K G Kellogg ; A R Kallmeyer ; R B Chinnam et al.
A preliminary assessment is made of the influence of low temperature on the impact-generated fracture of a commercial glass-reinforced polymer composite produced by the pultrusion process. Impact tests are conducted using an Izod testing machine on the composite specimens with a V-notch resulting in a fracture surface parallel to the fiber direction. An attempt is made to review the existing data in the literature on low temperature fracture behaviour of composites and compare the data obtained from these tests.
K G Kellogg ; A R Kallmeyer ; R B Chinnam et al.
Guilherme Rueda ; Bruno Madella ; Kazuo Nishimoto et al.
The AVCG (allowable vertical position of the centre of the gravity) of a unit informs for each draft the VCG limit that fulfils some requirements in case intact and damage stability requirements according to the ABS rules. The AVCG in mono-column offshore platforms is studied. As a case study the MonoBR an innovative conceptual unit developed by a partnership of PETROBRAS-CENPES and University of Sao Paulo was analyzed. The studies were carried out during the design of MonoBR for the Walker Ridge area Gulf of Mexico. The effect on the stability of the unit caused by a damaged tank depends on its loading condition since there is loss of both buoyancy and mass modifying the unit's displacement and centre of gravity. In other words depending on the tank loading the amount of water that enters or leaves the unit in a damage case may vary widely. Here the methodology is presented that is adopted in the study of the influence of the ballast tanks loading in the AVCG curve in MonoBR
Guilherme Rueda ; Bruno Madella ; Kazuo Nishimoto et al.
J-i Jang ; J-B Ju ; D Kwon et al.
The present study is focused on the influence of heat-affected zone (HAZ) characteristics on crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) toughness variation of QLT (quenching lamellarizing and tempering) 9% Ni steel HAZ. It is well known that the CTOD test widely used for HAZ toughness evaluation is very sensitive to various HAZ properties which are mechanical and metallurgical. So this study aims to investigate the effective factors such as strength mismatching effects and microstructures distribution including LBZ (local brittle zone) in crack tip front and their influences on CTOD toughness variation. To estimate the influence of the factors more systematically K-grooved HAZ specimens are prepared for CTOD tests and analyzed after the tests.
J-i Jang ; J-B Ju ; D Kwon et al.
R Moreton ; J Wallis
This paper sets out to address the issues concerned with improving access to the corporate information resource and builds on a paper by Moreton (1996). This original paper was derived as a result of a research project funded by the CSC-Index Foundation. The current paper reflects on the lessons learned from over three years' experience of running a large institutional (University) website and draws on past research into managing non-WWW information in a distributed systems environment. In particular the paper addresses the two significant issues of the adoption of Consolidated Approach to Information Management and the definition of Two Level Technical Infrastructure. Then the implications are considered of what needs to be done both technically and organisationally to manage the corporate information resource so that it can be more readily available to business users of desk-top computing devices.
R Moreton ; J Wallis
Corinne Corbau ; Paolo Ciavola ; Ramon Gonzalez et al.
Data on cross-shore sand transport was obtained during two tidal cycles on a dissipative macrotidal pocket beach in the outer Gironde Estuary (SW France). Sediment samples were collected using streamer traps at different elevations above the bed across the surf zone while measuring nearshore waves and cross-shore currents on the beach. The streamer tap was chosen because it appeared suitable to analyse the vertical grain size distribution in the water column during transport and time variations in onshore sediment fluxes. After some background information a look is taken at the study area followed by the methods. Next results are discussed.
Corinne Corbau ; Paolo Ciavola ; Ramon Gonzalez et al.
E Sofras ; J Prousalidis
Nowadays the AES (all electric ship) concept with electric propulsion and electronic automation dominates components onboard. This extensive electrification of shipboard installations has increased the importance of certain types of electrical studies even at the ship design stage. A comparative analysis (both qualitative and quantitative) of a specific case study between IEC 61363 and IEC 61909 is presented highlighting points of convergence and divergence between them and underlining certain critical issues that have emerged. The results of this have been applied to the medium voltage electrical power system of a ship with electrical propulsion. This ship is a car or passenger ferry called 'ALKYON 2000'. The results and the differences in percentages between the resultant magnitudes are categorised and tabulated.
E Sofras ; J Prousalidis
Katsuji Tanizawa ; Makiko Minami ; Taiji Imoto
The wave drift speed of a floating body is discussed. Measurements of wave drift speed were carried out on both 2D floating body and a 3D floating body. Then an estimation method of wave drift speed was derived from the analysis of measurement results. The mechanism of wave drift speed varies with wavelength. In short wave range wave drift force due to wave scattering pushes the floating body. Therefore drift speed is decided by the equilibrium of wave drift force and fluid drag and it is proportional to the wave slope. In long wave range on the other hand wave drift force hardly acts on the floating body because wave almost transmits the floating body. Therefore the drift speed is decided by the wave-current speed and it is proportional to the square of the wave slope. Taking these wave drift mechanisms into consideration an estimation method of wave drift speed which covers entire wave range is proposed.
Katsuji Tanizawa ; Makiko Minami ; Taiji Imoto
Petri Varsta
This thesis analyses the mechanics of the ice load induced by level ice-ship interaction and develops a mathematical model for the load. The ice pressure which loads the ice wedge originates from the contact process between the ice edge and the ship hull. The dynamic bending of the ice plate induced by the contact force determines the ice load. The mechanical constants of the ice form the basic data for the analysis. The mathematical model forms a basis for future ice load measurements with which values for ship design can be gathered.
Petri Varsta
Technical Research Centre of Finland
Adam Hosking ; Robin McInnes
SCOPAC (Standing Conference on Problems Associated with the Coastline) commissioned a research study entitled "Preparing for the impacts of Climate Change". This study's aims were to develop climate change scenarios for the next 80 years identify generic impacts on the coast determine hazard and risk along the SCOPAC coast and identify future risk management requirements. The climate change scenarios are outlined. However particular concentration is given to geomorphological assessment of impacts upon coastal landforms and systems. Also the potential impacts on risk management and the key recommendations and conclusions of the study are looked at briefly.
Adam Hosking ; Robin McInnes
V Sundar ; B V V Subba Rao
Breakwaters are most important harbour structures designed to withstand and dissipate wave energy. They provide the required tranquillity conditions on their leeward side for safe marine operations and they intercept the movement of longshore sediment and prevent sediment deposition inside the harbour. Different types of breakwaters are being developed worldwide to suit the marine environment. Pile breakwaters consist of closely spaced rigid vertical piles. Vertical and horizontal slotted screens have also been used to form breakwaters. One type of breakwater configuration is a quadrant front face supported on piles with its leeward side permitting the berthing of vessels which is not possible with the presence of conventional rubble round breakwaters. Investigation of reflection transmission and loss coefficients of this model are presented and discussed as well as the pressures exerted on the quadrant front face of the model due to the action of random waves. Experimental set-up procedure analysis results and discussion are reported.
V Sundar ; B V V Subba Rao
W J Browning Jr ; J P Davis ; W J Browning 3
The AHS (AquaHabiStat) system is a patented purely mechanical BWT (ballast water treatment) system and removes DO (dissolved oxygen) from the ballast water as it is taken on board. The system has inbound ballast pumps which transfer water into a specially constructed steel tank. Here a vacuum is drawn on the water by a vacuum pump. A centrifugal pump them removes the water from the tank and moves it to the ships ballast hold. The marine life in the water suffocates in the ballast hold during the voyage. The water may then be discharged after 2-3 days. The water regains oxygen on discharge. The entire system may be run with a laptop PC.
W J Browning Jr ; J P Davis ; W J Browning 3
K Michiba ; H Hiramatsu ; H Hasegawa et al.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers - ASME
An experimental study into the effects of strength mis-match on crack growth resistance and strain at the crack tip was carried out on two different steels (mild steel and 9Ni steel) in the homogeneous and heterogeneous conditions: compact tests to ASTM E813-1987 enabled determination of Crack Tip Opening Displacement (CTOD) crack resistance curves and strain behaviour during stable crack growth: stable crack growth was analysed by 3D FEM. The effect of constraint arising from strength mis-match on stable crack growth behaviour is discussed.
K Michiba ; H Hiramatsu ; H Hasegawa et al.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers - ASME
T Iseki ; D Terada
Shipboard guidance systems for heavy weather operation need to be developed. New techniques are introduced into the Bayesian modelling procedure to estimate directional wave spectra based on ship motion data. In the proposed method the triple-valued function problem in following seas is strictly taken into account and the optimum solution is obtained from the stochastic viewpoint. Using the estimated directional wave spectrum it is shown that the future states of ship motions and longitudinal bending stresses can be evaluated based on the assumption of linear responses. To examine the reliability of the proposed method on board experiments are carried out. Comparisons between the results of the proposed method and onboard experiments show good agreement.
T Iseki ; D Terada
J Reddoch ; C Taylor ; R Smith
Discussion is presented of the drill cuttings reinjection (CRI) engineering and operating techniques utilized by British Gas and Apollo Services on the three year Tunisian Miskar project off the coast of Sfax Tunisia. Details are given of: well planning with information on template drilling as it relates to cuttings reinjections; injection well disposal design and planning including multiple well casing points for development drilling while producing; requirements for surface equipment personnel and commissioning; field results and data with adjustments for unplanned events; and economics of CRI and natural oil base versus synthetic oil mud. It is concluded that template drilling with CRI is a viable alternative on fast track programs in tough downhole drilling environments and can be extremely successful as long as proper engineering is performed and operations are conducted by experienced contractors.
J Reddoch ; C Taylor ; R Smith
Vigdis Olden ; Egil Kvaale ; Arne Simensen et al.
This paper describes investigations performed on as welded and post weld heat treated samples of AISI 8630 steel buttered with Inconel 625 and Inconel 725. The investigations were focused on the properties and microstructure in the partial mixed zone between the buttering and the steel before and after post weld heat treatment. The samples were heat treated for 4 hours 30 minutes at 640°C 665°C and 690°C and investigated with respect to mechanical properties and microstructure near the fusion line. A range of testing and analyses were performed. Additional investigations in TEM on samples from an actual joint post weld heat treated at 665°C were also performed.
Vigdis Olden ; Egil Kvaale ; Arne Simensen et al.
B Buchner
The influence of the bow shape of floating production storage and offloading vessels (FPSOs) on drift forces and green water loading has been studied. The results of model tests and diffraction calculations are discussed for a traditional tanker bow a sharp alternative bow without a flare and a sharp alternative bow with a significant flare above the waterline. The mean wave and low- frequency drift forces seem to be smaller for the sharp bows than for the traditional bow. It is not clear whether the total mooring line loads for the sharp bows are lower because the wave frequency motions are larger. The relative motions around the sharp bows are larger than for the traditional bow resulting in more water on the deck. The impact pressures are also significantly higher. The discussed results suggest that it is not sensible to optimise FPSO bows on one aspect only.
B Buchner
S Overaas ; E Solum
Operation of load-on-top systems for reducing oil pollution from Norwegian tankers in accordance with the requirements of the IMCO International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships 1973 was studied by detailed sampling and analysing of discharge waters and tank sludge from in-service vessels and by similar experiments on a working model tank system. The results are used to discuss - successful operation of LOT; improvements to current systems; and sytems layout on board and documentation. Guidelines for the design and operation of newbuildings considered
S Overaas ; E Solum
B Weston ; A Borthwick ; P Taylor
Several numerical models have been developed for the prediction of wave runup and overtopping of coastal structures based on the non-linear shallow water (NLSW) equations. However these are limited solely to the simulation of long waves due to the equation set neglecting the effects of dispersion. To correct this the NLSW equations can be replaced by the Boussinesq equations which include dispersion effects. This extended set of equations can then be successfully applied to shrter waves. Now a hybrid numerical model BWAVE based on a conservative hyperbolic form of the Boussinesq equations and spliced with the NLSW equations that are conveniently embedded within this set of Boussinesq equations is presented. This work aims to demonstrate that when compared to predictions based on the NLSW equations alone hybrid models that include the effects of dispersion can give improved accuracy for wave rump measurements and overtopping volumes for breaking and non-breaking wave events in shallow water.
B Weston ; A Borthwick ; P Taylor
International Shipping Federation (ISF)
This guide has sections explaining why the STCW Convention was revised, an overview of the STCW package, technical details, explicit new responsibilities and implicit new obligations and how they will apply to shipping companies, uniform standards of competence, alternative methods of issuing certificates, and ensuring implementation of the revised Convention.
International Shipping Federation (ISF)
International Shipping Federation (ISF)
K Herklotz ; S Schwarz ; H Nies
In the North Sea and the Baltic Sea concentrations of nutrients and organic compounds are controlled by the inputs of different variable sources biogeochemical conversions sinks such as sedimentation or denitrification and advective exports. For nutrients and micropollutants continuous data with high temporal resolution are necessary to describe a complete annual cycle as well as short-term events reasonably. In the past chemical variables were measured either on single research campaigns or on regular monitoring cruises. These data sets limited on single periods of the year cannot detect short- or middle-term processes which could have considerable impact on the state and on the ecological effects of hydrographically high variable sea areas. Automatic nutrient analysers and event-controlled samplers for organic pollutants which are installed on sea-based stations are introduced as a more effective way to get insight into these processes. A system description is presented.
K Herklotz ; S Schwarz ; H Nies