British Corporation Register of Shipping and Aircraft
British Corporation Register of Shipping and Aircraft
British Corporation
British Corporation
Gary & Patricia Bannerman
Gary & Patricia Bannerman
P A Milne
The Engineering Division of British Shipbuilders was formed in 1980 when the corporation was reorganised on the basis of operating in broad product groupings. The operating divisions and functional departments of the corporation are charted and the market within which the Division operates is outlined. Broadly speaking it can be divided into engine building and general engineering. Company products and services are listed the 2 remaining engine building facilities being Clark Hawthorn and John G. Kincaid. The Divisions organisation is supplied and its member companies listed. Ways in which performance has been improved and costs reduced are discussed. The Division's achievements in developing and improving its product range are considered and its work on shaft-driven generators fluidized-bed boilers and waste heat recovery plants illustrated.
P A Milne
British Steel Corporation
British Steel Corporation
British Steel Corporation (BSC)
[British Steel Corporation and NCST Trent Polytechnic]; material collected and arranged by Cyril Gorham
Contents include: wasting assets, natural corrosion trials, dry and wet corrosion, defence against corrosion, case histories.
[British Steel Corporation and NCST Trent Polytechnic]; material collected and arranged by Cyril Gorham
[Sheffield] : Market Promotion Department, British Steel Corporation, Special Steels Division, 1975.
Catalogue number620.1623
ISBN number950045128
British Steel Corporation
The information in this book is summarised from published standards current at the time of closing for press. It includes: Introduction to BS970 SAE and AISI Specifications BS Aircraft Specifications DTD Specifications BS Specifications ISO Recommendations Euronorms ASTM Standards American Petroleum Institute API Specifications Branded steels made by British Steel Corporation Related Specifications
British Steel Corporation
Roy Fenton ; John Clarkson
Roy Fenton ; John Clarkson
Ships in Focus Publication
Catalogue number347.792:BSF:FEN
ISBN number9781901703221
P A Milne
Composition organisation and subsidiary companies of the British Shipbuilding Corporation (set up in 1977) described. The work of the Operations Department towards improving productivity and reducing costs are discussed with reference to; range of shipbuilding and ship repair work undertaken; breakdown of costs market effectiveness of individual yards; industrial relations; working practices and manning levels; management and information systems; productivity measurements.
P A Milne
D Beresford ; M Flapan
Australian Shipbuilders Association Ltd
Development of the design of large high speed ferries for British Columbia Ferry Corporation to meet the needs of the owner is described. An economic analysis tank testing and hydrodynamic analysis were carried out. Existing ferry operation of the owner the intended route design parameters and their impact are reviewed.
D Beresford ; M Flapan
Australian Shipbuilders Association Ltd
D J Gibbons ; K J Rutherford
The emergency and support vessel ESV for British Petroleum and British National Oil Corporation is described and its in- tended modes of operation and novel features of the design of the machinery systems are outlined. Operational requirements including emergency and support roles vessel classification by Lloyd's power system security for dynamic positioning constraints on machinery system and its arrangement in the vessel power generation diesel generator control philosophy propulsion drives and control stations are discussed. Machinery surveillance and control vessel and personnel safety in dangerous gas concentrations remote valve operation waste heat system and fire monitoring and drenching system are considered.
D J Gibbons ; K J Rutherford
Fin Times & Petroleum Times
IPC Press
Conf held in London Dec 12 - 13 1972 Papers are The oil potential of the North Sea Servicing and supplying rigs and platforms The significance of the North Sea in the context of the world oil reserves The prospects for North Sea natural gas Oil and gas technology offshore of the United Kingdom British government policy towards the North Sea A Middle Eastern view of the North Sea developments The financing of North Sea exploration and exploitation - an American view The fabrication and installation of offshore drilling and production platforms EEC energy policy and the North Sea Some investment implications of North Sea oil and gas - a Scottish view The North Sea within the frame work of world oil policies and economics The British Steel Corporation and the North Seabed equipment in the context of North Sea oil and gas The operation of oil rigs The role of the City in financing North Sea development Hydrocarbon potential of offshore western Britain and Ireland A summing up of the first North Sea conference Report on the 1972 drilling season Norway and the North Sea British industry and North Sea oil Scottish investment in the North Sea North Sea potential - the view of the Gas Council The Norwegian industry view of North Sea oil and gas A socialist view of North Sea developments
Fin Times & Petroleum Times
IPC Press
Handbook published by Byers' regarding anchors and cables. It includes information on Board of Trade Requirements, Lloyd's Requirements, British Corporation requirements, Bureau Veritas requirements, types of anchors and cables.
G H Fisher
Contents include: The design and construction of Ships’ sternframe and rudder equipment The effect of Boron on the Properties of Carbon Manganese Steels High Quality Rolled steel bar coils High tensile stainless steel wire for aerosol springs
G H Fisher
British Steel Corporation
The intention of the British Aircraft Corporation to develop a more powerful version of CONSUB their unmanned submersible vehicle. To be designated CONSUB 2 the new vehicle will carry an increased payload of cameras and equipment and will contain SCANTIE (Submersible Craft Acoustic Navigation and Track Indication Equipment) a complete navigation svstem linking ship submersible and seabed.
T Taylor
British Columbia Ferry Corporation currently has 40 ships travelling on 24 different routes to 42 ports along 700 miles of coastline. Three 122 metre fast ferries are being introduced to the fleet. The design and implementation of the company's high speed ferry training plan is described.
T Taylor
E F Spanner
The problems of keeping vessels afloat while taking in water after damage discussed with respect to the requirements of regulatory bodies Lloyds Register British Corporation Rules International Convention for the Safety Of Life At Sea concerning drainage systems bilge pumps suction pipes valves strum-boxes and associated constructions and equipment.
E F Spanner