William V Packard
A concise guide for the shipbroker on the origins of goods carried by sea, their basic characteristics and factors which should be taken into consideration in the drawing up of charterparties, together with useful information on their stowage, carriage and handling.
William V Packard
Fairplay Publications
Catalogue number387.544
W E Astle
The purpose of this book is to provide details on a number of selected and important developments arising out of the governing legislation in maritime commerce, in the belief that these will hold a particular interest for commercial men engaged in day-to-day business of maritime commerce, and for others having a general or particular interest in such matters, including the student embarking on or about to embark upon a career in this field.
W E Astle
London : Fairplay Publications, c1983.
Catalogue number341.7/566
ISBN number905045432
John M Downard
This book covers terminology involved with ship management; types of management in shipping and developments since sail; objectives, functions and constraints on management (including law, ethics, plans, budgets, controls, duties, responsibilities, policy and time); organising ship management; regulations and policies; communicating, controlling and informing; collecting and storing information; administration and accounts; crew; technical; supplies; insurance; owner and ship manager; master and chief engineer; manning and motivation; research and development; operations; and conclusions on how to manage a ship.
John M Downard
London : Fairplay, c1984.
Catalogue number387.5068
C F Durham
This book is an introduction to the work of the marine surveyor and it is hoped that it will be of interest to professionals contemplating a career as a marine surveyor, those who are in training and the enormous numbers of people who employ marine surveyors. The four sections cover determining the quantity loaded or discharged, determining the condition of the hull and/or equipment, determining the degree and cause of damage and determining the suitability of a compartment for cargo.
C F Durham
Fairplay Publications
Kenneth T Schiels
The intention of this book is to assist in training ship agents, and to provide an insight into agency business for shipowners, operators and charterers. The first chapters are an overview of marine transport in general. The middle chapters explain the legal relationships between the ship agent, the principal and third parties. The last chapters are my own observations of the tram agency business.
Kenneth T Schiels
Coulsdon; Fairplay
Catalogue number387.544
ISBN number1870093755
J E Sloggett
This book is written for an informed maritime readership, but one which may not have a detailed knowledge of financial practices employed in the complex world of ship finance. This is a practical handbook in which the procedures and terminology are fully covered. Both new and secondhand craft are covered, while the book details the financial appraisal of new projects, the use of foreign currency, taxation and leasing and other subjects vital when the purchase of ships or rigs are considered.
J E Sloggett
London : Fairplay Publications, c1984.
Catalogue number387.50681
ISBN number905045696
J E Sloggett
Second edition This new edition of Shipping Finance concentrates on fundamental and applied topics, such as project finance for new construction; bank loans for shipping acquisitions; investment appraisal techniques; foreign exchange; and taxation. These issues remain important irrespective of structural changes in the shipping finance world; and are also of interest to the shipowner, banker, shipbuilder, shipbroker and, certainly, the maritime-related studies of the university student.
J E Sloggett
Fairplay Publications
ISBN number1870093895
Robert Scott
The book presents principal particulars and a profile drawing of 208 standard designs offered by 30 shipbuilding organisations in various parts of the world at the time of publication. The parameters decided on for the coverage of this edition were that it should cover general cargo vessels ('tweendeckers'), container ships, roll-on/roll-off vessels and small bulk carriers (under 12,000 d.w.t.). Certain dual-purpose ships such as container/bulk carriers are also included.
Robert Scott
London ; Fairplay Publications Ltd
Barry Luthwaite
This brief study of the car carrier market is intended to give a clear insight into the volume of ordering and operation of pure car carriers. This guide covers pure car carriers, their charterers and operators, tabular data on the growth of the pure car carrier fleet, bulk and vehicle car carriers with known and unknown car capacity, miscellaneous vessels with known car capacity and addresses of the managing owners of pure car carriers.
Barry Luthwaite
Fairplay International Research Services FIRS
Frank Paine
This book describes how finance for the acquisition of a ship is raised. The factors which affect the manner in which finance can be obtained, and the proper procedures for banks involved in the financing are treated in detail. But this is more than a book for shipping bankers. It is a book for shipowners and governments, particularly those in developing countries. The book seeks to close the communications gaps between shipowner and ship financier and shipowners in developing countries and international financial institutions. The advices in this book shall make it easier for shipowners to get the money they need, and make it less likely that the bank who lends it will lose theirs.
Frank Paine
Fairplay Publications
Catalogue number623.8200681
Michael Grey (editor)
This book presents a current overview of the many manifestations of the ro-ro ship. It describes the various ship types and their employment, from the smallest ferry operations to the large deep sea ro-ros. It explains the design constraints and the opportunities presented by the versatility of those designing access equipment and systems for the rapid handling of cargo that is the principal justification for the ro-ro mode. Separately considered are hull, machinery, ro-ro conversions and safety of ship and cargo. Also covered is the design of port equipment and special requirements of terminals. There is also a section on strategic use of ro-ros following procurement of ro-ros for military purposes. Current service developments are described, and there is a comprehensive tabular section of vessels, owners, builders and craft on order.
Michael Grey (editor)
Fairplay Publications
Michael Corkhill
The early chapters of this book cover the history of tonnage measurement and the build-up to the acceptance of the Convention while the latter chapters are devoted to the likely effects of this acceptance on tonnage users, particularly in light of the new ship types gaining an increasing share of the world’s merchant fleet. What attitude will the ports and canals adopt as regards dues charges during this transition period? What ship types are likely to be most favoured by the Convention, what ship types are on the way out? What about the favourability of replacing the tonnage parameters with alternative parameters for the purpose of ports’ charges and manning and safety requirements? The book considers these and other important questions. The preparation of the Convention was perhaps the most difficult step towards a working and viable universal tonnage measurement system; however, a series of equally-important steps lie ahead in implementing this system and they will depend on the co-ordinated efforts of all tonnage users.
Michael Corkhill
Fairplay Publications
Richard A Cahill
A practical book for the professional mariner, written by a serving shipmaster, this volume analyses a large number of collisions that have occurred, some well-known and other less so, but each proving an important lesson. The accounts are filled with instances where basic principles and practices of seamen have been flouted or ignored, more often than not by seamen who ever knew, or should have known better, where careers were ruined and lives lost unnecessarily for the lack of thought or learning.
Richard A Cahill
London, Eng. : Fairplay Publications, 1983.
by Michael Corkhill; diagrams drawn by Brian Mehl
This report traces the development of the various types of gas carriers and examines those aspects which set them apart from other vessels, for example, the cargo containment system, insulation and tank materials. Cargo handling and the safety problems associated with the carriage of hazardous cargoes are also discussed.
by Michael Corkhill; diagrams drawn by Brian Mehl
London : Fairplay Publications Ltd., 1976.
Catalogue number387.245
Michael Grey ; Robert Scott
After thirty years of expansion, the world oil industry seems to be facing fundamental change, with consumers apparently having adjusted their demands to permanently lower levels. This adds to the uncertainties of predicting freight rate cycles. This book, which updates a previous publication, covers technical, commercial and operational considerations of product tankers in a world of complete change. The legislative constraints imposed on tanker operators are considered, together with the effects upon changes in refinery location. This volume is supplemented by a complete register of product tankers, and details of the not inconsiderable number of ships still on order.
Michael Grey ; Robert Scott
Fairplay Publication
John M Downard
This book is part of a series which aims to provide helpful advice on the more practical aspects of ship operation and management. Contents: 1. Planning 2. Budgets 3. Accounting practices and procedures affecting ship managers 4. Arrangement – relationship of ship’s costs 5. Crew costs 6. Technical costs 7. Supplies costs 8. Insurance costs 9. Administration 10. Summary of costs departments 11. Control 12. Stock control 13. Purchasing , Quotations and Tenders 14. Economies and cutting back 15. The effects of ships’ management and operations on each other’s costs 16. Theories and practices
John M Downard
Coulsdon; Fairplay
Catalogue number387.50681
William V Packard
This book is about ship sale and purchase techniques and identifies elements and procedures which can be separately analysed under appropriate and logical headings. This book is written in the anticipation and hope that it will be of value to those engaged in sale and purchase, either casually or in a more profound manner. It intends to take the reader through the course of events involved in buying and selling ships, explaining each aspect and providing illustrations of some of the more prominent documents involved.
William V Packard
London: Fairplay Publications, 1988.
James W Gray
The events of the shipping market during the 1980s have demonstrated both unpredictability and risk to an astonishing degree, despite the increase in shipping efficiency and financial sophistication. The purpose of this book is to discuss the management of marine commercial risk, comparing traditional period timechartering, contracts of affreightment against newbuildings and joint ventures with freight futures, a new method of commercial risk management. The freight futures markets, BIFFEX and INTEX offer banks shipowners, charterers, and operators cheap, flexible and ease-to-use tools for the management of commercial risk and the author explains how to employ them effectively. The book also foes on to explain how the industry can use the financial futures market to control both currency and interest rate risks.
James W Gray
London : Fairplay Publications, 1986.
W E Astle
A common bone of contention between charterers and shipowners is the question of whether the port or berth to which the vessel was ordered was a safe port or berth, within the meaning of the charterer; whether it was within the meaning of the charter, reachable on arrival, and whether at the time of the vessel’s arrival she was, within the meaning of the contract, an arrived ship. This book aims to provide guidelines necessary for the amicable settlement of any such similar disputes, so leading the way to a proper understanding of the problem of the safe port or berth reachable on arrival.
W E Astle
London : Fairplay Publications Ltd., 1986.
ISBN number905045912