M Kubo ; K Asaki ; K Yamamoto et al.
A new device to prevent spilt oil diffusion in several minutes just after an accident is proposed. It encloses a hull with curtains with a depth nearly equal to the full load draft of the ship and sinkers are mounted on the foot of the curtain to be stabilized in the water. The effects of this device are discussed on the basis of some results of two-dimensional model experiments. Lastly a practical operation method of the device is presented resulting in a full scale experiment conducted on an actual ship.
M Kubo ; K Asaki ; K Yamamoto et al.
K Garme
The behaviour of high-speed planing craft operating in waves is characterised by large and violent motion. Slamming (severe water impact) can be expected at most wave encounters resulting in large rigid body acceleration and high local pressure. A model experiment on a planing high- speed craft in calm water regular and irregular waves is reviewed. The objective is to measure the pressure distribution and the transient accelerations together with the rigid body motions during severe but well-defined wave conditions. Results on slamming impact pressure and acceleration are given and examples on large model motions are shown.
K Garme
Institute of Petroleum
During the last decade a considerable amount of research and development effort has been put into new methods to reduce oil pollution at sea, and particularly on oil spill dispersants and their means of application. This has resulted in formulation of highly efficient dispersant concentrates and compatible aerial spraying systems which have improved the response time to oil spills. This book takes into account the developments which have taken place since 1979. It is based largely on experience and legislation relevant to the UK, but the general principles will apply to most countries of the world.
Institute of Petroleum
Chichester : Wiley on behalf of the Institute of Petroleum, 1986.
Catalogue number628.1688309162
S Neumann
Cylinder pressure is the fundamental variable that determines a combustion engine’s operating state. The design and performance of imes long-life high-temperature thin film strain gauge pressure sensors are described. These have been specifically developed to monitor reciprocating compressors natural gas or diesel engines and high-pressure fuel systems.
S Neumann
I Das ; C Wordsworth ; G McNulty
IMarE Conferences and Symposia
Concerns raised about flexible risers are discussed including the problems associated with the occurrence of severe slugging in the riser and the resultant affects on the topsides separation equipment. Several test programmes which CALTEC has performed to determine the behaviour of slugging in pipelines and risers its affect on process equipment and ways it can be managed are also discussed. Some of the issues associated with severe slugging are large gas and liquid variations which lead to periods of no gas or liquid production following by large liquid production rates and excessively high gas velocities high average back pressure at wellhead and high physical loadings on equipment which may lead to fatigue damage.
I Das ; C Wordsworth ; G McNulty
IMarE Conferences and Symposia
J Listewnik ; T Graczyk ; T Jastrzebski et al.
Computational Mechanics Publications
The attention of marine engineers is drawn to the complexity of fuel injectors production and their re-conditioning. Methods of fuel nozzle optimization and renewal are looked at. Wear and malfunctioning of fuel injectors are considered. Fuel valve maintenance and re-conditioning on board ships is discussed aiming to make the marine engineer on board aware of current constraints on fuel injectors maintenance.
J Listewnik ; T Graczyk ; T Jastrzebski et al.
Computational Mechanics Publications
Y Ino ; T Koshino
Some propeller blades of liners have been damaged due to fatigue which calls for revision to rule requirements by measuring propeller blade strength based on alternative stress instead of on the mean stress. In this paper a formula for blade stress calculation using simple parameters is derived from Schoenherr's thrust equation and examined by comparison with results of computer calculations using the lifting surface theory and measured stresses on actual ships' propellers.
Y Ino ; T Koshino
I D Aryawan ; A Incecik ; E B Djatmiko
This paper describes a new approach for the prediction of loads and motions on a turret moored Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel. The method is semi-empirical which is based on the strip theory and hydrodynamic coefficients obtained from model test results. Furthermore the effect of mooring arrangements on loads and motions is included in a quasi-static manner and the non-linear restoring forces are calculated. The load and motion predictions can be carried out both in frequency- and time-domain.
I D Aryawan ; A Incecik ; E B Djatmiko
T Wegrzyn
The influence of the variable amounts of nitrogen and oxygen on impact properties of different welds are tested. Also on the basis of the results of the influence of the variable amounts of nitrogen oxygen and metallographical structure on impact properties mathematical equations regarding those relationships are given. First a look is taken at the welding procedure. Next weld metal testing is touched upon. After this the results are discussed.
T Wegrzyn
Select Committee on Science and Technology
A report into the Tracked Hovercraft Ltd project, reporting on the project's history, the manner of its cancellation, the cancellation decision, comments on the evidence, proper evaluation of Tracked Hovercraft Ltd, the future of Tracked Hovercraft Ltd and the test site, and general conclusions.
Select Committee on Science and Technology
London : Her Majesty's Stationery Officer [HMSO]
B McRae
A discussion of vessel wavemaking and its connection to river bank erosion. Reducing erosion from a combined hydrodynamic and geomorphologic standpoint is examined and topics include vessel modification and the Wigley hull model foil geometry foil position and foil angles levee bank simulation and a brief history of the problem.
B McRae
The Memorandum of Understanding on Port Control
The Memorandum of Understanding on Port Control
Contact IMarEST directly for access
The installation of a deliquidiser in the process train on BP's ETAP field solved condensate carry-over problems
Contact IMarEST directly for access
Various articles on ships and maritime history from Fairplay publications, spiral bound together.
Shipping World & Shipbuilder
Paul Markides Director of the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) on sharing responsibility in meeting regional and international regulations across Europe and the world
Shipping World & Shipbuilder
National Engineering Laboratory
CHe on Marine Tech
National Engineering Laboratory
CHe on Marine Tech
B S Makhija
The main purpose of this paper is to offer some suggestions on how engineers may progress into management.
B S Makhija
A C Hardy
Trends in the application of oil\diesel engines for the propulsion of small ships of under 2000 tons are discussed according to country of origin (Belgium Holland Germany France Japan Sweden Denmark UK and USA) type of ship (coasters fishing craft auxiliary craft inland waterway and harbour vessels) and data on newbuildings. Additional notes on type of drive are included.
A C Hardy
Y Ishioka ; S Nakamura ; K Kose et al.
A supporting system in the Integrated Navigation System (INS) has been developed for collision avoidance concentrating on reducing the operators' work load and on supporting decision making for navigators. A collision avoidance expert system has also been developed. This proposes collision avoidance action considering the prediction of target ship's action traffic rules and navigator's practices. An analysis of human's collision avoidance process and the formulating of requirements for INS is given. Decision-making support for collision avoidance is discussed and the collision avoidance expert system is described.
Y Ishioka ; S Nakamura ; K Kose et al.
Michael Morris-Thomas ; Krish Thiagarajan ; Jorgen Krokstad
This paper details an experimental investigation of wave run-up on a fixed vertical surface piercing circular cylinder. The study focuses on two important parameters wave steepness and body slenderness which are shown to influence the wave run-up. The wave steepness kA is varied from 0.041 - 0.284 and the body slenderness parameter ka is varied from 0.208 - 1.386. The zero- first- and second-harmonic components of the wave run-up are compared with frequency based numerical predictions of the free-surface elevation by a commercially available boundary element program WAMIT.
Michael Morris-Thomas ; Krish Thiagarajan ; Jorgen Krokstad