C F Durham
The book brings information on measurement surveys, condition surveys, sampling and cargo surveys.
C F Durham
ISBN number1901290077
William V Packard
This volume, the third and last in the Sea Trading series, covers the trading of seaborne raw materials and finished goods, the world of liner conferences and tramp shipping. Also discussed in detail are charterparties and bills of lading.
William V Packard
Fairplay Publications
Catalogue number387.544
W E Astle
W E Astle
J D Eadie
J D Eadie
W E Astle
W E Astle
W D Ewart
This book examines technical, commercial and legal ramifications of the provision of marine bunkers. The book begins with an outline of the current problems affecting the quality of fuel, and the difficulty of contaminants. Legal problems over the customers’ right and the suppliers’ obligations are examined as are the various difficulties that arise between owner and charterer when bunker quality is alleged to affect performance. The book goes on to examine modern shipboard fuel systems, with these being described in terms that an operator who is not necessarily an engineer will be able to understand. The design of a new ship for fuel efficiency, the adaptation of existing machinery to give it many more years of useful life are both covered while the principles of fuel preparation, purification, centrifuging, homogenisation emulsification and blending are described. The baffling problem of BAFs (Bunker Adjustment Factors) and freight rates is explained clearly while the book goes on to describe the long and difficult development on a number of fronts of a specification for marine fuels. Costs of bunkers, the use of brokers to buy them and a thought-provoking checklist for operators is included.
W D Ewart
Coulsdon; Fairplay
Catalogue number387.54044
A Carver
The way stability works is the same for small or large vessels, whether fishing or trading. The book explains what stability is, why ships need it, and how to ensure that they have it. It is a handbook for operators of small vessels and a simple guide for those studying for certificates of competence for large vessels. Chapter 1 is an introduction, looking at seaworthiness and factors affecting stability and water-tightness. Chapters follow on: Buoyancy and floatation and load lines and draft marks, Weights, moments and list, Heel and the metacentre, Free surface and ballasting, Instability and equilibrium, Stability curves, Trim and motion, Damaged stability and bilging, Certificates and IMO recommendations.
A Carver
Fairplay Publications Ltd ; Lloyd's Register
C A Laurence
This is a practical book designed to help ship operators and managers, both ashore and afloat, save money. It is written by an author who has extensive experience in optimising the operation of ships. The reduction of fuel consumption through on-board engineering practices, better voyage planning, sensible routeing and a more thorough understanding of meteorology are but part of the picture, and the author convincingly demonstrates the savings that can be made by, for instance, avoiding delays in port and careful balancing of costs with marketing requirements. Here are helpful hints that really do work in practice and which when extrapolated through a fleet, or a period of time, can make substantial savings. While the book concentrates on the practical aspects of vessel cost saving, the author does not neglect the whole philosophy of performance monitoring, the motivation of people to look constructively at better ways of doing their job and the importance of both ship and shore thinking as one, in the struggle for efficient ship operation.
C A Laurence
Coulsdon; Fairplay
D Hollett
D Hollett
Fairplay Publications
Catalogue number347.792:BRO:HOL
W E Astle
This publication brings the history and origin of the Rules and the Introduction of the Carriage of goods by Sea Act, 1924 and the Carriage of Good by Sea Act, 1971, giving the Rules legal effect in the United Kingdom.
W E Astle
London : Fairplay, 1980
Catalogue number341.75668
ISBN number905045173
R Scott
R Scott
M Corkhill
Fairplay Publications
M Corkhill
Fairplay Publications
Fairplay Information Systems
Fairplay Information Systems
Michael Grey
This book has three main objectives. Firstly, to try and bring home to the ship’s officer the fact that, as he is unlikely to stat at sea for the whole of this working life, he ought to think right from the start about a subsequent career. Secondly, the book provides practical advice about the often traumatic business of preparing for a further career ashore, the problems of finding another job and some of the trials and tribulations of settling down in the harsh world away from the ship. Lastly, the book tried to encourage people to look first at the vast range of activities that might be grouped together as “the marine industry” in the hope that they will look at this area first to profitably use the experience they have gained afloat. Contents include: Looking ahead-planning a future ashore; Looking around-making the move ashore; Life is different ashore; Ashore in stages; Ashore in the shipping company; The port industry; The world of commerce; Insurance and the law; Safety and technical; Nautical education; Maritime miscellany.
Michael Grey
Michael Grey (editor)
This book traces the continuing development of one of the most important specialised subsidiaries of the tanker sector. It is itself a multiplicity of sub-specialisation from the large and sophisticated liquid liners of the parcel trades, down to small vessels distributing a restricted number of products on short sea routes. The book has been divided into six separate parts. The first, central to any understanding of both the markets and the ships that serve them considers the broad groups of chemicals that are carried by sea, their origins and uses, and some indication of probable development. The second part introduces the reader to the technical constraints of chemical cargoes, the methods of assessing the hazards, and the problems of product purity and reactivity that govern the safe and efficient carriage of any cargo. Part 3 discusses ship design, including important and changing rules such as MARPOL requirements, different building materials and different designs. Part 4 describes ship operations, Part 5 traces the development of chemical/parcel tanker fleets, and Part 6 contains useful appendices, for example on the uses of chemicals.
Michael Grey (editor)
Fairplay Publications
International Cargo Handling Coordination Association
Fourth biennial Conf held in London October 1963 Papers are Research in steamship operations Research into the mechanised handling of general cargo Direct shipment and discharge of cargo as compared with handling through transit sheds Some aspects of immediate delivery on free loading berths Present position of and future developments in heavy cargo handling and hoisting equipment Operational research studies of port operation The effect on productivity of design of ports and port facilities Cargo standards Experience in longshore research The economics of supply Mechanical handling of fruit for export from the Republic of South Africa Basis for professional training in port work Introduction of specialised tonnage to Melbourne/Northern Tasmanian service Long distance lorry terminals Problems associated with port cargo handling
International Cargo Handling Coordination Association
David Tinsley
This book assesses the small-ship fleets of the countries fringing the Baltic, the North Sea and the Atlantic coast of Europe, and reviews the ownership structure, recent and current design developments and the changing composition of those fleets. It includes an examination of the principal dry cargo commodities moved in small loads in international European trade, and identified commercial trends and industry's requirements. In looking at the relative competitiveness of the various fleets, national regulations concerning levels of manning and certification and operating limits are reviewed. The volume incorporates a comprehensive and unique register of small ships, mainly of vessels of up to 6,000 dwt, but also including larger bulkers regularly employed on short haul traffic.
David Tinsley
Fairplay Publications
John Guy
This book sets out simple guidelines which will help people in the marine industry to achieve their purpose when they write.
John Guy
Catalogue number808.066623
Gotaas Larsen Shipping Corporation
The report presents tables, maps and figures to outline the current, future, and possible LNG trades around the world. Data on the LNG fleet and vessels on order or under construction are also listed.
Gotaas Larsen Shipping Corporation
Fairplay Publications Ltd
editor: Sean Gibson
Contains port index for countries M-S (Macau to Syria), including plans, and advertisers' index.
editor: Sean Gibson
IHS Fairplay
ISBN number9781906313456