W Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, reporting on an inspection of the Donkey Boiler, damage repairs & Special Survey No 2 for Hannah, 27th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 2nd SS no 2, & damage, & class of Hannah, 16th March 1934 1934, Ship Forgings Form for Hannah, 27th February 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Hannah, 2nd March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Hannah, 5th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the special survey of the engines & boilers for SS No 2 for Hannah, 20th March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 1st May 1934 1934, Report on Electric Fittings for Hannah, 28th February 1934 1934, Form in Dutch Language for Hannah, 15th December 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing a photo print copy of the freeboard report for Hannah, 8th October 1934 1934, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the Port of Registry & sale of Hannah, 6th October 1934 1934, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 26th February 1934 1934, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the survey for damage repairs for Hannah, 21st February 1934 1934, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 19th February 1935 1935, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing the Dutch form for Hannah, 21st February 1935 1935, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of form 2 for the freeboard commission for Hannah, 20th February 1935 1935, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding wear & tear for Hannah, 16th November 1936 1936, Letter from W G McKinlay, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Antwerp, to The Secretary, London, regarding the fitting of a Donkey Boiler on board the Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Memo regarding the necessity for a First Entry Report to be forwarded to the Antwerp Surveyours for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Antwerp, requesting & the First Entry Report on the Boiler intended for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the installation of the Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 2nd October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, enclosing a letter addressed to F C Uittenbogaart, regarding proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of LLoyd's Register, London, to F C Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 23rd September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 21st September 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan of the donkey boiler proposed to be fitted on the Hannah, 16th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, informing that the Committee can not agree to the second hand Donkey Boiler being fitted for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to the Surveyor at Rotterdam, regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposed Second Hand Boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Telegram sent from Rotterdam to the Committee, London , written in LR Private code regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan for Hannah, 22nd June 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 21st October 1936 1936, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, confirming cable sent today written in LR Private code with Translation regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Telegram & Translation in LR Private Code Surveyor at Rotterdam regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 2nd March 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing assignment letters showing the timber freeboards assigned to Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A van Driel, Esq, Holland, Regarding the Convention timber deck cargo freeboards for Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 5th June 1937 1937, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the timber freeboard for Hannah, 2nd June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding alterations made to Hannah to enable it to carry timber deck cargoes, 1st June 1937 1937, Memo requesting that the Rotterdam Surveyors should state if Timber Freeboards have been assigned for Hannah, 31st May 1937 1937, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 4th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 4th May 1937 1937, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 26th February 1937 1937, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Hannah, 7th February 1938 1938, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 8th February 1938 1938, Continuation of Report for Hannah, Undated no date, Note Concerning Certificates Returned for Hannah, Undated no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Tankers for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date )
The process of transferring a vessel to water, but not necessarily her completion.
21/02/1913 ( Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Hannah, 26th February 1912 1912, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 9th November 1912 1912, Plan of Boiler for Hannah, 21st March 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Hannah, 15th April 1913 1913, Steel Steamer Report for Hannah, 10th April 1913 1913, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Hannah, 11th April 1913 1913, Report on Machinery for Hannah, 9th April 1913 1913, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Hannah, 31st March 1913 1913, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 25th March 1913 1913, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships Verification for Hannah, 19th March 1913 1913, Amended Plan of Straker's Horace Patent Boiler for Hannah, 22nd March 1912 1921, Plan of Cochran type Donkey Boiler for Hannah,14th October 1926 1926, Plan of Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th May 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, returning plan of electrical installation proposed for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Memo submitting the plan of electrical installation for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the owners intention to fit an electric light installation on board the Hannah, 31st October 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding the Annual Freeboard Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 21st December 1933 1933, Letter from F W Uittenbogaart, Managing Director of NV Stoomschip, Rotterdam, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for the Annual Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 19th December 1933 1933, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from F R Palmer, pro Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the trimming hatches in the bridge space for Hannah, 25th April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, regarding the re measurement survey carried out at Newcastle for Hannah, 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, stating that the Freeboard Survey will be completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah , 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the completion of the freeboard survey being completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah, 31st March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey,for Hannah, 30th March 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the completion of the freeboard survey for Hannah, 28th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Grand Canary, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from E Wootton, Director General of Blandy Bros & Co, Grand Canary, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, Regarding the completion of the Survey for the Convention Certificate for Hannah, 8th March 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, forwarding the Convention Freeboard Certificates & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 28th February 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees associated with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Las Palmas, Grand Canary, regarding the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding fees in connection with the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of communication from the Rotterdam Surveyors regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with convention freeboard assignment in the case of the Hannah, 22nd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding Fees for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding fees in connection with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from T Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London regarding International Freeboard Assignment for Hannah, 18th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the account associated with the remeasurement survey of Hannah, 17th February 1933 1933, Letter from R Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with the International Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Letter from George W Oxley, per E J Sutton & Co, Ship Owners, Newcastle, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, regarding Survey Fees in connection with new freeboard for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Invoice of fees charged to E J Sutton & Co by Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, for Freeboard Survey & Certificate of Load Line for Hannah, 16th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, informing that particulars of the alterations already effected, have been inserted in the freeboard report for Hannah, 21st January 1933 1933, Letter from Alexander E Stevenson, per the Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, forwarding freeboard verification form for Hannah, 20th January 1933 1933, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, enclosing Convention Freeboard certificate & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, requesting the Convention Freeboard Certificate & certified copy for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, confirming telegram sent today regarding Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Committee, London, requesting particulars of Convention Freeboard Survey of the Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to F W Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, reporting on an inspection of the Donkey Boiler, damage repairs & Special Survey No 2 for Hannah, 27th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 2nd SS no 2, & damage, & class of Hannah, 16th March 1934 1934, Ship Forgings Form for Hannah, 27th February 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Hannah, 2nd March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Hannah, 5th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the special survey of the engines & boilers for SS No 2 for Hannah, 20th March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 1st May 1934 1934, Report on Electric Fittings for Hannah, 28th February 1934 1934, Form in Dutch Language for Hannah, 15th December 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing a photo print copy of the freeboard report for Hannah, 8th October 1934 1934, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the Port of Registry & sale of Hannah, 6th October 1934 1934, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 26th February 1934 1934, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the survey for damage repairs for Hannah, 21st February 1934 1934, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 19th February 1935 1935, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing the Dutch form for Hannah, 21st February 1935 1935, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of form 2 for the freeboard commission for Hannah, 20th February 1935 1935, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding wear & tear for Hannah, 16th November 1936 1936, Letter from W G McKinlay, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Antwerp, to The Secretary, London, regarding the fitting of a Donkey Boiler on board the Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Memo regarding the necessity for a First Entry Report to be forwarded to the Antwerp Surveyours for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Antwerp, requesting & the First Entry Report on the Boiler intended for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the installation of the Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 2nd October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, enclosing a letter addressed to F C Uittenbogaart, regarding proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of LLoyd's Register, London, to F C Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 23rd September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 21st September 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan of the donkey boiler proposed to be fitted on the Hannah, 16th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, informing that the Committee can not agree to the second hand Donkey Boiler being fitted for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to the Surveyor at Rotterdam, regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposed Second Hand Boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Telegram sent from Rotterdam to the Committee, London , written in LR Private code regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan for Hannah, 22nd June 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 21st October 1936 1936, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, confirming cable sent today written in LR Private code with Translation regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Telegram & Translation in LR Private Code Surveyor at Rotterdam regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 2nd March 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing assignment letters showing the timber freeboards assigned to Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A van Driel, Esq, Holland, Regarding the Convention timber deck cargo freeboards for Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 5th June 1937 1937, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the timber freeboard for Hannah, 2nd June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding alterations made to Hannah to enable it to carry timber deck cargoes, 1st June 1937 1937, Memo requesting that the Rotterdam Surveyors should state if Timber Freeboards have been assigned for Hannah, 31st May 1937 1937, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 4th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 4th May 1937 1937, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 26th February 1937 1937, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Hannah, 7th February 1938 1938, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 8th February 1938 1938, Continuation of Report for Hannah, Undated no date, Note Concerning Certificates Returned for Hannah, Undated no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Tankers for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date )
Unique identifier for a given ship, it is assigned by a builder.
186 ( Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Hannah, 26th February 1912 1912, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 9th November 1912 1912, Plan of Boiler for Hannah, 21st March 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Hannah, 15th April 1913 1913, Steel Steamer Report for Hannah, 10th April 1913 1913, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Hannah, 11th April 1913 1913, Report on Machinery for Hannah, 9th April 1913 1913, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Hannah, 31st March 1913 1913, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 25th March 1913 1913, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships Verification for Hannah, 19th March 1913 1913, Amended Plan of Straker's Horace Patent Boiler for Hannah, 22nd March 1912 1921, Plan of Cochran type Donkey Boiler for Hannah,14th October 1926 1926, Plan of Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th May 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, returning plan of electrical installation proposed for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Memo submitting the plan of electrical installation for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the owners intention to fit an electric light installation on board the Hannah, 31st October 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding the Annual Freeboard Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 21st December 1933 1933, Letter from F W Uittenbogaart, Managing Director of NV Stoomschip, Rotterdam, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for the Annual Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 19th December 1933 1933, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from F R Palmer, pro Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the trimming hatches in the bridge space for Hannah, 25th April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, regarding the re measurement survey carried out at Newcastle for Hannah, 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, stating that the Freeboard Survey will be completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah , 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the completion of the freeboard survey being completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah, 31st March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey,for Hannah, 30th March 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the completion of the freeboard survey for Hannah, 28th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Grand Canary, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from E Wootton, Director General of Blandy Bros & Co, Grand Canary, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, Regarding the completion of the Survey for the Convention Certificate for Hannah, 8th March 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, forwarding the Convention Freeboard Certificates & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 28th February 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees associated with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Las Palmas, Grand Canary, regarding the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding fees in connection with the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of communication from the Rotterdam Surveyors regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with convention freeboard assignment in the case of the Hannah, 22nd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding Fees for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding fees in connection with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from T Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London regarding International Freeboard Assignment for Hannah, 18th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the account associated with the remeasurement survey of Hannah, 17th February 1933 1933, Letter from R Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with the International Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Letter from George W Oxley, per E J Sutton & Co, Ship Owners, Newcastle, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, regarding Survey Fees in connection with new freeboard for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Invoice of fees charged to E J Sutton & Co by Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, for Freeboard Survey & Certificate of Load Line for Hannah, 16th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, informing that particulars of the alterations already effected, have been inserted in the freeboard report for Hannah, 21st January 1933 1933, Letter from Alexander E Stevenson, per the Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, forwarding freeboard verification form for Hannah, 20th January 1933 1933, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, enclosing Convention Freeboard certificate & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, requesting the Convention Freeboard Certificate & certified copy for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, confirming telegram sent today regarding Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Committee, London, requesting particulars of Convention Freeboard Survey of the Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to F W Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, reporting on an inspection of the Donkey Boiler, damage repairs & Special Survey No 2 for Hannah, 27th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 2nd SS no 2, & damage, & class of Hannah, 16th March 1934 1934, Ship Forgings Form for Hannah, 27th February 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Hannah, 2nd March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Hannah, 5th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the special survey of the engines & boilers for SS No 2 for Hannah, 20th March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 1st May 1934 1934, Report on Electric Fittings for Hannah, 28th February 1934 1934, Form in Dutch Language for Hannah, 15th December 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing a photo print copy of the freeboard report for Hannah, 8th October 1934 1934, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the Port of Registry & sale of Hannah, 6th October 1934 1934, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 26th February 1934 1934, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the survey for damage repairs for Hannah, 21st February 1934 1934, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 19th February 1935 1935, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing the Dutch form for Hannah, 21st February 1935 1935, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of form 2 for the freeboard commission for Hannah, 20th February 1935 1935, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding wear & tear for Hannah, 16th November 1936 1936, Letter from W G McKinlay, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Antwerp, to The Secretary, London, regarding the fitting of a Donkey Boiler on board the Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Memo regarding the necessity for a First Entry Report to be forwarded to the Antwerp Surveyours for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Antwerp, requesting & the First Entry Report on the Boiler intended for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the installation of the Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 2nd October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, enclosing a letter addressed to F C Uittenbogaart, regarding proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of LLoyd's Register, London, to F C Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 23rd September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 21st September 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan of the donkey boiler proposed to be fitted on the Hannah, 16th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, informing that the Committee can not agree to the second hand Donkey Boiler being fitted for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to the Surveyor at Rotterdam, regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposed Second Hand Boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Telegram sent from Rotterdam to the Committee, London , written in LR Private code regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan for Hannah, 22nd June 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 21st October 1936 1936, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, confirming cable sent today written in LR Private code with Translation regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Telegram & Translation in LR Private Code Surveyor at Rotterdam regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 2nd March 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing assignment letters showing the timber freeboards assigned to Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A van Driel, Esq, Holland, Regarding the Convention timber deck cargo freeboards for Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 5th June 1937 1937, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the timber freeboard for Hannah, 2nd June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding alterations made to Hannah to enable it to carry timber deck cargoes, 1st June 1937 1937, Memo requesting that the Rotterdam Surveyors should state if Timber Freeboards have been assigned for Hannah, 31st May 1937 1937, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 4th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 4th May 1937 1937, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 26th February 1937 1937, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Hannah, 7th February 1938 1938, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 8th February 1938 1938, Continuation of Report for Hannah, Undated no date, Note Concerning Certificates Returned for Hannah, Undated no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Tankers for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date )
Location where a vessel’s survey was undertaken.
Middlesbrough ( Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Hannah, 26th February 1912 1912, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Hannah, 11th April 1913 1913 )
Stockton on Tees; Middlesbrough ( Report on Boilers for Hannah, 9th November 1912 1912, Report on Machinery for Hannah, 9th April 1913 1913 )
Stockton on Tees ( Plan of Boiler for Hannah, 21st March 1912 1912, Amended Plan of Straker's Horace Patent Boiler for Hannah, 22nd March 1912 1921 )
Willington Quay on Tyne ( Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912 )
Willington Quay; Newcastle on Tyne ( Steel Steamer Report for Hannah, 10th April 1913 1913 )
Newcastle on Tyne ( Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Hannah, 31st March 1913 1913, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees associated with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from T Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London regarding International Freeboard Assignment for Hannah, 18th February 1933 1933, Letter from R Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with the International Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Invoice of fees charged to E J Sutton & Co by Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, for Freeboard Survey & Certificate of Load Line for Hannah, 16th January 1933 1933, Letter from Alexander E Stevenson, per the Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, forwarding freeboard verification form for Hannah, 20th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, requesting the Convention Freeboard Certificate & certified copy for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, confirming telegram sent today regarding Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Freeboard Verification Form for Tankers for Hannah, Undated no date )
Newcastle ( Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships Verification for Hannah, 19th March 1913 1913, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933 )
Duisburg ( Plan of Cochran type Donkey Boiler for Hannah,14th October 1926 1926 )
Amsterdam ( Plan of Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th May 1930 1930, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the installation of the Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 2nd October 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan of the donkey boiler proposed to be fitted on the Hannah, 16th September 1936 1936 )
London ( Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, returning plan of electrical installation proposed for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding the Annual Freeboard Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 21st December 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, regarding the re measurement survey carried out at Newcastle for Hannah, 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, stating that the Freeboard Survey will be completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah , 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey,for Hannah, 30th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Grand Canary, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, forwarding the Convention Freeboard Certificates & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 28th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Las Palmas, Grand Canary, regarding the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding fees in connection with the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of communication from the Rotterdam Surveyors regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding Fees for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding fees in connection with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the account associated with the remeasurement survey of Hannah, 17th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, informing that particulars of the alterations already effected, have been inserted in the freeboard report for Hannah, 21st January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, enclosing Convention Freeboard certificate & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to F W Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, reporting on an inspection of the Donkey Boiler, damage repairs & Special Survey No 2 for Hannah, 27th March 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing a photo print copy of the freeboard report for Hannah, 8th October 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing the Dutch form for Hannah, 21st February 1935 1935, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Antwerp, requesting & the First Entry Report on the Boiler intended for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, enclosing a letter addressed to F C Uittenbogaart, regarding proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of LLoyd's Register, London, to F C Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 23rd September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, informing that the Committee can not agree to the second hand Donkey Boiler being fitted for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing assignment letters showing the timber freeboards assigned to Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A van Driel, Esq, Holland, Regarding the Convention timber deck cargo freeboards for Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding alterations made to Hannah to enable it to carry timber deck cargoes, 1st June 1937 1937 )
Rotterdam ( Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the owners intention to fit an electric light installation on board the Hannah, 31st October 1933 1933, Letter from F W Uittenbogaart, Managing Director of NV Stoomschip, Rotterdam, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for the Annual Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 19th December 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the completion of the freeboard survey being completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah, 31st March 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the completion of the freeboard survey for Hannah, 28th March 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with convention freeboard assignment in the case of the Hannah, 22nd February 1933 1933, Ship Forgings Form for Hannah, 27th February 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Hannah, 2nd March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Hannah, 5th March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 1st May 1934 1934, Report on Electric Fittings for Hannah, 28th February 1934 1934, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the Port of Registry & sale of Hannah, 6th October 1934 1934, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 26th February 1934 1934, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the survey for damage repairs for Hannah, 21st February 1934 1934, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 19th February 1935 1935, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of form 2 for the freeboard commission for Hannah, 20th February 1935 1935, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan for Hannah, 22nd June 1936 1936, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, confirming cable sent today written in LR Private code with Translation regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 2nd March 1937 1937, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the timber freeboard for Hannah, 2nd June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 4th May 1937 1937, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 26th February 1937 1937 )
Las Palmas Grand Canary ( Letter from E Wootton, Director General of Blandy Bros & Co, Grand Canary, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, Regarding the completion of the Survey for the Convention Certificate for Hannah, 8th March 1933 1933 )
Newcastle upon Tyne ( Letter from George W Oxley, per E J Sutton & Co, Ship Owners, Newcastle, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, regarding Survey Fees in connection with new freeboard for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933 )
Gravenhage ( Form in Dutch Language for Hannah, 15th December 1934 1934 )
Antwerp ( Letter from W G McKinlay, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Antwerp, to The Secretary, London, regarding the fitting of a Donkey Boiler on board the Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 21st October 1936 1936, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936 )
Barcelona ( Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937 )
A vessel’s means of propulsion.
undefined ( Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Hannah, 26th February 1912 1912, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, confirming telegram sent today regarding Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Committee, London, requesting particulars of Convention Freeboard Survey of the Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the special survey of the engines & boilers for SS No 2 for Hannah, 20th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding wear & tear for Hannah, 16th November 1936 1936, Memo regarding the necessity for a First Entry Report to be forwarded to the Antwerp Surveyours for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Telegram sent from Rotterdam to the Committee, London , written in LR Private code regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Telegram & Translation in LR Private Code Surveyor at Rotterdam regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 4th June 1937 1937, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 8th February 1938 1938, Continuation of Report for Hannah, Undated no date, Note Concerning Certificates Returned for Hannah, Undated no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Tankers for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date )
Steam ( Report on Boilers for Hannah, 9th November 1912 1912, Plan of Boiler for Hannah, 21st March 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Hannah, 15th April 1913 1913, Steel Steamer Report for Hannah, 10th April 1913 1913, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Hannah, 11th April 1913 1913, Report on Machinery for Hannah, 9th April 1913 1913, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Hannah, 31st March 1913 1913, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 25th March 1913 1913, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships Verification for Hannah, 19th March 1913 1913, Amended Plan of Straker's Horace Patent Boiler for Hannah, 22nd March 1912 1921, Plan of Cochran type Donkey Boiler for Hannah,14th October 1926 1926, Plan of Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th May 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, returning plan of electrical installation proposed for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Memo submitting the plan of electrical installation for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the owners intention to fit an electric light installation on board the Hannah, 31st October 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding the Annual Freeboard Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 21st December 1933 1933, Letter from F W Uittenbogaart, Managing Director of NV Stoomschip, Rotterdam, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for the Annual Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 19th December 1933 1933, Letter from F R Palmer, pro Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the trimming hatches in the bridge space for Hannah, 25th April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, regarding the re measurement survey carried out at Newcastle for Hannah, 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, stating that the Freeboard Survey will be completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah , 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the completion of the freeboard survey being completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah, 31st March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey,for Hannah, 30th March 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the completion of the freeboard survey for Hannah, 28th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Grand Canary, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from E Wootton, Director General of Blandy Bros & Co, Grand Canary, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, Regarding the completion of the Survey for the Convention Certificate for Hannah, 8th March 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, forwarding the Convention Freeboard Certificates & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 28th February 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees associated with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Las Palmas, Grand Canary, regarding the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding fees in connection with the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of communication from the Rotterdam Surveyors regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with convention freeboard assignment in the case of the Hannah, 22nd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding Fees for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding fees in connection with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from T Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London regarding International Freeboard Assignment for Hannah, 18th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the account associated with the remeasurement survey of Hannah, 17th February 1933 1933, Letter from R Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with the International Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Letter from George W Oxley, per E J Sutton & Co, Ship Owners, Newcastle, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, regarding Survey Fees in connection with new freeboard for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Invoice of fees charged to E J Sutton & Co by Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, for Freeboard Survey & Certificate of Load Line for Hannah, 16th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, informing that particulars of the alterations already effected, have been inserted in the freeboard report for Hannah, 21st January 1933 1933, Letter from Alexander E Stevenson, per the Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, forwarding freeboard verification form for Hannah, 20th January 1933 1933, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, enclosing Convention Freeboard certificate & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, requesting the Convention Freeboard Certificate & certified copy for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to F W Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, reporting on an inspection of the Donkey Boiler, damage repairs & Special Survey No 2 for Hannah, 27th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 2nd SS no 2, & damage, & class of Hannah, 16th March 1934 1934, Ship Forgings Form for Hannah, 27th February 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Hannah, 2nd March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Hannah, 5th March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 1st May 1934 1934, Report on Electric Fittings for Hannah, 28th February 1934 1934, Form in Dutch Language for Hannah, 15th December 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing a photo print copy of the freeboard report for Hannah, 8th October 1934 1934, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the Port of Registry & sale of Hannah, 6th October 1934 1934, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 26th February 1934 1934, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the survey for damage repairs for Hannah, 21st February 1934 1934, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 19th February 1935 1935, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing the Dutch form for Hannah, 21st February 1935 1935, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of form 2 for the freeboard commission for Hannah, 20th February 1935 1935, Letter from W G McKinlay, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Antwerp, to The Secretary, London, regarding the fitting of a Donkey Boiler on board the Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Antwerp, requesting & the First Entry Report on the Boiler intended for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the installation of the Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 2nd October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, enclosing a letter addressed to F C Uittenbogaart, regarding proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of LLoyd's Register, London, to F C Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 23rd September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 21st September 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan of the donkey boiler proposed to be fitted on the Hannah, 16th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, informing that the Committee can not agree to the second hand Donkey Boiler being fitted for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to the Surveyor at Rotterdam, regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposed Second Hand Boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan for Hannah, 22nd June 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 21st October 1936 1936, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, confirming cable sent today written in LR Private code with Translation regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 2nd March 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing assignment letters showing the timber freeboards assigned to Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A van Driel, Esq, Holland, Regarding the Convention timber deck cargo freeboards for Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 5th June 1937 1937, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the timber freeboard for Hannah, 2nd June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding alterations made to Hannah to enable it to carry timber deck cargoes, 1st June 1937 1937, Memo requesting that the Rotterdam Surveyors should state if Timber Freeboards have been assigned for Hannah, 31st May 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 4th May 1937 1937, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 26th February 1937 1937, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Hannah, 7th February 1938 1938, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, Undated no date )
Is the steamer assisted by sail?
No ( Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Hannah, 26th February 1912 1912, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 9th November 1912 1912, Plan of Boiler for Hannah, 21st March 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Hannah, 15th April 1913 1913, Steel Steamer Report for Hannah, 10th April 1913 1913, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Hannah, 11th April 1913 1913, Report on Machinery for Hannah, 9th April 1913 1913, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Hannah, 31st March 1913 1913, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 25th March 1913 1913, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships Verification for Hannah, 19th March 1913 1913, Amended Plan of Straker's Horace Patent Boiler for Hannah, 22nd March 1912 1921, Plan of Cochran type Donkey Boiler for Hannah,14th October 1926 1926, Plan of Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th May 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, returning plan of electrical installation proposed for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Memo submitting the plan of electrical installation for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the owners intention to fit an electric light installation on board the Hannah, 31st October 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding the Annual Freeboard Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 21st December 1933 1933, Letter from F W Uittenbogaart, Managing Director of NV Stoomschip, Rotterdam, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for the Annual Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 19th December 1933 1933, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from F R Palmer, pro Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the trimming hatches in the bridge space for Hannah, 25th April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, regarding the re measurement survey carried out at Newcastle for Hannah, 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, stating that the Freeboard Survey will be completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah , 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the completion of the freeboard survey being completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah, 31st March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey,for Hannah, 30th March 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the completion of the freeboard survey for Hannah, 28th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Grand Canary, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from E Wootton, Director General of Blandy Bros & Co, Grand Canary, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, Regarding the completion of the Survey for the Convention Certificate for Hannah, 8th March 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, forwarding the Convention Freeboard Certificates & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 28th February 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees associated with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Las Palmas, Grand Canary, regarding the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding fees in connection with the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of communication from the Rotterdam Surveyors regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with convention freeboard assignment in the case of the Hannah, 22nd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding Fees for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding fees in connection with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from T Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London regarding International Freeboard Assignment for Hannah, 18th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the account associated with the remeasurement survey of Hannah, 17th February 1933 1933, Letter from R Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with the International Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Letter from George W Oxley, per E J Sutton & Co, Ship Owners, Newcastle, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, regarding Survey Fees in connection with new freeboard for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Invoice of fees charged to E J Sutton & Co by Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, for Freeboard Survey & Certificate of Load Line for Hannah, 16th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, informing that particulars of the alterations already effected, have been inserted in the freeboard report for Hannah, 21st January 1933 1933, Letter from Alexander E Stevenson, per the Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, forwarding freeboard verification form for Hannah, 20th January 1933 1933, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, enclosing Convention Freeboard certificate & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, requesting the Convention Freeboard Certificate & certified copy for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, confirming telegram sent today regarding Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Committee, London, requesting particulars of Convention Freeboard Survey of the Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to F W Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, reporting on an inspection of the Donkey Boiler, damage repairs & Special Survey No 2 for Hannah, 27th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 2nd SS no 2, & damage, & class of Hannah, 16th March 1934 1934, Ship Forgings Form for Hannah, 27th February 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Hannah, 2nd March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Hannah, 5th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the special survey of the engines & boilers for SS No 2 for Hannah, 20th March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 1st May 1934 1934, Report on Electric Fittings for Hannah, 28th February 1934 1934, Form in Dutch Language for Hannah, 15th December 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing a photo print copy of the freeboard report for Hannah, 8th October 1934 1934, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the Port of Registry & sale of Hannah, 6th October 1934 1934, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 26th February 1934 1934, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the survey for damage repairs for Hannah, 21st February 1934 1934, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 19th February 1935 1935, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing the Dutch form for Hannah, 21st February 1935 1935, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of form 2 for the freeboard commission for Hannah, 20th February 1935 1935, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding wear & tear for Hannah, 16th November 1936 1936, Letter from W G McKinlay, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Antwerp, to The Secretary, London, regarding the fitting of a Donkey Boiler on board the Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Memo regarding the necessity for a First Entry Report to be forwarded to the Antwerp Surveyours for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Antwerp, requesting & the First Entry Report on the Boiler intended for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the installation of the Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 2nd October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, enclosing a letter addressed to F C Uittenbogaart, regarding proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of LLoyd's Register, London, to F C Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 23rd September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 21st September 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan of the donkey boiler proposed to be fitted on the Hannah, 16th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, informing that the Committee can not agree to the second hand Donkey Boiler being fitted for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to the Surveyor at Rotterdam, regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposed Second Hand Boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Telegram sent from Rotterdam to the Committee, London , written in LR Private code regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan for Hannah, 22nd June 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 21st October 1936 1936, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, confirming cable sent today written in LR Private code with Translation regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Telegram & Translation in LR Private Code Surveyor at Rotterdam regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 2nd March 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing assignment letters showing the timber freeboards assigned to Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A van Driel, Esq, Holland, Regarding the Convention timber deck cargo freeboards for Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 5th June 1937 1937, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the timber freeboard for Hannah, 2nd June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding alterations made to Hannah to enable it to carry timber deck cargoes, 1st June 1937 1937, Memo requesting that the Rotterdam Surveyors should state if Timber Freeboards have been assigned for Hannah, 31st May 1937 1937, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 4th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 4th May 1937 1937, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 26th February 1937 1937, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Hannah, 7th February 1938 1938, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 8th February 1938 1938, Continuation of Report for Hannah, Undated no date, Note Concerning Certificates Returned for Hannah, Undated no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Tankers for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date )
Is machinery fitted at the aft of the vessel?
No ( Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Hannah, 26th February 1912 1912, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 9th November 1912 1912, Plan of Boiler for Hannah, 21st March 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Hannah, 15th April 1913 1913, Steel Steamer Report for Hannah, 10th April 1913 1913, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Hannah, 11th April 1913 1913, Report on Machinery for Hannah, 9th April 1913 1913, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Hannah, 31st March 1913 1913, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 25th March 1913 1913, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships Verification for Hannah, 19th March 1913 1913, Amended Plan of Straker's Horace Patent Boiler for Hannah, 22nd March 1912 1921, Plan of Cochran type Donkey Boiler for Hannah,14th October 1926 1926, Plan of Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th May 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, returning plan of electrical installation proposed for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Memo submitting the plan of electrical installation for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the owners intention to fit an electric light installation on board the Hannah, 31st October 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding the Annual Freeboard Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 21st December 1933 1933, Letter from F W Uittenbogaart, Managing Director of NV Stoomschip, Rotterdam, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for the Annual Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 19th December 1933 1933, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from F R Palmer, pro Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the trimming hatches in the bridge space for Hannah, 25th April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, regarding the re measurement survey carried out at Newcastle for Hannah, 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, stating that the Freeboard Survey will be completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah , 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the completion of the freeboard survey being completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah, 31st March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey,for Hannah, 30th March 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the completion of the freeboard survey for Hannah, 28th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Grand Canary, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from E Wootton, Director General of Blandy Bros & Co, Grand Canary, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, Regarding the completion of the Survey for the Convention Certificate for Hannah, 8th March 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, forwarding the Convention Freeboard Certificates & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 28th February 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees associated with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Las Palmas, Grand Canary, regarding the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding fees in connection with the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of communication from the Rotterdam Surveyors regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with convention freeboard assignment in the case of the Hannah, 22nd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding Fees for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding fees in connection with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from T Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London regarding International Freeboard Assignment for Hannah, 18th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the account associated with the remeasurement survey of Hannah, 17th February 1933 1933, Letter from R Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with the International Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Letter from George W Oxley, per E J Sutton & Co, Ship Owners, Newcastle, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, regarding Survey Fees in connection with new freeboard for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Invoice of fees charged to E J Sutton & Co by Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, for Freeboard Survey & Certificate of Load Line for Hannah, 16th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, informing that particulars of the alterations already effected, have been inserted in the freeboard report for Hannah, 21st January 1933 1933, Letter from Alexander E Stevenson, per the Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, forwarding freeboard verification form for Hannah, 20th January 1933 1933, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, enclosing Convention Freeboard certificate & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, requesting the Convention Freeboard Certificate & certified copy for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, confirming telegram sent today regarding Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Committee, London, requesting particulars of Convention Freeboard Survey of the Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to F W Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, reporting on an inspection of the Donkey Boiler, damage repairs & Special Survey No 2 for Hannah, 27th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 2nd SS no 2, & damage, & class of Hannah, 16th March 1934 1934, Ship Forgings Form for Hannah, 27th February 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Hannah, 2nd March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Hannah, 5th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the special survey of the engines & boilers for SS No 2 for Hannah, 20th March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 1st May 1934 1934, Report on Electric Fittings for Hannah, 28th February 1934 1934, Form in Dutch Language for Hannah, 15th December 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing a photo print copy of the freeboard report for Hannah, 8th October 1934 1934, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the Port of Registry & sale of Hannah, 6th October 1934 1934, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 26th February 1934 1934, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the survey for damage repairs for Hannah, 21st February 1934 1934, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 19th February 1935 1935, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing the Dutch form for Hannah, 21st February 1935 1935, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of form 2 for the freeboard commission for Hannah, 20th February 1935 1935, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding wear & tear for Hannah, 16th November 1936 1936, Letter from W G McKinlay, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Antwerp, to The Secretary, London, regarding the fitting of a Donkey Boiler on board the Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Memo regarding the necessity for a First Entry Report to be forwarded to the Antwerp Surveyours for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Antwerp, requesting & the First Entry Report on the Boiler intended for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the installation of the Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 2nd October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, enclosing a letter addressed to F C Uittenbogaart, regarding proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of LLoyd's Register, London, to F C Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 23rd September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 21st September 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan of the donkey boiler proposed to be fitted on the Hannah, 16th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, informing that the Committee can not agree to the second hand Donkey Boiler being fitted for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to the Surveyor at Rotterdam, regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposed Second Hand Boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Telegram sent from Rotterdam to the Committee, London , written in LR Private code regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan for Hannah, 22nd June 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 21st October 1936 1936, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, confirming cable sent today written in LR Private code with Translation regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Telegram & Translation in LR Private Code Surveyor at Rotterdam regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 2nd March 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing assignment letters showing the timber freeboards assigned to Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A van Driel, Esq, Holland, Regarding the Convention timber deck cargo freeboards for Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 5th June 1937 1937, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the timber freeboard for Hannah, 2nd June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding alterations made to Hannah to enable it to carry timber deck cargoes, 1st June 1937 1937, Memo requesting that the Rotterdam Surveyors should state if Timber Freeboards have been assigned for Hannah, 31st May 1937 1937, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 4th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 4th May 1937 1937, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 26th February 1937 1937, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Hannah, 7th February 1938 1938, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 8th February 1938 1938, Continuation of Report for Hannah, Undated no date, Note Concerning Certificates Returned for Hannah, Undated no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Tankers for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date )
Generally a smaller additional auxiliary boiler (often used while the vessel is at port).
No ( Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Hannah, 26th February 1912 1912, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 9th November 1912 1912, Plan of Boiler for Hannah, 21st March 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Hannah, 15th April 1913 1913, Steel Steamer Report for Hannah, 10th April 1913 1913, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Hannah, 11th April 1913 1913, Report on Machinery for Hannah, 9th April 1913 1913, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Hannah, 31st March 1913 1913, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 25th March 1913 1913, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships Verification for Hannah, 19th March 1913 1913, Amended Plan of Straker's Horace Patent Boiler for Hannah, 22nd March 1912 1921, Plan of Cochran type Donkey Boiler for Hannah,14th October 1926 1926, Plan of Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th May 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, returning plan of electrical installation proposed for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Memo submitting the plan of electrical installation for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the owners intention to fit an electric light installation on board the Hannah, 31st October 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding the Annual Freeboard Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 21st December 1933 1933, Letter from F W Uittenbogaart, Managing Director of NV Stoomschip, Rotterdam, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for the Annual Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 19th December 1933 1933, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from F R Palmer, pro Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the trimming hatches in the bridge space for Hannah, 25th April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, regarding the re measurement survey carried out at Newcastle for Hannah, 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, stating that the Freeboard Survey will be completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah , 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the completion of the freeboard survey being completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah, 31st March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey,for Hannah, 30th March 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the completion of the freeboard survey for Hannah, 28th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Grand Canary, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from E Wootton, Director General of Blandy Bros & Co, Grand Canary, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, Regarding the completion of the Survey for the Convention Certificate for Hannah, 8th March 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, forwarding the Convention Freeboard Certificates & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 28th February 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees associated with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Las Palmas, Grand Canary, regarding the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding fees in connection with the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of communication from the Rotterdam Surveyors regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with convention freeboard assignment in the case of the Hannah, 22nd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding Fees for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding fees in connection with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from T Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London regarding International Freeboard Assignment for Hannah, 18th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the account associated with the remeasurement survey of Hannah, 17th February 1933 1933, Letter from R Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with the International Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Letter from George W Oxley, per E J Sutton & Co, Ship Owners, Newcastle, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, regarding Survey Fees in connection with new freeboard for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Invoice of fees charged to E J Sutton & Co by Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, for Freeboard Survey & Certificate of Load Line for Hannah, 16th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, informing that particulars of the alterations already effected, have been inserted in the freeboard report for Hannah, 21st January 1933 1933, Letter from Alexander E Stevenson, per the Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, forwarding freeboard verification form for Hannah, 20th January 1933 1933, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, enclosing Convention Freeboard certificate & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, requesting the Convention Freeboard Certificate & certified copy for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, confirming telegram sent today regarding Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Committee, London, requesting particulars of Convention Freeboard Survey of the Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to F W Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, reporting on an inspection of the Donkey Boiler, damage repairs & Special Survey No 2 for Hannah, 27th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 2nd SS no 2, & damage, & class of Hannah, 16th March 1934 1934, Ship Forgings Form for Hannah, 27th February 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Hannah, 2nd March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Hannah, 5th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the special survey of the engines & boilers for SS No 2 for Hannah, 20th March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 1st May 1934 1934, Report on Electric Fittings for Hannah, 28th February 1934 1934, Form in Dutch Language for Hannah, 15th December 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing a photo print copy of the freeboard report for Hannah, 8th October 1934 1934, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the Port of Registry & sale of Hannah, 6th October 1934 1934, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 26th February 1934 1934, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the survey for damage repairs for Hannah, 21st February 1934 1934, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 19th February 1935 1935, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing the Dutch form for Hannah, 21st February 1935 1935, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of form 2 for the freeboard commission for Hannah, 20th February 1935 1935, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding wear & tear for Hannah, 16th November 1936 1936, Letter from W G McKinlay, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Antwerp, to The Secretary, London, regarding the fitting of a Donkey Boiler on board the Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Memo regarding the necessity for a First Entry Report to be forwarded to the Antwerp Surveyours for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Antwerp, requesting & the First Entry Report on the Boiler intended for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the installation of the Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 2nd October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, enclosing a letter addressed to F C Uittenbogaart, regarding proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of LLoyd's Register, London, to F C Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 23rd September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 21st September 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan of the donkey boiler proposed to be fitted on the Hannah, 16th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, informing that the Committee can not agree to the second hand Donkey Boiler being fitted for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to the Surveyor at Rotterdam, regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposed Second Hand Boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Telegram sent from Rotterdam to the Committee, London , written in LR Private code regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan for Hannah, 22nd June 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 21st October 1936 1936, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, confirming cable sent today written in LR Private code with Translation regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Telegram & Translation in LR Private Code Surveyor at Rotterdam regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 2nd March 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing assignment letters showing the timber freeboards assigned to Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A van Driel, Esq, Holland, Regarding the Convention timber deck cargo freeboards for Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 5th June 1937 1937, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the timber freeboard for Hannah, 2nd June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding alterations made to Hannah to enable it to carry timber deck cargoes, 1st June 1937 1937, Memo requesting that the Rotterdam Surveyors should state if Timber Freeboards have been assigned for Hannah, 31st May 1937 1937, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 4th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 4th May 1937 1937, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 26th February 1937 1937, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Hannah, 7th February 1938 1938, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 8th February 1938 1938, Continuation of Report for Hannah, Undated no date, Note Concerning Certificates Returned for Hannah, Undated no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Tankers for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date )
Name of the Proving House responsible for the public testing and certification of a vessel’s anchors and/or chain cables.
No ( Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Hannah, 26th February 1912 1912, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 9th November 1912 1912, Plan of Boiler for Hannah, 21st March 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Hannah, 15th April 1913 1913, Steel Steamer Report for Hannah, 10th April 1913 1913, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Hannah, 11th April 1913 1913, Report on Machinery for Hannah, 9th April 1913 1913, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Hannah, 31st March 1913 1913, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 25th March 1913 1913, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships Verification for Hannah, 19th March 1913 1913, Amended Plan of Straker's Horace Patent Boiler for Hannah, 22nd March 1912 1921, Plan of Cochran type Donkey Boiler for Hannah,14th October 1926 1926, Plan of Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th May 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, returning plan of electrical installation proposed for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Memo submitting the plan of electrical installation for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the owners intention to fit an electric light installation on board the Hannah, 31st October 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding the Annual Freeboard Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 21st December 1933 1933, Letter from F W Uittenbogaart, Managing Director of NV Stoomschip, Rotterdam, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for the Annual Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 19th December 1933 1933, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from F R Palmer, pro Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the trimming hatches in the bridge space for Hannah, 25th April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, regarding the re measurement survey carried out at Newcastle for Hannah, 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, stating that the Freeboard Survey will be completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah , 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the completion of the freeboard survey being completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah, 31st March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey,for Hannah, 30th March 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the completion of the freeboard survey for Hannah, 28th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Grand Canary, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from E Wootton, Director General of Blandy Bros & Co, Grand Canary, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, Regarding the completion of the Survey for the Convention Certificate for Hannah, 8th March 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, forwarding the Convention Freeboard Certificates & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 28th February 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees associated with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Las Palmas, Grand Canary, regarding the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding fees in connection with the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of communication from the Rotterdam Surveyors regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with convention freeboard assignment in the case of the Hannah, 22nd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding Fees for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding fees in connection with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from T Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London regarding International Freeboard Assignment for Hannah, 18th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the account associated with the remeasurement survey of Hannah, 17th February 1933 1933, Letter from R Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with the International Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Letter from George W Oxley, per E J Sutton & Co, Ship Owners, Newcastle, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, regarding Survey Fees in connection with new freeboard for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Invoice of fees charged to E J Sutton & Co by Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, for Freeboard Survey & Certificate of Load Line for Hannah, 16th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, informing that particulars of the alterations already effected, have been inserted in the freeboard report for Hannah, 21st January 1933 1933, Letter from Alexander E Stevenson, per the Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, forwarding freeboard verification form for Hannah, 20th January 1933 1933, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, enclosing Convention Freeboard certificate & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, requesting the Convention Freeboard Certificate & certified copy for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, confirming telegram sent today regarding Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Committee, London, requesting particulars of Convention Freeboard Survey of the Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to F W Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, reporting on an inspection of the Donkey Boiler, damage repairs & Special Survey No 2 for Hannah, 27th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 2nd SS no 2, & damage, & class of Hannah, 16th March 1934 1934, Ship Forgings Form for Hannah, 27th February 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Hannah, 2nd March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Hannah, 5th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the special survey of the engines & boilers for SS No 2 for Hannah, 20th March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 1st May 1934 1934, Report on Electric Fittings for Hannah, 28th February 1934 1934, Form in Dutch Language for Hannah, 15th December 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing a photo print copy of the freeboard report for Hannah, 8th October 1934 1934, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the Port of Registry & sale of Hannah, 6th October 1934 1934, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 26th February 1934 1934, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the survey for damage repairs for Hannah, 21st February 1934 1934, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 19th February 1935 1935, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing the Dutch form for Hannah, 21st February 1935 1935, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of form 2 for the freeboard commission for Hannah, 20th February 1935 1935, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding wear & tear for Hannah, 16th November 1936 1936, Letter from W G McKinlay, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Antwerp, to The Secretary, London, regarding the fitting of a Donkey Boiler on board the Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Memo regarding the necessity for a First Entry Report to be forwarded to the Antwerp Surveyours for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Antwerp, requesting & the First Entry Report on the Boiler intended for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the installation of the Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 2nd October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, enclosing a letter addressed to F C Uittenbogaart, regarding proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of LLoyd's Register, London, to F C Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 23rd September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 21st September 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan of the donkey boiler proposed to be fitted on the Hannah, 16th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, informing that the Committee can not agree to the second hand Donkey Boiler being fitted for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to the Surveyor at Rotterdam, regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposed Second Hand Boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Telegram sent from Rotterdam to the Committee, London , written in LR Private code regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan for Hannah, 22nd June 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 21st October 1936 1936, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, confirming cable sent today written in LR Private code with Translation regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Telegram & Translation in LR Private Code Surveyor at Rotterdam regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 2nd March 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing assignment letters showing the timber freeboards assigned to Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A van Driel, Esq, Holland, Regarding the Convention timber deck cargo freeboards for Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 5th June 1937 1937, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the timber freeboard for Hannah, 2nd June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding alterations made to Hannah to enable it to carry timber deck cargoes, 1st June 1937 1937, Memo requesting that the Rotterdam Surveyors should state if Timber Freeboards have been assigned for Hannah, 31st May 1937 1937, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 4th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 4th May 1937 1937, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 26th February 1937 1937, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Hannah, 7th February 1938 1938, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 8th February 1938 1938, Continuation of Report for Hannah, Undated no date, Note Concerning Certificates Returned for Hannah, Undated no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Tankers for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date )
Contextual information related to the reasons of the vessel’s loss or disposal.
Hit by a Torpedo & Sunk ( Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Hannah, 26th February 1912 1912, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 9th November 1912 1912, Plan of Boiler for Hannah, 21st March 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Hannah, 15th April 1913 1913, Steel Steamer Report for Hannah, 10th April 1913 1913, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Hannah, 11th April 1913 1913, Report on Machinery for Hannah, 9th April 1913 1913, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Hannah, 31st March 1913 1913, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 25th March 1913 1913, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships Verification for Hannah, 19th March 1913 1913, Amended Plan of Straker's Horace Patent Boiler for Hannah, 22nd March 1912 1921, Plan of Cochran type Donkey Boiler for Hannah,14th October 1926 1926, Plan of Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th May 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, returning plan of electrical installation proposed for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Memo submitting the plan of electrical installation for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the owners intention to fit an electric light installation on board the Hannah, 31st October 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding the Annual Freeboard Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 21st December 1933 1933, Letter from F W Uittenbogaart, Managing Director of NV Stoomschip, Rotterdam, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for the Annual Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 19th December 1933 1933, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from F R Palmer, pro Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the trimming hatches in the bridge space for Hannah, 25th April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, regarding the re measurement survey carried out at Newcastle for Hannah, 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, stating that the Freeboard Survey will be completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah , 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the completion of the freeboard survey being completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah, 31st March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey,for Hannah, 30th March 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the completion of the freeboard survey for Hannah, 28th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Grand Canary, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from E Wootton, Director General of Blandy Bros & Co, Grand Canary, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, Regarding the completion of the Survey for the Convention Certificate for Hannah, 8th March 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, forwarding the Convention Freeboard Certificates & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 28th February 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees associated with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Las Palmas, Grand Canary, regarding the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding fees in connection with the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of communication from the Rotterdam Surveyors regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with convention freeboard assignment in the case of the Hannah, 22nd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding Fees for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding fees in connection with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from T Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London regarding International Freeboard Assignment for Hannah, 18th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the account associated with the remeasurement survey of Hannah, 17th February 1933 1933, Letter from R Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with the International Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Letter from George W Oxley, per E J Sutton & Co, Ship Owners, Newcastle, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, regarding Survey Fees in connection with new freeboard for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Invoice of fees charged to E J Sutton & Co by Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, for Freeboard Survey & Certificate of Load Line for Hannah, 16th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, informing that particulars of the alterations already effected, have been inserted in the freeboard report for Hannah, 21st January 1933 1933, Letter from Alexander E Stevenson, per the Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, forwarding freeboard verification form for Hannah, 20th January 1933 1933, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, enclosing Convention Freeboard certificate & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, requesting the Convention Freeboard Certificate & certified copy for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, confirming telegram sent today regarding Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Committee, London, requesting particulars of Convention Freeboard Survey of the Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to F W Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, reporting on an inspection of the Donkey Boiler, damage repairs & Special Survey No 2 for Hannah, 27th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 2nd SS no 2, & damage, & class of Hannah, 16th March 1934 1934, Ship Forgings Form for Hannah, 27th February 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Hannah, 2nd March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Hannah, 5th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the special survey of the engines & boilers for SS No 2 for Hannah, 20th March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 1st May 1934 1934, Report on Electric Fittings for Hannah, 28th February 1934 1934, Form in Dutch Language for Hannah, 15th December 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing a photo print copy of the freeboard report for Hannah, 8th October 1934 1934, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the Port of Registry & sale of Hannah, 6th October 1934 1934, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 26th February 1934 1934, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the survey for damage repairs for Hannah, 21st February 1934 1934, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 19th February 1935 1935, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing the Dutch form for Hannah, 21st February 1935 1935, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of form 2 for the freeboard commission for Hannah, 20th February 1935 1935, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding wear & tear for Hannah, 16th November 1936 1936, Letter from W G McKinlay, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Antwerp, to The Secretary, London, regarding the fitting of a Donkey Boiler on board the Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Memo regarding the necessity for a First Entry Report to be forwarded to the Antwerp Surveyours for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Antwerp, requesting & the First Entry Report on the Boiler intended for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the installation of the Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 2nd October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, enclosing a letter addressed to F C Uittenbogaart, regarding proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of LLoyd's Register, London, to F C Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 23rd September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 21st September 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan of the donkey boiler proposed to be fitted on the Hannah, 16th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, informing that the Committee can not agree to the second hand Donkey Boiler being fitted for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to the Surveyor at Rotterdam, regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposed Second Hand Boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Telegram sent from Rotterdam to the Committee, London , written in LR Private code regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan for Hannah, 22nd June 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 21st October 1936 1936, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, confirming cable sent today written in LR Private code with Translation regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Telegram & Translation in LR Private Code Surveyor at Rotterdam regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 2nd March 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing assignment letters showing the timber freeboards assigned to Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A van Driel, Esq, Holland, Regarding the Convention timber deck cargo freeboards for Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 5th June 1937 1937, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the timber freeboard for Hannah, 2nd June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding alterations made to Hannah to enable it to carry timber deck cargoes, 1st June 1937 1937, Memo requesting that the Rotterdam Surveyors should state if Timber Freeboards have been assigned for Hannah, 31st May 1937 1937, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 4th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 4th May 1937 1937, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 26th February 1937 1937, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Hannah, 7th February 1938 1938, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 8th February 1938 1938, Continuation of Report for Hannah, Undated no date, Note Concerning Certificates Returned for Hannah, Undated no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Tankers for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date )
The country or national waters where a vessel is lost/disposed of, or last recorded.
Spain ( Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Hannah, 26th February 1912 1912, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 9th November 1912 1912, Plan of Boiler for Hannah, 21st March 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Hannah, 15th April 1913 1913, Steel Steamer Report for Hannah, 10th April 1913 1913, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Hannah, 11th April 1913 1913, Report on Machinery for Hannah, 9th April 1913 1913, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Hannah, 31st March 1913 1913, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 25th March 1913 1913, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships Verification for Hannah, 19th March 1913 1913, Amended Plan of Straker's Horace Patent Boiler for Hannah, 22nd March 1912 1921, Plan of Cochran type Donkey Boiler for Hannah,14th October 1926 1926, Plan of Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th May 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, returning plan of electrical installation proposed for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Memo submitting the plan of electrical installation for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the owners intention to fit an electric light installation on board the Hannah, 31st October 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding the Annual Freeboard Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 21st December 1933 1933, Letter from F W Uittenbogaart, Managing Director of NV Stoomschip, Rotterdam, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for the Annual Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 19th December 1933 1933, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from F R Palmer, pro Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the trimming hatches in the bridge space for Hannah, 25th April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, regarding the re measurement survey carried out at Newcastle for Hannah, 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, stating that the Freeboard Survey will be completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah , 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the completion of the freeboard survey being completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah, 31st March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey,for Hannah, 30th March 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the completion of the freeboard survey for Hannah, 28th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Grand Canary, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from E Wootton, Director General of Blandy Bros & Co, Grand Canary, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, Regarding the completion of the Survey for the Convention Certificate for Hannah, 8th March 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, forwarding the Convention Freeboard Certificates & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 28th February 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees associated with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Las Palmas, Grand Canary, regarding the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding fees in connection with the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of communication from the Rotterdam Surveyors regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with convention freeboard assignment in the case of the Hannah, 22nd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding Fees for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding fees in connection with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from T Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London regarding International Freeboard Assignment for Hannah, 18th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the account associated with the remeasurement survey of Hannah, 17th February 1933 1933, Letter from R Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with the International Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Letter from George W Oxley, per E J Sutton & Co, Ship Owners, Newcastle, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, regarding Survey Fees in connection with new freeboard for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Invoice of fees charged to E J Sutton & Co by Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, for Freeboard Survey & Certificate of Load Line for Hannah, 16th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, informing that particulars of the alterations already effected, have been inserted in the freeboard report for Hannah, 21st January 1933 1933, Letter from Alexander E Stevenson, per the Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, forwarding freeboard verification form for Hannah, 20th January 1933 1933, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, enclosing Convention Freeboard certificate & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, requesting the Convention Freeboard Certificate & certified copy for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, confirming telegram sent today regarding Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Committee, London, requesting particulars of Convention Freeboard Survey of the Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to F W Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, reporting on an inspection of the Donkey Boiler, damage repairs & Special Survey No 2 for Hannah, 27th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 2nd SS no 2, & damage, & class of Hannah, 16th March 1934 1934, Ship Forgings Form for Hannah, 27th February 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Hannah, 2nd March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Hannah, 5th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the special survey of the engines & boilers for SS No 2 for Hannah, 20th March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 1st May 1934 1934, Report on Electric Fittings for Hannah, 28th February 1934 1934, Form in Dutch Language for Hannah, 15th December 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing a photo print copy of the freeboard report for Hannah, 8th October 1934 1934, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the Port of Registry & sale of Hannah, 6th October 1934 1934, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 26th February 1934 1934, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the survey for damage repairs for Hannah, 21st February 1934 1934, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 19th February 1935 1935, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing the Dutch form for Hannah, 21st February 1935 1935, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of form 2 for the freeboard commission for Hannah, 20th February 1935 1935, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding wear & tear for Hannah, 16th November 1936 1936, Letter from W G McKinlay, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Antwerp, to The Secretary, London, regarding the fitting of a Donkey Boiler on board the Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Memo regarding the necessity for a First Entry Report to be forwarded to the Antwerp Surveyours for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Antwerp, requesting & the First Entry Report on the Boiler intended for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the installation of the Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 2nd October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, enclosing a letter addressed to F C Uittenbogaart, regarding proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of LLoyd's Register, London, to F C Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 23rd September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 21st September 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan of the donkey boiler proposed to be fitted on the Hannah, 16th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, informing that the Committee can not agree to the second hand Donkey Boiler being fitted for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to the Surveyor at Rotterdam, regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposed Second Hand Boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Telegram sent from Rotterdam to the Committee, London , written in LR Private code regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan for Hannah, 22nd June 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 21st October 1936 1936, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, confirming cable sent today written in LR Private code with Translation regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Telegram & Translation in LR Private Code Surveyor at Rotterdam regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 2nd March 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing assignment letters showing the timber freeboards assigned to Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A van Driel, Esq, Holland, Regarding the Convention timber deck cargo freeboards for Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 5th June 1937 1937, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the timber freeboard for Hannah, 2nd June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding alterations made to Hannah to enable it to carry timber deck cargoes, 1st June 1937 1937, Memo requesting that the Rotterdam Surveyors should state if Timber Freeboards have been assigned for Hannah, 31st May 1937 1937, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 4th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 4th May 1937 1937, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 26th February 1937 1937, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Hannah, 7th February 1938 1938, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 8th February 1938 1938, Continuation of Report for Hannah, Undated no date, Note Concerning Certificates Returned for Hannah, Undated no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Tankers for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date )
Abbreviations of the names of ports with Lloyd’s Register survey offices.
Mdb ( Report on Boilers for Hannah, 9th November 1912 1912, Report on Machinery for Hannah, 9th April 1913 1913 )
Nwc ( Steel Steamer Report for Hannah, 10th April 1913 1913, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships Verification for Hannah, 19th March 1913 1913, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933 )
Rot ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 1st May 1934 1934, Report on Electric Fittings for Hannah, 28th February 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 2nd March 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 4th May 1937 1937 )
Ant ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 21st October 1936 1936, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936 )
Bcl ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937 )
The individual and/or organisation listed
Franz Rahtkens & Co ( Report on Boilers for Hannah, 9th November 1912 1912, Steel Steamer Report for Hannah, 10th April 1913 1913, Report on Machinery for Hannah, 9th April 1913 1913 )
The Rahtkens Shipping Co Ltd ( Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Hannah, 11th April 1913 1913 )
F Rahtkins & Co ( Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Hannah, 31st March 1913 1913 )
N V Stoomschip Hannah ( Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding fees in connection with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 1st May 1934 1934, Report on Electric Fittings for Hannah, 28th February 1934 1934, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 19th February 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 21st October 1936 1936, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 2nd March 1937 1937, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 26th February 1937 1937, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, Undated no date )
Uittenbogaart ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 4th May 1937 1937 )
NV Stoom Hannah ( Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Hannah, 7th February 1938 1938 )
Classification symbol assigned to a vessel by Lloyd’s Register’s Classing Committee denoting the quality of construction and maintenance.
See Minute on Mdb Rpt 7824 ( Report on Boilers for Hannah, 9th November 1912 1912 )
+100A1; Lloyd's A & CP; +LMC 4,13 ( Steel Steamer Report for Hannah, 10th April 1913 1913 )
+LMC 4,13 ( Report on Machinery for Hannah, 9th April 1913 1913 )
+100A1 Class Contemplated ( Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships Verification for Hannah, 19th March 1913 1913 )
+100A1; S S Shl No 3-6,25; S S Shl No 1-30 ( Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933 )
+100A1 ( Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 4th June 1937 1937 )
+100A1; S S Shl No 3-6,28; S S Shl No 1-30 ( Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933 )
+LMC 2,34; Elec Lt ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 1st May 1934 1934 )
Elec Lt ( Report on Electric Fittings for Hannah, 28th February 1934 1934 )
DBS 10,36; Without Spl Cond ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 21st October 1936 1936 )
See Ant Rpt 20681 ( Report on Boilers for Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936 )
DBS 12,37 ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937 )
+100A1 Without Spl Cond; S 2,34; S S No 2-34; +LMC 2,34 Subject; Dele DB Press & Note Elec Lt ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 2nd March 1937 1937 )
+100A1 5,36; S S No 1; NB No 3-5,86; +LMC 5,36; DBS 10,36 ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 4th May 1937 1937 )
+100A1 5,37; +LMC 5,36; MBS 5,37; DBS 12,37; SS 2nd No 3-5,36; NDB 32, fitted 36; TS 4,36 CL ( Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Hannah, 7th February 1938 1938 )
An officially licensed mariner (post 1850) holding ultimate command and responsibility for a vessel.
The name of the port/place of destination given.
Previously referred to as signal letters (c.19th C), radio call signs enable a ship to communicate and are assigned by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).
JBWS ( Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Hannah, 11th April 1913 1913 )
PENE ( Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936 )
The individual and/or organisation listed that is responsible for the everyday management of a ship. This may be the same as the owner.
Franz Rahtkens ( Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Hannah, 11th April 1913 1913 )
F W Uittenbogaart ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 1st May 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 21st October 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 2nd March 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 4th May 1937 1937 )
F W Mittenbogaart ( Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Hannah, 7th February 1938 1938 )
Location of construction for a vessel’s engines.
Stockton on Tees ( Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Hannah, 11th April 1913 1913 )
Stockton ( Report on Machinery for Hannah, 9th April 1913 1913, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 1st May 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 21st October 1936 1936, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937 )
The year in which a vessel’s construction is completed.
1913 ( Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Hannah, 26th February 1912 1912, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 9th November 1912 1912, Plan of Boiler for Hannah, 21st March 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Hannah, 15th April 1913 1913, Steel Steamer Report for Hannah, 10th April 1913 1913, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Hannah, 11th April 1913 1913, Report on Machinery for Hannah, 9th April 1913 1913, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Hannah, 31st March 1913 1913, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 25th March 1913 1913, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships Verification for Hannah, 19th March 1913 1913, Amended Plan of Straker's Horace Patent Boiler for Hannah, 22nd March 1912 1921, Plan of Cochran type Donkey Boiler for Hannah,14th October 1926 1926, Plan of Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th May 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, returning plan of electrical installation proposed for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Memo submitting the plan of electrical installation for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the owners intention to fit an electric light installation on board the Hannah, 31st October 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding the Annual Freeboard Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 21st December 1933 1933, Letter from F W Uittenbogaart, Managing Director of NV Stoomschip, Rotterdam, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for the Annual Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 19th December 1933 1933, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from F R Palmer, pro Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the trimming hatches in the bridge space for Hannah, 25th April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, regarding the re measurement survey carried out at Newcastle for Hannah, 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, stating that the Freeboard Survey will be completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah , 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the completion of the freeboard survey being completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah, 31st March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey,for Hannah, 30th March 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the completion of the freeboard survey for Hannah, 28th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Grand Canary, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from E Wootton, Director General of Blandy Bros & Co, Grand Canary, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, Regarding the completion of the Survey for the Convention Certificate for Hannah, 8th March 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, forwarding the Convention Freeboard Certificates & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 28th February 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees associated with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Las Palmas, Grand Canary, regarding the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding fees in connection with the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of communication from the Rotterdam Surveyors regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with convention freeboard assignment in the case of the Hannah, 22nd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding Fees for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding fees in connection with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from T Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London regarding International Freeboard Assignment for Hannah, 18th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the account associated with the remeasurement survey of Hannah, 17th February 1933 1933, Letter from R Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with the International Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Letter from George W Oxley, per E J Sutton & Co, Ship Owners, Newcastle, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, regarding Survey Fees in connection with new freeboard for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Invoice of fees charged to E J Sutton & Co by Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, for Freeboard Survey & Certificate of Load Line for Hannah, 16th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, informing that particulars of the alterations already effected, have been inserted in the freeboard report for Hannah, 21st January 1933 1933, Letter from Alexander E Stevenson, per the Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, forwarding freeboard verification form for Hannah, 20th January 1933 1933, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, enclosing Convention Freeboard certificate & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, requesting the Convention Freeboard Certificate & certified copy for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, confirming telegram sent today regarding Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Committee, London, requesting particulars of Convention Freeboard Survey of the Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to F W Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, reporting on an inspection of the Donkey Boiler, damage repairs & Special Survey No 2 for Hannah, 27th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 2nd SS no 2, & damage, & class of Hannah, 16th March 1934 1934, Ship Forgings Form for Hannah, 27th February 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Hannah, 2nd March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Hannah, 5th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the special survey of the engines & boilers for SS No 2 for Hannah, 20th March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 1st May 1934 1934, Report on Electric Fittings for Hannah, 28th February 1934 1934, Form in Dutch Language for Hannah, 15th December 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing a photo print copy of the freeboard report for Hannah, 8th October 1934 1934, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the Port of Registry & sale of Hannah, 6th October 1934 1934, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 26th February 1934 1934, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the survey for damage repairs for Hannah, 21st February 1934 1934, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 19th February 1935 1935, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing the Dutch form for Hannah, 21st February 1935 1935, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of form 2 for the freeboard commission for Hannah, 20th February 1935 1935, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding wear & tear for Hannah, 16th November 1936 1936, Letter from W G McKinlay, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Antwerp, to The Secretary, London, regarding the fitting of a Donkey Boiler on board the Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Memo regarding the necessity for a First Entry Report to be forwarded to the Antwerp Surveyours for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Antwerp, requesting & the First Entry Report on the Boiler intended for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the installation of the Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 2nd October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, enclosing a letter addressed to F C Uittenbogaart, regarding proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of LLoyd's Register, London, to F C Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 23rd September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 21st September 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan of the donkey boiler proposed to be fitted on the Hannah, 16th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, informing that the Committee can not agree to the second hand Donkey Boiler being fitted for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to the Surveyor at Rotterdam, regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposed Second Hand Boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Telegram sent from Rotterdam to the Committee, London , written in LR Private code regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan for Hannah, 22nd June 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 21st October 1936 1936, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, confirming cable sent today written in LR Private code with Translation regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Telegram & Translation in LR Private Code Surveyor at Rotterdam regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 2nd March 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing assignment letters showing the timber freeboards assigned to Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A van Driel, Esq, Holland, Regarding the Convention timber deck cargo freeboards for Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 5th June 1937 1937, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the timber freeboard for Hannah, 2nd June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding alterations made to Hannah to enable it to carry timber deck cargoes, 1st June 1937 1937, Memo requesting that the Rotterdam Surveyors should state if Timber Freeboards have been assigned for Hannah, 31st May 1937 1937, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 4th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 4th May 1937 1937, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 26th February 1937 1937, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Hannah, 7th February 1938 1938, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 8th February 1938 1938, Continuation of Report for Hannah, Undated no date, Note Concerning Certificates Returned for Hannah, Undated no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Tankers for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date )
The individual and/or organisation listed as having been responsible for constructing the vessel. This can/may be the same as the owner and/or manager.
Tyne Iron Shipbuilding Co Ltd ( Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Hannah, 26th February 1912 1912, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 9th November 1912 1912, Plan of Boiler for Hannah, 21st March 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Hannah, 15th April 1913 1913, Steel Steamer Report for Hannah, 10th April 1913 1913, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Hannah, 11th April 1913 1913, Report on Machinery for Hannah, 9th April 1913 1913, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Hannah, 31st March 1913 1913, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 25th March 1913 1913, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships Verification for Hannah, 19th March 1913 1913, Amended Plan of Straker's Horace Patent Boiler for Hannah, 22nd March 1912 1921, Plan of Cochran type Donkey Boiler for Hannah,14th October 1926 1926, Plan of Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th May 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, returning plan of electrical installation proposed for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Memo submitting the plan of electrical installation for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the owners intention to fit an electric light installation on board the Hannah, 31st October 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding the Annual Freeboard Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 21st December 1933 1933, Letter from F W Uittenbogaart, Managing Director of NV Stoomschip, Rotterdam, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for the Annual Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 19th December 1933 1933, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from F R Palmer, pro Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the trimming hatches in the bridge space for Hannah, 25th April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, regarding the re measurement survey carried out at Newcastle for Hannah, 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, stating that the Freeboard Survey will be completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah , 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the completion of the freeboard survey being completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah, 31st March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey,for Hannah, 30th March 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the completion of the freeboard survey for Hannah, 28th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Grand Canary, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from E Wootton, Director General of Blandy Bros & Co, Grand Canary, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, Regarding the completion of the Survey for the Convention Certificate for Hannah, 8th March 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, forwarding the Convention Freeboard Certificates & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 28th February 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees associated with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Las Palmas, Grand Canary, regarding the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding fees in connection with the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of communication from the Rotterdam Surveyors regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with convention freeboard assignment in the case of the Hannah, 22nd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding Fees for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding fees in connection with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from T Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London regarding International Freeboard Assignment for Hannah, 18th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the account associated with the remeasurement survey of Hannah, 17th February 1933 1933, Letter from R Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with the International Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Letter from George W Oxley, per E J Sutton & Co, Ship Owners, Newcastle, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, regarding Survey Fees in connection with new freeboard for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Invoice of fees charged to E J Sutton & Co by Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, for Freeboard Survey & Certificate of Load Line for Hannah, 16th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, informing that particulars of the alterations already effected, have been inserted in the freeboard report for Hannah, 21st January 1933 1933, Letter from Alexander E Stevenson, per the Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, forwarding freeboard verification form for Hannah, 20th January 1933 1933, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, enclosing Convention Freeboard certificate & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, requesting the Convention Freeboard Certificate & certified copy for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, confirming telegram sent today regarding Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Committee, London, requesting particulars of Convention Freeboard Survey of the Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to F W Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, reporting on an inspection of the Donkey Boiler, damage repairs & Special Survey No 2 for Hannah, 27th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 2nd SS no 2, & damage, & class of Hannah, 16th March 1934 1934, Ship Forgings Form for Hannah, 27th February 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Hannah, 2nd March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Hannah, 5th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the special survey of the engines & boilers for SS No 2 for Hannah, 20th March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 1st May 1934 1934, Report on Electric Fittings for Hannah, 28th February 1934 1934, Form in Dutch Language for Hannah, 15th December 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing a photo print copy of the freeboard report for Hannah, 8th October 1934 1934, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the Port of Registry & sale of Hannah, 6th October 1934 1934, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 26th February 1934 1934, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the survey for damage repairs for Hannah, 21st February 1934 1934, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 19th February 1935 1935, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing the Dutch form for Hannah, 21st February 1935 1935, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of form 2 for the freeboard commission for Hannah, 20th February 1935 1935, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding wear & tear for Hannah, 16th November 1936 1936, Letter from W G McKinlay, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Antwerp, to The Secretary, London, regarding the fitting of a Donkey Boiler on board the Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Memo regarding the necessity for a First Entry Report to be forwarded to the Antwerp Surveyours for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Antwerp, requesting & the First Entry Report on the Boiler intended for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the installation of the Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 2nd October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, enclosing a letter addressed to F C Uittenbogaart, regarding proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of LLoyd's Register, London, to F C Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 23rd September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 21st September 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan of the donkey boiler proposed to be fitted on the Hannah, 16th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, informing that the Committee can not agree to the second hand Donkey Boiler being fitted for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to the Surveyor at Rotterdam, regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposed Second Hand Boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Telegram sent from Rotterdam to the Committee, London , written in LR Private code regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan for Hannah, 22nd June 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 21st October 1936 1936, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, confirming cable sent today written in LR Private code with Translation regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Telegram & Translation in LR Private Code Surveyor at Rotterdam regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 2nd March 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing assignment letters showing the timber freeboards assigned to Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A van Driel, Esq, Holland, Regarding the Convention timber deck cargo freeboards for Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 5th June 1937 1937, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the timber freeboard for Hannah, 2nd June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding alterations made to Hannah to enable it to carry timber deck cargoes, 1st June 1937 1937, Memo requesting that the Rotterdam Surveyors should state if Timber Freeboards have been assigned for Hannah, 31st May 1937 1937, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 4th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 4th May 1937 1937, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 26th February 1937 1937, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Hannah, 7th February 1938 1938, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 8th February 1938 1938, Continuation of Report for Hannah, Undated no date, Note Concerning Certificates Returned for Hannah, Undated no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Tankers for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date )
The port or place in which the vessel’s construction took place, at the time of writing.
Willington Quay ( Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Hannah, 26th February 1912 1912, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 9th November 1912 1912, Plan of Boiler for Hannah, 21st March 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Hannah, 15th April 1913 1913, Steel Steamer Report for Hannah, 10th April 1913 1913, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Hannah, 11th April 1913 1913, Report on Machinery for Hannah, 9th April 1913 1913, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Hannah, 31st March 1913 1913, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 25th March 1913 1913, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships Verification for Hannah, 19th March 1913 1913, Amended Plan of Straker's Horace Patent Boiler for Hannah, 22nd March 1912 1921, Plan of Cochran type Donkey Boiler for Hannah,14th October 1926 1926, Plan of Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th May 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, returning plan of electrical installation proposed for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Memo submitting the plan of electrical installation for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the owners intention to fit an electric light installation on board the Hannah, 31st October 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding the Annual Freeboard Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 21st December 1933 1933, Letter from F W Uittenbogaart, Managing Director of NV Stoomschip, Rotterdam, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for the Annual Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 19th December 1933 1933, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from F R Palmer, pro Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the trimming hatches in the bridge space for Hannah, 25th April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, regarding the re measurement survey carried out at Newcastle for Hannah, 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, stating that the Freeboard Survey will be completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah , 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the completion of the freeboard survey being completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah, 31st March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey,for Hannah, 30th March 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the completion of the freeboard survey for Hannah, 28th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Grand Canary, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from E Wootton, Director General of Blandy Bros & Co, Grand Canary, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, Regarding the completion of the Survey for the Convention Certificate for Hannah, 8th March 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, forwarding the Convention Freeboard Certificates & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 28th February 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees associated with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Las Palmas, Grand Canary, regarding the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding fees in connection with the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of communication from the Rotterdam Surveyors regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with convention freeboard assignment in the case of the Hannah, 22nd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding Fees for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding fees in connection with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from T Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London regarding International Freeboard Assignment for Hannah, 18th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the account associated with the remeasurement survey of Hannah, 17th February 1933 1933, Letter from R Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with the International Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Letter from George W Oxley, per E J Sutton & Co, Ship Owners, Newcastle, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, regarding Survey Fees in connection with new freeboard for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Invoice of fees charged to E J Sutton & Co by Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, for Freeboard Survey & Certificate of Load Line for Hannah, 16th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, informing that particulars of the alterations already effected, have been inserted in the freeboard report for Hannah, 21st January 1933 1933, Letter from Alexander E Stevenson, per the Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, forwarding freeboard verification form for Hannah, 20th January 1933 1933, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, enclosing Convention Freeboard certificate & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, requesting the Convention Freeboard Certificate & certified copy for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, confirming telegram sent today regarding Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Committee, London, requesting particulars of Convention Freeboard Survey of the Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to F W Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, reporting on an inspection of the Donkey Boiler, damage repairs & Special Survey No 2 for Hannah, 27th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 2nd SS no 2, & damage, & class of Hannah, 16th March 1934 1934, Ship Forgings Form for Hannah, 27th February 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Hannah, 2nd March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Hannah, 5th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the special survey of the engines & boilers for SS No 2 for Hannah, 20th March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 1st May 1934 1934, Report on Electric Fittings for Hannah, 28th February 1934 1934, Form in Dutch Language for Hannah, 15th December 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing a photo print copy of the freeboard report for Hannah, 8th October 1934 1934, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the Port of Registry & sale of Hannah, 6th October 1934 1934, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 26th February 1934 1934, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the survey for damage repairs for Hannah, 21st February 1934 1934, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 19th February 1935 1935, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing the Dutch form for Hannah, 21st February 1935 1935, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of form 2 for the freeboard commission for Hannah, 20th February 1935 1935, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding wear & tear for Hannah, 16th November 1936 1936, Letter from W G McKinlay, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Antwerp, to The Secretary, London, regarding the fitting of a Donkey Boiler on board the Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Memo regarding the necessity for a First Entry Report to be forwarded to the Antwerp Surveyours for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Antwerp, requesting & the First Entry Report on the Boiler intended for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the installation of the Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 2nd October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, enclosing a letter addressed to F C Uittenbogaart, regarding proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of LLoyd's Register, London, to F C Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 23rd September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 21st September 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan of the donkey boiler proposed to be fitted on the Hannah, 16th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, informing that the Committee can not agree to the second hand Donkey Boiler being fitted for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to the Surveyor at Rotterdam, regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposed Second Hand Boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Telegram sent from Rotterdam to the Committee, London , written in LR Private code regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan for Hannah, 22nd June 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 21st October 1936 1936, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, confirming cable sent today written in LR Private code with Translation regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Telegram & Translation in LR Private Code Surveyor at Rotterdam regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 2nd March 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing assignment letters showing the timber freeboards assigned to Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A van Driel, Esq, Holland, Regarding the Convention timber deck cargo freeboards for Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 5th June 1937 1937, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the timber freeboard for Hannah, 2nd June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding alterations made to Hannah to enable it to carry timber deck cargoes, 1st June 1937 1937, Memo requesting that the Rotterdam Surveyors should state if Timber Freeboards have been assigned for Hannah, 31st May 1937 1937, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 4th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 4th May 1937 1937, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 26th February 1937 1937, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Hannah, 7th February 1938 1938, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 8th February 1938 1938, Continuation of Report for Hannah, Undated no date, Note Concerning Certificates Returned for Hannah, Undated no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Tankers for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date )
Broad categories and subdivisions of vessels related to their purpose or function.
undefined ( Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Hannah, 26th February 1912 1912, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 9th November 1912 1912, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Hannah, 15th April 1913 1913, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Hannah, 31st March 1913 1913, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 25th March 1913 1913, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships Verification for Hannah, 19th March 1913 1913, Plan of Cochran type Donkey Boiler for Hannah,14th October 1926 1926, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, returning plan of electrical installation proposed for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Memo submitting the plan of electrical installation for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the owners intention to fit an electric light installation on board the Hannah, 31st October 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding the Annual Freeboard Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 21st December 1933 1933, Letter from F W Uittenbogaart, Managing Director of NV Stoomschip, Rotterdam, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for the Annual Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 19th December 1933 1933, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from F R Palmer, pro Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the trimming hatches in the bridge space for Hannah, 25th April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, regarding the re measurement survey carried out at Newcastle for Hannah, 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, stating that the Freeboard Survey will be completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah , 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the completion of the freeboard survey being completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah, 31st March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey,for Hannah, 30th March 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the completion of the freeboard survey for Hannah, 28th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Grand Canary, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from E Wootton, Director General of Blandy Bros & Co, Grand Canary, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, Regarding the completion of the Survey for the Convention Certificate for Hannah, 8th March 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, forwarding the Convention Freeboard Certificates & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 28th February 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees associated with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Las Palmas, Grand Canary, regarding the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding fees in connection with the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of communication from the Rotterdam Surveyors regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with convention freeboard assignment in the case of the Hannah, 22nd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding Fees for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding fees in connection with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from T Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London regarding International Freeboard Assignment for Hannah, 18th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the account associated with the remeasurement survey of Hannah, 17th February 1933 1933, Letter from R Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with the International Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Letter from George W Oxley, per E J Sutton & Co, Ship Owners, Newcastle, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, regarding Survey Fees in connection with new freeboard for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Invoice of fees charged to E J Sutton & Co by Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, for Freeboard Survey & Certificate of Load Line for Hannah, 16th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, informing that particulars of the alterations already effected, have been inserted in the freeboard report for Hannah, 21st January 1933 1933, Letter from Alexander E Stevenson, per the Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, forwarding freeboard verification form for Hannah, 20th January 1933 1933, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, enclosing Convention Freeboard certificate & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, requesting the Convention Freeboard Certificate & certified copy for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, confirming telegram sent today regarding Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Committee, London, requesting particulars of Convention Freeboard Survey of the Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to F W Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, reporting on an inspection of the Donkey Boiler, damage repairs & Special Survey No 2 for Hannah, 27th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 2nd SS no 2, & damage, & class of Hannah, 16th March 1934 1934, Ship Forgings Form for Hannah, 27th February 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the special survey of the engines & boilers for SS No 2 for Hannah, 20th March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 1st May 1934 1934, Form in Dutch Language for Hannah, 15th December 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing a photo print copy of the freeboard report for Hannah, 8th October 1934 1934, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the Port of Registry & sale of Hannah, 6th October 1934 1934, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the survey for damage repairs for Hannah, 21st February 1934 1934, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 19th February 1935 1935, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing the Dutch form for Hannah, 21st February 1935 1935, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of form 2 for the freeboard commission for Hannah, 20th February 1935 1935, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding wear & tear for Hannah, 16th November 1936 1936, Letter from W G McKinlay, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Antwerp, to The Secretary, London, regarding the fitting of a Donkey Boiler on board the Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Memo regarding the necessity for a First Entry Report to be forwarded to the Antwerp Surveyours for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Antwerp, requesting & the First Entry Report on the Boiler intended for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the installation of the Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 2nd October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, enclosing a letter addressed to F C Uittenbogaart, regarding proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of LLoyd's Register, London, to F C Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 23rd September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 21st September 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan of the donkey boiler proposed to be fitted on the Hannah, 16th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, informing that the Committee can not agree to the second hand Donkey Boiler being fitted for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to the Surveyor at Rotterdam, regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposed Second Hand Boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Telegram sent from Rotterdam to the Committee, London , written in LR Private code regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan for Hannah, 22nd June 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 21st October 1936 1936, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, confirming cable sent today written in LR Private code with Translation regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Telegram & Translation in LR Private Code Surveyor at Rotterdam regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 2nd March 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing assignment letters showing the timber freeboards assigned to Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A van Driel, Esq, Holland, Regarding the Convention timber deck cargo freeboards for Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 5th June 1937 1937, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the timber freeboard for Hannah, 2nd June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding alterations made to Hannah to enable it to carry timber deck cargoes, 1st June 1937 1937, Memo requesting that the Rotterdam Surveyors should state if Timber Freeboards have been assigned for Hannah, 31st May 1937 1937, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 4th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 4th May 1937 1937, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 26th February 1937 1937, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Hannah, 7th February 1938 1938, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 8th February 1938 1938, Continuation of Report for Hannah, Undated no date, Note Concerning Certificates Returned for Hannah, Undated no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date )
Screw Steamer ( Plan of Boiler for Hannah, 21st March 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Steel Steamer Report for Hannah, 10th April 1913 1913, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Hannah, 11th April 1913 1913, Report on Machinery for Hannah, 9th April 1913 1913, Amended Plan of Straker's Horace Patent Boiler for Hannah, 22nd March 1912 1921, Plan of Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th May 1930 1930, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Hannah, 2nd March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Hannah, 5th March 1934 1934, Report on Electric Fittings for Hannah, 28th February 1934 1934, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 26th February 1934 1934 )
Tanker ( Freeboard Verification Form for Tankers for Hannah, Undated no date )
Predominant material(s) utilised in a vessel’s construction.
Steel ( Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Hannah, 26th February 1912 1912, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 9th November 1912 1912, Plan of Boiler for Hannah, 21st March 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Hannah, 15th April 1913 1913, Steel Steamer Report for Hannah, 10th April 1913 1913, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Hannah, 11th April 1913 1913, Report on Machinery for Hannah, 9th April 1913 1913, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Hannah, 31st March 1913 1913, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 25th March 1913 1913, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships Verification for Hannah, 19th March 1913 1913, Amended Plan of Straker's Horace Patent Boiler for Hannah, 22nd March 1912 1921, Plan of Cochran type Donkey Boiler for Hannah,14th October 1926 1926, Plan of Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th May 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, returning plan of electrical installation proposed for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Memo submitting the plan of electrical installation for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the owners intention to fit an electric light installation on board the Hannah, 31st October 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding the Annual Freeboard Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 21st December 1933 1933, Letter from F W Uittenbogaart, Managing Director of NV Stoomschip, Rotterdam, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for the Annual Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 19th December 1933 1933, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from F R Palmer, pro Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the trimming hatches in the bridge space for Hannah, 25th April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, regarding the re measurement survey carried out at Newcastle for Hannah, 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, stating that the Freeboard Survey will be completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah , 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the completion of the freeboard survey being completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah, 31st March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey,for Hannah, 30th March 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the completion of the freeboard survey for Hannah, 28th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Grand Canary, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from E Wootton, Director General of Blandy Bros & Co, Grand Canary, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, Regarding the completion of the Survey for the Convention Certificate for Hannah, 8th March 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, forwarding the Convention Freeboard Certificates & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 28th February 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees associated with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Las Palmas, Grand Canary, regarding the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding fees in connection with the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of communication from the Rotterdam Surveyors regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with convention freeboard assignment in the case of the Hannah, 22nd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding Fees for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding fees in connection with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from T Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London regarding International Freeboard Assignment for Hannah, 18th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the account associated with the remeasurement survey of Hannah, 17th February 1933 1933, Letter from R Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with the International Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Letter from George W Oxley, per E J Sutton & Co, Ship Owners, Newcastle, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, regarding Survey Fees in connection with new freeboard for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Invoice of fees charged to E J Sutton & Co by Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, for Freeboard Survey & Certificate of Load Line for Hannah, 16th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, informing that particulars of the alterations already effected, have been inserted in the freeboard report for Hannah, 21st January 1933 1933, Letter from Alexander E Stevenson, per the Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, forwarding freeboard verification form for Hannah, 20th January 1933 1933, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, enclosing Convention Freeboard certificate & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, requesting the Convention Freeboard Certificate & certified copy for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, confirming telegram sent today regarding Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Committee, London, requesting particulars of Convention Freeboard Survey of the Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to F W Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, reporting on an inspection of the Donkey Boiler, damage repairs & Special Survey No 2 for Hannah, 27th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 2nd SS no 2, & damage, & class of Hannah, 16th March 1934 1934, Ship Forgings Form for Hannah, 27th February 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Hannah, 2nd March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Hannah, 5th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the special survey of the engines & boilers for SS No 2 for Hannah, 20th March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 1st May 1934 1934, Report on Electric Fittings for Hannah, 28th February 1934 1934, Form in Dutch Language for Hannah, 15th December 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing a photo print copy of the freeboard report for Hannah, 8th October 1934 1934, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the Port of Registry & sale of Hannah, 6th October 1934 1934, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 26th February 1934 1934, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the survey for damage repairs for Hannah, 21st February 1934 1934, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 19th February 1935 1935, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing the Dutch form for Hannah, 21st February 1935 1935, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of form 2 for the freeboard commission for Hannah, 20th February 1935 1935, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding wear & tear for Hannah, 16th November 1936 1936, Letter from W G McKinlay, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Antwerp, to The Secretary, London, regarding the fitting of a Donkey Boiler on board the Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Memo regarding the necessity for a First Entry Report to be forwarded to the Antwerp Surveyours for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Antwerp, requesting & the First Entry Report on the Boiler intended for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the installation of the Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 2nd October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, enclosing a letter addressed to F C Uittenbogaart, regarding proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of LLoyd's Register, London, to F C Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 23rd September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 21st September 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan of the donkey boiler proposed to be fitted on the Hannah, 16th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, informing that the Committee can not agree to the second hand Donkey Boiler being fitted for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to the Surveyor at Rotterdam, regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposed Second Hand Boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Telegram sent from Rotterdam to the Committee, London , written in LR Private code regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan for Hannah, 22nd June 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 21st October 1936 1936, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, confirming cable sent today written in LR Private code with Translation regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Telegram & Translation in LR Private Code Surveyor at Rotterdam regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 2nd March 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing assignment letters showing the timber freeboards assigned to Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A van Driel, Esq, Holland, Regarding the Convention timber deck cargo freeboards for Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 5th June 1937 1937, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the timber freeboard for Hannah, 2nd June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding alterations made to Hannah to enable it to carry timber deck cargoes, 1st June 1937 1937, Memo requesting that the Rotterdam Surveyors should state if Timber Freeboards have been assigned for Hannah, 31st May 1937 1937, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 4th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 4th May 1937 1937, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 26th February 1937 1937, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Hannah, 7th February 1938 1938, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 8th February 1938 1938, Continuation of Report for Hannah, Undated no date, Note Concerning Certificates Returned for Hannah, Undated no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Tankers for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date )
Confirmation as to whether the vessel was equipped with refrigeration machinery to aid in the transport of frozen or chilled cargo/goods.
No ( Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Hannah, 26th February 1912 1912, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 9th November 1912 1912, Plan of Boiler for Hannah, 21st March 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Hannah, 15th April 1913 1913, Steel Steamer Report for Hannah, 10th April 1913 1913, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Hannah, 11th April 1913 1913, Report on Machinery for Hannah, 9th April 1913 1913, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Hannah, 31st March 1913 1913, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 25th March 1913 1913, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships Verification for Hannah, 19th March 1913 1913, Amended Plan of Straker's Horace Patent Boiler for Hannah, 22nd March 1912 1921, Plan of Cochran type Donkey Boiler for Hannah,14th October 1926 1926, Plan of Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th May 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, returning plan of electrical installation proposed for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Memo submitting the plan of electrical installation for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the owners intention to fit an electric light installation on board the Hannah, 31st October 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding the Annual Freeboard Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 21st December 1933 1933, Letter from F W Uittenbogaart, Managing Director of NV Stoomschip, Rotterdam, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for the Annual Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 19th December 1933 1933, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from F R Palmer, pro Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the trimming hatches in the bridge space for Hannah, 25th April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, regarding the re measurement survey carried out at Newcastle for Hannah, 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, stating that the Freeboard Survey will be completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah , 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the completion of the freeboard survey being completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah, 31st March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey,for Hannah, 30th March 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the completion of the freeboard survey for Hannah, 28th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Grand Canary, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from E Wootton, Director General of Blandy Bros & Co, Grand Canary, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, Regarding the completion of the Survey for the Convention Certificate for Hannah, 8th March 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, forwarding the Convention Freeboard Certificates & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 28th February 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees associated with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Las Palmas, Grand Canary, regarding the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding fees in connection with the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of communication from the Rotterdam Surveyors regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with convention freeboard assignment in the case of the Hannah, 22nd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding Fees for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding fees in connection with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from T Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London regarding International Freeboard Assignment for Hannah, 18th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the account associated with the remeasurement survey of Hannah, 17th February 1933 1933, Letter from R Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with the International Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Letter from George W Oxley, per E J Sutton & Co, Ship Owners, Newcastle, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, regarding Survey Fees in connection with new freeboard for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Invoice of fees charged to E J Sutton & Co by Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, for Freeboard Survey & Certificate of Load Line for Hannah, 16th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, informing that particulars of the alterations already effected, have been inserted in the freeboard report for Hannah, 21st January 1933 1933, Letter from Alexander E Stevenson, per the Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, forwarding freeboard verification form for Hannah, 20th January 1933 1933, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, enclosing Convention Freeboard certificate & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, requesting the Convention Freeboard Certificate & certified copy for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, confirming telegram sent today regarding Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Committee, London, requesting particulars of Convention Freeboard Survey of the Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to F W Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, reporting on an inspection of the Donkey Boiler, damage repairs & Special Survey No 2 for Hannah, 27th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 2nd SS no 2, & damage, & class of Hannah, 16th March 1934 1934, Ship Forgings Form for Hannah, 27th February 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Hannah, 2nd March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Hannah, 5th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the special survey of the engines & boilers for SS No 2 for Hannah, 20th March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 1st May 1934 1934, Report on Electric Fittings for Hannah, 28th February 1934 1934, Form in Dutch Language for Hannah, 15th December 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing a photo print copy of the freeboard report for Hannah, 8th October 1934 1934, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the Port of Registry & sale of Hannah, 6th October 1934 1934, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 26th February 1934 1934, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the survey for damage repairs for Hannah, 21st February 1934 1934, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 19th February 1935 1935, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing the Dutch form for Hannah, 21st February 1935 1935, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of form 2 for the freeboard commission for Hannah, 20th February 1935 1935, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding wear & tear for Hannah, 16th November 1936 1936, Letter from W G McKinlay, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Antwerp, to The Secretary, London, regarding the fitting of a Donkey Boiler on board the Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Memo regarding the necessity for a First Entry Report to be forwarded to the Antwerp Surveyours for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Antwerp, requesting & the First Entry Report on the Boiler intended for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the installation of the Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 2nd October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, enclosing a letter addressed to F C Uittenbogaart, regarding proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of LLoyd's Register, London, to F C Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 23rd September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 21st September 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan of the donkey boiler proposed to be fitted on the Hannah, 16th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, informing that the Committee can not agree to the second hand Donkey Boiler being fitted for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to the Surveyor at Rotterdam, regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposed Second Hand Boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Telegram sent from Rotterdam to the Committee, London , written in LR Private code regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan for Hannah, 22nd June 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 21st October 1936 1936, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, confirming cable sent today written in LR Private code with Translation regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Telegram & Translation in LR Private Code Surveyor at Rotterdam regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 2nd March 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing assignment letters showing the timber freeboards assigned to Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A van Driel, Esq, Holland, Regarding the Convention timber deck cargo freeboards for Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 5th June 1937 1937, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the timber freeboard for Hannah, 2nd June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding alterations made to Hannah to enable it to carry timber deck cargoes, 1st June 1937 1937, Memo requesting that the Rotterdam Surveyors should state if Timber Freeboards have been assigned for Hannah, 31st May 1937 1937, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 4th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 4th May 1937 1937, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 26th February 1937 1937, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Hannah, 7th February 1938 1938, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 8th February 1938 1938, Continuation of Report for Hannah, Undated no date, Note Concerning Certificates Returned for Hannah, Undated no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Tankers for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date )
Does the vessel possess an auxiliary power source?
No ( Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Hannah, 26th February 1912 1912, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 9th November 1912 1912, Plan of Boiler for Hannah, 21st March 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Hannah, 15th April 1913 1913, Steel Steamer Report for Hannah, 10th April 1913 1913, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Hannah, 11th April 1913 1913, Report on Machinery for Hannah, 9th April 1913 1913, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Hannah, 31st March 1913 1913, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 25th March 1913 1913, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships Verification for Hannah, 19th March 1913 1913, Amended Plan of Straker's Horace Patent Boiler for Hannah, 22nd March 1912 1921, Plan of Cochran type Donkey Boiler for Hannah,14th October 1926 1926, Plan of Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th May 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, returning plan of electrical installation proposed for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Memo submitting the plan of electrical installation for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the owners intention to fit an electric light installation on board the Hannah, 31st October 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding the Annual Freeboard Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 21st December 1933 1933, Letter from F W Uittenbogaart, Managing Director of NV Stoomschip, Rotterdam, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for the Annual Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 19th December 1933 1933, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from F R Palmer, pro Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the trimming hatches in the bridge space for Hannah, 25th April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, regarding the re measurement survey carried out at Newcastle for Hannah, 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, stating that the Freeboard Survey will be completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah , 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the completion of the freeboard survey being completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah, 31st March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey,for Hannah, 30th March 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the completion of the freeboard survey for Hannah, 28th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Grand Canary, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from E Wootton, Director General of Blandy Bros & Co, Grand Canary, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, Regarding the completion of the Survey for the Convention Certificate for Hannah, 8th March 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, forwarding the Convention Freeboard Certificates & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 28th February 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees associated with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Las Palmas, Grand Canary, regarding the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding fees in connection with the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of communication from the Rotterdam Surveyors regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with convention freeboard assignment in the case of the Hannah, 22nd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding Fees for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding fees in connection with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from T Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London regarding International Freeboard Assignment for Hannah, 18th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the account associated with the remeasurement survey of Hannah, 17th February 1933 1933, Letter from R Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with the International Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Letter from George W Oxley, per E J Sutton & Co, Ship Owners, Newcastle, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, regarding Survey Fees in connection with new freeboard for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Invoice of fees charged to E J Sutton & Co by Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, for Freeboard Survey & Certificate of Load Line for Hannah, 16th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, informing that particulars of the alterations already effected, have been inserted in the freeboard report for Hannah, 21st January 1933 1933, Letter from Alexander E Stevenson, per the Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, forwarding freeboard verification form for Hannah, 20th January 1933 1933, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, enclosing Convention Freeboard certificate & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, requesting the Convention Freeboard Certificate & certified copy for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, confirming telegram sent today regarding Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Committee, London, requesting particulars of Convention Freeboard Survey of the Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to F W Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, reporting on an inspection of the Donkey Boiler, damage repairs & Special Survey No 2 for Hannah, 27th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 2nd SS no 2, & damage, & class of Hannah, 16th March 1934 1934, Ship Forgings Form for Hannah, 27th February 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Hannah, 2nd March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Hannah, 5th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the special survey of the engines & boilers for SS No 2 for Hannah, 20th March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 1st May 1934 1934, Report on Electric Fittings for Hannah, 28th February 1934 1934, Form in Dutch Language for Hannah, 15th December 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing a photo print copy of the freeboard report for Hannah, 8th October 1934 1934, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the Port of Registry & sale of Hannah, 6th October 1934 1934, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 26th February 1934 1934, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the survey for damage repairs for Hannah, 21st February 1934 1934, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 19th February 1935 1935, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing the Dutch form for Hannah, 21st February 1935 1935, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of form 2 for the freeboard commission for Hannah, 20th February 1935 1935, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding wear & tear for Hannah, 16th November 1936 1936, Letter from W G McKinlay, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Antwerp, to The Secretary, London, regarding the fitting of a Donkey Boiler on board the Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Memo regarding the necessity for a First Entry Report to be forwarded to the Antwerp Surveyours for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Antwerp, requesting & the First Entry Report on the Boiler intended for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the installation of the Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 2nd October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, enclosing a letter addressed to F C Uittenbogaart, regarding proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of LLoyd's Register, London, to F C Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 23rd September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 21st September 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan of the donkey boiler proposed to be fitted on the Hannah, 16th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, informing that the Committee can not agree to the second hand Donkey Boiler being fitted for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to the Surveyor at Rotterdam, regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposed Second Hand Boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Telegram sent from Rotterdam to the Committee, London , written in LR Private code regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan for Hannah, 22nd June 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 21st October 1936 1936, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, confirming cable sent today written in LR Private code with Translation regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Telegram & Translation in LR Private Code Surveyor at Rotterdam regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 2nd March 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing assignment letters showing the timber freeboards assigned to Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A van Driel, Esq, Holland, Regarding the Convention timber deck cargo freeboards for Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 5th June 1937 1937, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the timber freeboard for Hannah, 2nd June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding alterations made to Hannah to enable it to carry timber deck cargoes, 1st June 1937 1937, Memo requesting that the Rotterdam Surveyors should state if Timber Freeboards have been assigned for Hannah, 31st May 1937 1937, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 4th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 4th May 1937 1937, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 26th February 1937 1937, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Hannah, 7th February 1938 1938, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 8th February 1938 1938, Continuation of Report for Hannah, Undated no date, Note Concerning Certificates Returned for Hannah, Undated no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Tankers for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date )
Is electric lighting fitted to the vessel?
No ( Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Hannah, 26th February 1912 1912, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 9th November 1912 1912, Plan of Boiler for Hannah, 21st March 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Hannah, 15th April 1913 1913, Steel Steamer Report for Hannah, 10th April 1913 1913, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Hannah, 11th April 1913 1913, Report on Machinery for Hannah, 9th April 1913 1913, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Hannah, 31st March 1913 1913, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 25th March 1913 1913, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships Verification for Hannah, 19th March 1913 1913, Amended Plan of Straker's Horace Patent Boiler for Hannah, 22nd March 1912 1921, Plan of Cochran type Donkey Boiler for Hannah,14th October 1926 1926, Plan of Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th May 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, returning plan of electrical installation proposed for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Memo submitting the plan of electrical installation for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the owners intention to fit an electric light installation on board the Hannah, 31st October 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding the Annual Freeboard Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 21st December 1933 1933, Letter from F W Uittenbogaart, Managing Director of NV Stoomschip, Rotterdam, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for the Annual Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 19th December 1933 1933, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from F R Palmer, pro Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the trimming hatches in the bridge space for Hannah, 25th April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, regarding the re measurement survey carried out at Newcastle for Hannah, 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, stating that the Freeboard Survey will be completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah , 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the completion of the freeboard survey being completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah, 31st March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey,for Hannah, 30th March 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the completion of the freeboard survey for Hannah, 28th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Grand Canary, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from E Wootton, Director General of Blandy Bros & Co, Grand Canary, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, Regarding the completion of the Survey for the Convention Certificate for Hannah, 8th March 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, forwarding the Convention Freeboard Certificates & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 28th February 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees associated with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Las Palmas, Grand Canary, regarding the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding fees in connection with the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of communication from the Rotterdam Surveyors regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with convention freeboard assignment in the case of the Hannah, 22nd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding Fees for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding fees in connection with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from T Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London regarding International Freeboard Assignment for Hannah, 18th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the account associated with the remeasurement survey of Hannah, 17th February 1933 1933, Letter from R Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with the International Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Letter from George W Oxley, per E J Sutton & Co, Ship Owners, Newcastle, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, regarding Survey Fees in connection with new freeboard for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Invoice of fees charged to E J Sutton & Co by Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, for Freeboard Survey & Certificate of Load Line for Hannah, 16th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, informing that particulars of the alterations already effected, have been inserted in the freeboard report for Hannah, 21st January 1933 1933, Letter from Alexander E Stevenson, per the Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, forwarding freeboard verification form for Hannah, 20th January 1933 1933, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, enclosing Convention Freeboard certificate & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, requesting the Convention Freeboard Certificate & certified copy for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, confirming telegram sent today regarding Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Committee, London, requesting particulars of Convention Freeboard Survey of the Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to F W Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, reporting on an inspection of the Donkey Boiler, damage repairs & Special Survey No 2 for Hannah, 27th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 2nd SS no 2, & damage, & class of Hannah, 16th March 1934 1934, Ship Forgings Form for Hannah, 27th February 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Hannah, 2nd March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Hannah, 5th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the special survey of the engines & boilers for SS No 2 for Hannah, 20th March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 1st May 1934 1934, Report on Electric Fittings for Hannah, 28th February 1934 1934, Form in Dutch Language for Hannah, 15th December 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing a photo print copy of the freeboard report for Hannah, 8th October 1934 1934, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the Port of Registry & sale of Hannah, 6th October 1934 1934, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 26th February 1934 1934, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the survey for damage repairs for Hannah, 21st February 1934 1934, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 19th February 1935 1935, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing the Dutch form for Hannah, 21st February 1935 1935, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of form 2 for the freeboard commission for Hannah, 20th February 1935 1935, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding wear & tear for Hannah, 16th November 1936 1936, Letter from W G McKinlay, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Antwerp, to The Secretary, London, regarding the fitting of a Donkey Boiler on board the Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Memo regarding the necessity for a First Entry Report to be forwarded to the Antwerp Surveyours for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Antwerp, requesting & the First Entry Report on the Boiler intended for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the installation of the Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 2nd October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, enclosing a letter addressed to F C Uittenbogaart, regarding proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of LLoyd's Register, London, to F C Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 23rd September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 21st September 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan of the donkey boiler proposed to be fitted on the Hannah, 16th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, informing that the Committee can not agree to the second hand Donkey Boiler being fitted for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to the Surveyor at Rotterdam, regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposed Second Hand Boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Telegram sent from Rotterdam to the Committee, London , written in LR Private code regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan for Hannah, 22nd June 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 21st October 1936 1936, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, confirming cable sent today written in LR Private code with Translation regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Telegram & Translation in LR Private Code Surveyor at Rotterdam regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 2nd March 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing assignment letters showing the timber freeboards assigned to Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A van Driel, Esq, Holland, Regarding the Convention timber deck cargo freeboards for Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 5th June 1937 1937, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the timber freeboard for Hannah, 2nd June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding alterations made to Hannah to enable it to carry timber deck cargoes, 1st June 1937 1937, Memo requesting that the Rotterdam Surveyors should state if Timber Freeboards have been assigned for Hannah, 31st May 1937 1937, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 4th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 4th May 1937 1937, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 26th February 1937 1937, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Hannah, 7th February 1938 1938, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 8th February 1938 1938, Continuation of Report for Hannah, Undated no date, Note Concerning Certificates Returned for Hannah, Undated no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Tankers for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date )
The official record pronounced by the Committee
Torpedoed and Sunk ( Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Hannah, 26th February 1912 1912, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 9th November 1912 1912, Plan of Boiler for Hannah, 21st March 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Hannah, 15th April 1913 1913, Steel Steamer Report for Hannah, 10th April 1913 1913, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Hannah, 11th April 1913 1913, Report on Machinery for Hannah, 9th April 1913 1913, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Hannah, 31st March 1913 1913, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 25th March 1913 1913, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships Verification for Hannah, 19th March 1913 1913, Amended Plan of Straker's Horace Patent Boiler for Hannah, 22nd March 1912 1921, Plan of Cochran type Donkey Boiler for Hannah,14th October 1926 1926, Plan of Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th May 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, returning plan of electrical installation proposed for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Memo submitting the plan of electrical installation for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the owners intention to fit an electric light installation on board the Hannah, 31st October 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding the Annual Freeboard Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 21st December 1933 1933, Letter from F W Uittenbogaart, Managing Director of NV Stoomschip, Rotterdam, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for the Annual Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 19th December 1933 1933, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from F R Palmer, pro Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the trimming hatches in the bridge space for Hannah, 25th April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, regarding the re measurement survey carried out at Newcastle for Hannah, 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, stating that the Freeboard Survey will be completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah , 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the completion of the freeboard survey being completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah, 31st March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey,for Hannah, 30th March 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the completion of the freeboard survey for Hannah, 28th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Grand Canary, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from E Wootton, Director General of Blandy Bros & Co, Grand Canary, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, Regarding the completion of the Survey for the Convention Certificate for Hannah, 8th March 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, forwarding the Convention Freeboard Certificates & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 28th February 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees associated with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Las Palmas, Grand Canary, regarding the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding fees in connection with the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of communication from the Rotterdam Surveyors regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with convention freeboard assignment in the case of the Hannah, 22nd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding Fees for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding fees in connection with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from T Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London regarding International Freeboard Assignment for Hannah, 18th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the account associated with the remeasurement survey of Hannah, 17th February 1933 1933, Letter from R Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with the International Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Letter from George W Oxley, per E J Sutton & Co, Ship Owners, Newcastle, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, regarding Survey Fees in connection with new freeboard for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Invoice of fees charged to E J Sutton & Co by Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, for Freeboard Survey & Certificate of Load Line for Hannah, 16th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, informing that particulars of the alterations already effected, have been inserted in the freeboard report for Hannah, 21st January 1933 1933, Letter from Alexander E Stevenson, per the Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, forwarding freeboard verification form for Hannah, 20th January 1933 1933, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, enclosing Convention Freeboard certificate & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, requesting the Convention Freeboard Certificate & certified copy for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, confirming telegram sent today regarding Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Committee, London, requesting particulars of Convention Freeboard Survey of the Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to F W Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, reporting on an inspection of the Donkey Boiler, damage repairs & Special Survey No 2 for Hannah, 27th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 2nd SS no 2, & damage, & class of Hannah, 16th March 1934 1934, Ship Forgings Form for Hannah, 27th February 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Hannah, 2nd March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Hannah, 5th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the special survey of the engines & boilers for SS No 2 for Hannah, 20th March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 1st May 1934 1934, Report on Electric Fittings for Hannah, 28th February 1934 1934, Form in Dutch Language for Hannah, 15th December 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing a photo print copy of the freeboard report for Hannah, 8th October 1934 1934, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the Port of Registry & sale of Hannah, 6th October 1934 1934, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 26th February 1934 1934, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the survey for damage repairs for Hannah, 21st February 1934 1934, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 19th February 1935 1935, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing the Dutch form for Hannah, 21st February 1935 1935, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of form 2 for the freeboard commission for Hannah, 20th February 1935 1935, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding wear & tear for Hannah, 16th November 1936 1936, Letter from W G McKinlay, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Antwerp, to The Secretary, London, regarding the fitting of a Donkey Boiler on board the Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Memo regarding the necessity for a First Entry Report to be forwarded to the Antwerp Surveyours for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Antwerp, requesting & the First Entry Report on the Boiler intended for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the installation of the Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 2nd October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, enclosing a letter addressed to F C Uittenbogaart, regarding proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of LLoyd's Register, London, to F C Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 23rd September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 21st September 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan of the donkey boiler proposed to be fitted on the Hannah, 16th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, informing that the Committee can not agree to the second hand Donkey Boiler being fitted for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to the Surveyor at Rotterdam, regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposed Second Hand Boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Telegram sent from Rotterdam to the Committee, London , written in LR Private code regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan for Hannah, 22nd June 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 21st October 1936 1936, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, confirming cable sent today written in LR Private code with Translation regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Telegram & Translation in LR Private Code Surveyor at Rotterdam regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 2nd March 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing assignment letters showing the timber freeboards assigned to Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A van Driel, Esq, Holland, Regarding the Convention timber deck cargo freeboards for Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 5th June 1937 1937, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the timber freeboard for Hannah, 2nd June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding alterations made to Hannah to enable it to carry timber deck cargoes, 1st June 1937 1937, Memo requesting that the Rotterdam Surveyors should state if Timber Freeboards have been assigned for Hannah, 31st May 1937 1937, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 4th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 4th May 1937 1937, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 26th February 1937 1937, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Hannah, 7th February 1938 1938, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 8th February 1938 1938, Continuation of Report for Hannah, Undated no date, Note Concerning Certificates Returned for Hannah, Undated no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Tankers for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date )
Vessel’s place of loss or disposal/last known recorded location.
Cape San Antonio ( Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Hannah, 26th February 1912 1912, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 9th November 1912 1912, Plan of Boiler for Hannah, 21st March 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Hannah, 15th April 1913 1913, Steel Steamer Report for Hannah, 10th April 1913 1913, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Hannah, 11th April 1913 1913, Report on Machinery for Hannah, 9th April 1913 1913, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Hannah, 31st March 1913 1913, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 25th March 1913 1913, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships Verification for Hannah, 19th March 1913 1913, Amended Plan of Straker's Horace Patent Boiler for Hannah, 22nd March 1912 1921, Plan of Cochran type Donkey Boiler for Hannah,14th October 1926 1926, Plan of Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th May 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, returning plan of electrical installation proposed for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Memo submitting the plan of electrical installation for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the owners intention to fit an electric light installation on board the Hannah, 31st October 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding the Annual Freeboard Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 21st December 1933 1933, Letter from F W Uittenbogaart, Managing Director of NV Stoomschip, Rotterdam, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for the Annual Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 19th December 1933 1933, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from F R Palmer, pro Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the trimming hatches in the bridge space for Hannah, 25th April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, regarding the re measurement survey carried out at Newcastle for Hannah, 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, stating that the Freeboard Survey will be completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah , 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the completion of the freeboard survey being completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah, 31st March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey,for Hannah, 30th March 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the completion of the freeboard survey for Hannah, 28th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Grand Canary, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from E Wootton, Director General of Blandy Bros & Co, Grand Canary, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, Regarding the completion of the Survey for the Convention Certificate for Hannah, 8th March 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, forwarding the Convention Freeboard Certificates & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 28th February 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees associated with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Las Palmas, Grand Canary, regarding the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding fees in connection with the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of communication from the Rotterdam Surveyors regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with convention freeboard assignment in the case of the Hannah, 22nd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding Fees for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding fees in connection with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from T Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London regarding International Freeboard Assignment for Hannah, 18th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the account associated with the remeasurement survey of Hannah, 17th February 1933 1933, Letter from R Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with the International Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Letter from George W Oxley, per E J Sutton & Co, Ship Owners, Newcastle, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, regarding Survey Fees in connection with new freeboard for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Invoice of fees charged to E J Sutton & Co by Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, for Freeboard Survey & Certificate of Load Line for Hannah, 16th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, informing that particulars of the alterations already effected, have been inserted in the freeboard report for Hannah, 21st January 1933 1933, Letter from Alexander E Stevenson, per the Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, forwarding freeboard verification form for Hannah, 20th January 1933 1933, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, enclosing Convention Freeboard certificate & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, requesting the Convention Freeboard Certificate & certified copy for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, confirming telegram sent today regarding Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Committee, London, requesting particulars of Convention Freeboard Survey of the Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to F W Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, reporting on an inspection of the Donkey Boiler, damage repairs & Special Survey No 2 for Hannah, 27th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 2nd SS no 2, & damage, & class of Hannah, 16th March 1934 1934, Ship Forgings Form for Hannah, 27th February 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Hannah, 2nd March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Hannah, 5th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the special survey of the engines & boilers for SS No 2 for Hannah, 20th March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 1st May 1934 1934, Report on Electric Fittings for Hannah, 28th February 1934 1934, Form in Dutch Language for Hannah, 15th December 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing a photo print copy of the freeboard report for Hannah, 8th October 1934 1934, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the Port of Registry & sale of Hannah, 6th October 1934 1934, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 26th February 1934 1934, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the survey for damage repairs for Hannah, 21st February 1934 1934, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 19th February 1935 1935, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing the Dutch form for Hannah, 21st February 1935 1935, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of form 2 for the freeboard commission for Hannah, 20th February 1935 1935, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding wear & tear for Hannah, 16th November 1936 1936, Letter from W G McKinlay, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Antwerp, to The Secretary, London, regarding the fitting of a Donkey Boiler on board the Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Memo regarding the necessity for a First Entry Report to be forwarded to the Antwerp Surveyours for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Antwerp, requesting & the First Entry Report on the Boiler intended for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the installation of the Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 2nd October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, enclosing a letter addressed to F C Uittenbogaart, regarding proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of LLoyd's Register, London, to F C Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 23rd September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 21st September 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan of the donkey boiler proposed to be fitted on the Hannah, 16th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, informing that the Committee can not agree to the second hand Donkey Boiler being fitted for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to the Surveyor at Rotterdam, regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposed Second Hand Boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Telegram sent from Rotterdam to the Committee, London , written in LR Private code regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan for Hannah, 22nd June 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 21st October 1936 1936, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, confirming cable sent today written in LR Private code with Translation regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Telegram & Translation in LR Private Code Surveyor at Rotterdam regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 2nd March 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing assignment letters showing the timber freeboards assigned to Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A van Driel, Esq, Holland, Regarding the Convention timber deck cargo freeboards for Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 5th June 1937 1937, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the timber freeboard for Hannah, 2nd June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding alterations made to Hannah to enable it to carry timber deck cargoes, 1st June 1937 1937, Memo requesting that the Rotterdam Surveyors should state if Timber Freeboards have been assigned for Hannah, 31st May 1937 1937, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 4th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 4th May 1937 1937, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 26th February 1937 1937, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Hannah, 7th February 1938 1938, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 8th February 1938 1938, Continuation of Report for Hannah, Undated no date, Note Concerning Certificates Returned for Hannah, Undated no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Tankers for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date )
Recorded date for the vessel’s loss or disposal.
11/01/1938 ( Request for Special Survey for Boiler of Hannah, 26th February 1912 1912, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 9th November 1912 1912, Plan of Boiler for Hannah, 21st March 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Profile & Deck Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Half Midship Section Plan for Hannah, 25th January 1912 1912, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding class of Hannah, 15th April 1913 1913, Steel Steamer Report for Hannah, 10th April 1913 1913, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Hannah, 11th April 1913 1913, Report on Machinery for Hannah, 9th April 1913 1913, Freeboard Verification Form for Steamers for Hannah, 31st March 1913 1913, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 25th March 1913 1913, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships Verification for Hannah, 19th March 1913 1913, Amended Plan of Straker's Horace Patent Boiler for Hannah, 22nd March 1912 1921, Plan of Cochran type Donkey Boiler for Hannah,14th October 1926 1926, Plan of Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th May 1930 1930, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, returning plan of electrical installation proposed for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Memo submitting the plan of electrical installation for Hannah, 2nd November 1933 1933, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the owners intention to fit an electric light installation on board the Hannah, 31st October 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding the Annual Freeboard Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 21st December 1933 1933, Letter from F W Uittenbogaart, Managing Director of NV Stoomschip, Rotterdam, to Lloyd's Register, London, regarding arrangements for the Annual Survey & Boiler Survey for Hannah, 19th December 1933 1933, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from F R Palmer, pro Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Grimsby, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the trimming hatches in the bridge space for Hannah, 25th April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Grimsby, regarding the re measurement survey carried out at Newcastle for Hannah, 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, stating that the Freeboard Survey will be completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah , 3rd April 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the completion of the freeboard survey being completed on arrival at Immingham for Hannah, 31st March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey,for Hannah, 30th March 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the completion of the freeboard survey for Hannah, 28th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Grand Canary, regarding the completion of the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 17th March 1933 1933, Letter from E Wootton, Director General of Blandy Bros & Co, Grand Canary, to The Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, Regarding the completion of the Survey for the Convention Certificate for Hannah, 8th March 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, forwarding the Convention Freeboard Certificates & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 28th February 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees associated with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to Blandy Bros & Co, Lloyd's Agents, Las Palmas, Grand Canary, regarding the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 24th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, regarding fees in connection with the assignment of Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of communication from the Rotterdam Surveyors regarding arrangements for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 23rd February 1933 1933, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with convention freeboard assignment in the case of the Hannah, 22nd February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, regarding Fees for the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding fees in connection with the Convention Freeboard Survey for Hannah, 20th February 1933 1933, Letter from T Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London regarding International Freeboard Assignment for Hannah, 18th February 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle on Tyne, regarding the account associated with the remeasurement survey of Hannah, 17th February 1933 1933, Letter from R Shaw, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, regarding fees in connection with the International Convention Freeboards for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Letter from George W Oxley, per E J Sutton & Co, Ship Owners, Newcastle, to Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, regarding Survey Fees in connection with new freeboard for Hannah, 16th February 1933 1933, Invoice of fees charged to E J Sutton & Co by Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, for Freeboard Survey & Certificate of Load Line for Hannah, 16th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, informing that particulars of the alterations already effected, have been inserted in the freeboard report for Hannah, 21st January 1933 1933, Letter from Alexander E Stevenson, per the Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, forwarding freeboard verification form for Hannah, 20th January 1933 1933, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Letter from pro Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Newcastle, enclosing Convention Freeboard certificate & certified copy in respect of Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, requesting the Convention Freeboard Certificate & certified copy for Hannah, 17th January 1933 1933, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from S R Davies, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Newcastle, to The Secretary, London, confirming telegram sent today regarding Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Telegram from Lloyd's Register, Newcastle on Tyne, to the Committee, London, requesting particulars of Convention Freeboard Survey of the Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Letter from Clerk to the Classification Committee of Lloyd's Register, London, to F W Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, reporting on an inspection of the Donkey Boiler, damage repairs & Special Survey No 2 for Hannah, 27th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Ship Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the 2nd SS no 2, & damage, & class of Hannah, 16th March 1934 1934, Ship Forgings Form for Hannah, 27th February 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Hannah, 2nd March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Hannah, 5th March 1934 1934, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding the completion of the special survey of the engines & boilers for SS No 2 for Hannah, 20th March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 1st May 1934 1934, Report on Electric Fittings for Hannah, 28th February 1934 1934, Form in Dutch Language for Hannah, 15th December 1934 1934, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing a photo print copy of the freeboard report for Hannah, 8th October 1934 1934, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the Port of Registry & sale of Hannah, 6th October 1934 1934, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 26th February 1934 1934, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, Regarding the survey for damage repairs for Hannah, 21st February 1934 1934, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 19th February 1935 1935, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to R Leeuwenburg, Esq, Rotterdam Surveyor, acknowledging receipt of letter & enclosing the Dutch form for Hannah, 21st February 1935 1935, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, acknowledging receipt of form 2 for the freeboard commission for Hannah, 20th February 1935 1935, Remarks of the Chief Engineer Surveyor to the Classing Committee regarding wear & tear for Hannah, 16th November 1936 1936, Letter from W G McKinlay, per The Surveyors of Lloyd's Register, Antwerp, to The Secretary, London, regarding the fitting of a Donkey Boiler on board the Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Memo regarding the necessity for a First Entry Report to be forwarded to the Antwerp Surveyours for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Antwerp, requesting & the First Entry Report on the Boiler intended for Hannah, 26th October 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the installation of the Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 2nd October 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, enclosing a letter addressed to F C Uittenbogaart, regarding proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of LLoyd's Register, London, to F C Uittenbogaart, Esq, Rotterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 25th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Amsterdam, regarding a proposal to fit a donkey boiler in the Hannah, 23rd September 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposal to Fit Donkey Boiler for Hannah, 21st September 1936 1936, Letter from H P Burgdorffer, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Amsterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan of the donkey boiler proposed to be fitted on the Hannah, 16th September 1936 1936, Letter from Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, informing that the Committee can not agree to the second hand Donkey Boiler being fitted for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Cablegram & Translation in LR Private Code to the Surveyor at Rotterdam, regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Copy of Cablegram in LR Private Code regarding Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Memo regarding Proposed Second Hand Boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Telegram sent from Rotterdam to the Committee, London , written in LR Private code regarding boiler for Hannah, 29th June 1936 1936, Letter from J J Schoo, Surveyor of Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, enclosing a plan for Hannah, 22nd June 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 21st October 1936 1936, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Renewal Survey of Load Line for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, confirming cable sent today written in LR Private code with Translation regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Telegram & Translation in LR Private Code Surveyor at Rotterdam regarding Hannah, 2nd May 1936 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 2nd March 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, enclosing assignment letters showing the timber freeboards assigned to Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to A van Driel, Esq, Holland, Regarding the Convention timber deck cargo freeboards for Hannah, 8th June 1937 1937, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 5th June 1937 1937, Letter from L Vuijk, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, to The Secretary, London, regarding the timber freeboard for Hannah, 2nd June 1937 1937, Letter from Assistant Secretary of Lloyd's Register, London, to The Surveyors, Rotterdam, regarding alterations made to Hannah to enable it to carry timber deck cargoes, 1st June 1937 1937, Memo requesting that the Rotterdam Surveyors should state if Timber Freeboards have been assigned for Hannah, 31st May 1937 1937, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 4th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 4th May 1937 1937, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 26th February 1937 1937, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Hannah, 7th February 1938 1938, Memo about the Freeboard Report for Hannah, 8th February 1938 1938, Continuation of Report for Hannah, Undated no date, Note Concerning Certificates Returned for Hannah, Undated no date, Particulars for Freeboard Certificates for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Verification Form for Tankers for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard Application for Certificate of Approval for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date, Freeboard & Draught Document for Hannah, Undated no date )
The listed port to which a given vessel belongs.
Middlesbrough ( Report on Boilers for Hannah, 9th November 1912 1912, Steel Steamer Report for Hannah, 10th April 1913 1913, Report on Machinery for Hannah, 9th April 1913 1913 )
Colon ( Report on Electric Fittings for Hannah, 28th February 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 2nd March 1937 1937 )
Rotterdam ( Report on Boilers for Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 4th May 1937 1937 )
Name of surveyor.
William Morrison ( Report on Boilers for Hannah, 9th November 1912 1912, Report on Machinery for Hannah, 9th April 1913 1913 )
A ship’s total internal volume in ‘register tons’ (replaced by gross tonnage post 1982).
3697 ( Report on Boilers for Hannah, 9th November 1912 1912, Steel Steamer Report for Hannah, 10th April 1913 1913, Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Hannah, 11th April 1913 1913, Report on Machinery for Hannah, 9th April 1913 1913, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships Verification for Hannah, 19th March 1913 1913, Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Certificate of Survey of Damage & Repairs for Hannah, 2nd March 1934 1934, Certificate of Survey of Boilers & Machinery for Hannah, 5th March 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 1st May 1934 1934, Report on Electric Fittings for Hannah, 28th February 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 2nd March 1937 1937 )
3730 ( Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 21st October 1936 1936, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Certificate of Survey of Boiler & Machinery for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 4th June 1937 1937, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 4th May 1937 1937, Report of Total Loss, Casualty, &c for Hannah, 7th February 1938 1938, Continuation of Report for Hannah, Undated no date )
Recorded information related to a vessel’s movements.
Willington Quay; Manchester ( Steel Steamer Report for Hannah, 10th April 1913 1913 )
Rotterdam; Antwerp ( Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 1st May 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c for Hannah, 2nd March 1937 1937 )
Physical arrangement of a ship’s masts, sails and rigging.
FA - Fore & Aft ( Steel Steamer Report for Hannah, 10th April 1913 1913 )
Sr - Schooner ( Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Hannah, 11th April 1913 1913 )
The port in which a vessel is registered or permanently based.
Middlesbrough ( Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Hannah, 11th April 1913 1913, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships Verification for Hannah, 19th March 1913 1913, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 11th January 1933 1933 )
Panama ( Report of Surveys for Freeboard-Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933, Report of Surveys for Freeboard Steam Ships for Hannah, 13th January 1933 1933 )
Colon ( Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 18th January 1933 1933, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 1st May 1934 1934, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 26th February 1937 1937, Freeboard Verification Form for Tankers for Hannah, Undated no date )
Rotterdam ( Letter from R Leeuwenburg, Surveyor for Lloyd's Register, Rotterdam, to The Secretary, London, regarding the Port of Registry & sale of Hannah, 6th October 1934 1934, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo &/or Passenger Ships for Hannah, 19th February 1935 1935, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 21st October 1936 1936, Freeboard Verification Form for Ordinary Cargo Ships for Hannah, 4th May 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937, Report of Surveys for Freeboard for Hannah, 4th June 1937 1937, Continuation of Report for Hannah, Undated no date )
Type and configuration of the engine(s) supplied for a vessel.
Triple Compound Surface Condensing Direct Acting Vertical ( Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Hannah, 11th April 1913 1913 )
Triple Compound ( Report on Machinery for Hannah, 9th April 1913 1913 )
Date in which construction of a vessel’s engines were completed.
1913 ( Form for Vessels of 100 Tons & Upwards for Hannah, 11th April 1913 1913, Report on Machinery for Hannah, 9th April 1913 1913, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 1st May 1934 1934, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 21st October 1936 1936, Report on Boilers for Hannah, 10th November 1936 1936, Report of Survey for Repairs, &c, of Engines & Boilers for Hannah, 6th December 1937 1937 )
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