A.C. Hardy
Chapman and Hall
A.C. Hardy
Chapman and Hall
An exhaust emissions reduction programme for diesel engines in ships and diesel installations is outlined. Primary NOx reduction methods and exhaust gas after treatment are discussed.
G Aertssen
Sea trials originally carried out on the extensively instrumented new-built Belgian motorship Lubumbashi have been repeated during North Atlantic winter voyages on the three year old vessel. Data on machinery performance propulsion efficiency and motions hull roughness and weather are presented and discussed.
G Aertssen
K Tanaka ; T Sekine
This paper outlines IMO resolutions A167 and A562 which gives the basis of the requirements in Part U of the Rules and Regulations For The Survey and Construction of Steel Ships of Nippon Kaiji Kyokai.
K Tanaka ; T Sekine
Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF)
This report on hawser tests includes sections on test data, test analysis, used hawser tests and new hawser strength, with appendices on topics such as description of the test equpiment.
Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF)
London Witherby 1982
Catalogue number677.71
S Manouchehri ; B Howard ; S Denniel
This paper addresses systematically the effect of the reeling process on pipeline operational integrity. This is done by assessing the effect of reeling on each limit state that could result in pipeline failure namely pressure containment (burst) hydrostatic collapse and fracture. Effect of reeling on the global buckling (beam buckling) and local buckling (shell buckling) behaviour of pipe is also discussed.
S Manouchehri ; B Howard ; S Denniel
Z Wang ; L P Zhang ; Z Z Cai et al.
Research into a fast mixing combustion process on a single cylinder diesel engine on which the inlet and exhaust condition of multi-cylinder turbocharged engine are simulated is introduced. Firstly the test and measurement instrument is outlined. Next organization for fast mixing combustion process is looked at. After this experimental research of FMC process on the single cylinder engine is considered. Lastly analyses and evaluation for FMC process are discussed.
Z Wang ; L P Zhang ; Z Z Cai et al.
Contact IMarEST directly for access
Improvements and problems in implementing Safety Case Regulations post- Piper Alpha are discussed. Recent transfer of responsibility for offshore safety to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has meant an increase in overall safety standards through enforcement of new legislation and individual safety cases for offshore platforms which means greater burdens on operators. Contention between the UK Offshore Operators' Association (UKOOA) and the HSE over regulations on pipelines helicopters drilling and the inclusion of trade unions on safety committees are highlighted.
Contact IMarEST directly for access
R I Higgins
in storage
R I Higgins
British Ship Research Association
in storage
B McCammon
The changes that are being brought about on BHP Petroleum's operations with floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) units in the Timor Sea and on the North West Shelf of Australia are discussed. The changes are focused on improving safety and the working environment for employees and have been driven by the introduction of the safety case regime and the development of a management system offshore. The historical development of FPSO facilities are outlined and the organisational structure of employees is reviewed. The requirements of the safety case are discussed and the future organisation of FPSOs is then presented.
B McCammon
A Koschinsky ; H Gerber ; A Szemeitat
Geochemical experiments with deep-sea sediment cores are presented. These investigations are part of the activities of the German TUSCH cooperative project which was set up to study the problems which might arise from a future commercial use and exploitation of the deep-sea. First a look is taken at technical development and equipment. After this the geochemical experiments are considered including the results.
A Koschinsky ; H Gerber ; A Szemeitat
Doug Miller
The 2001 CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Monitor which builds on Environics 1999 Millennium Poll on CSR is presented. This is based on surveys of representative samples of about 1000 citizens in each of 20 countries across five continents. The fieldwork in each country was carried out by respected social research organisations under license with Environics International.
Doug Miller
David Byrne
Following the Re-opened Formal Investigation into the loss of MV Derbyshire several studies have been conducted to better understand the adequacy or otherwise of the existing international regulations for hatch cover design and to consider palliative measures. An attempt is made to provide reliable cost data for various proposed measures by which the structural reliability of hatch covers may be improved especially increased design pressures (sea loads).
David Byrne
Nadia Senechal ; Philippe Bonneton ; Helene Dupuis
An attempt is made to report observations of infragravity energy on a double-barred beach situated on the French Atlantic coastline in the presence of a low energy narrowband and long swell but also in the presence of high secondary wave generation due to nonlinear triad interactions. Emphasis is placed on the evolution of the frequency structure of the infragravity band. After some introductory information a look is taken at the study area materials and methods. Next results are considered and discussed.
Nadia Senechal ; Philippe Bonneton ; Helene Dupuis
M Kawakami
A test apparatus modelled on the combustion chamber and fuel injection apparatus of a medium sized medium speed diesel engine was used to study the effects of load piston shape combustion chamber shape injection system parameters (nozzle holes hole diameter injection angle) and characteristics of the fuel spray (shape growth penetration) on exhaust smoke levels when running on JIS grade 1 heavy oil.
M Kawakami
Y Ukon ; T Kudo ; Y Kurobe et al.
Pressure distribution measurements of a highly skewed propeller are compared to theoretical results using an estimated nominal full scale wake distribution. Measured results agreed with the theory most of the measurement points especially in the fore part of the blades. However the measured pressure at 90% radial position tended to decrease toward the trailing edge a result which differed from the theory. This suggested that the hydrodynamic load at 90% radial position might cause the propeller tip to break due to rapid fatigue crack growth.
Y Ukon ; T Kudo ; Y Kurobe et al.
A Greer
This book contains all the work on calculations, science and drawing that is needed for the Common Subject of the Mechanical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Craft Studies course, part 3. It is part 3 of the series of books which cater for the Craft Studies courses. The work has been split into 14 chapters, four on calculations, four on science, three on mechanisms, two on materials and one on drawing.
A Greer
London; Edward Arnold
S Liukkonen ; J Rytkoenen ; A Alhimenko et al.
In the context of marine oil spills a study on the adhesion between oil and ice is described. The experimental study consisted of contact angle and inclination angle measurements. Surface energies at interfaces between oil air water and ice were investigated. Numerical values for parameters affecting the adhesion of oil to ice and theoretical assessments of the oil spreading on ice as well as the influence of the liquid-like layer of ice on its adhesion to oil were investigated. Static and dynamic friction between oil and ice and the motion resistance of oil drops sliding along bottom of ice in water were studied.
S Liukkonen ; J Rytkoenen ; A Alhimenko et al.
Oil Companies International Marine Forum OCIMF
This study is valuable to ship and terminal designers and operators. It was designed, managed, analysed and reported on by the Exxon Research and Engineering Company on behalf of OCIMF. The report presents coefficients and procedures for computing wind and current loads on Very Large Crude Carriers (VLCCs), i.e. tankers in the 150,000 to 500,000 dwt class. An example problem is contained in the report.
Oil Companies International Marine Forum OCIMF
C Dulou ; M Belzons ; V Rey
The role of the Keulegan-Carpenter number mobility number and gap ratio on the scour under a fixed cylinder is investigated. Laboratory experiments on the reflection and the scour depth induced by large submarine pipelines on an erodible bed are looked into. After a description of the experimental set up and a brief look at the use of the numerical model the experimental results are presented concerning the scour depth and the corresponding reflection coefficient which is compared with the numerical calculation.
C Dulou ; M Belzons ; V Rey