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22981 results Most recent
  • Report No. R.1: Report on Hogging and Sagging Tests on All-Welded Tanker M.V. "Neverita"


    The Admiralty Ship Welding Committee

    Shelf Location

    Journal Room


    The present report describes a full-scale hogging and sagging experiment in still water pn a welded 12,000 ton tanker, the methods used for determining strains and deformations, and the results obtained.


    The Admiralty Ship Welding Committee


    His Majesty's Stationery Office (HMSO)

    Shelf Location

    Journal Room

    Date published


  • Report of an investigation into the circumstances attending the loss of the steam ship 'Forerunner' on the coast of maderia on the 25th October 1854 and into the competency and conduct of the master and officers of the said vessel, with the minutes of evi

  • Simulation of power systems on offshore platforms


    K McLeay

    Date published



    This paper discusses power system simulation on offshore platforms as it is commonly used as a design aid and for design confirmation. The reasons why simulation is used on most new platforms and on major upgrades to existing platforms are discussed and include the specific characteristics of the systems safety and the variation in systems due to differing geology. The general types of calculation which are carried out are covered in the paper and the use to which results are put is also outlined. The future for system analysis of offshore platform electrical systems is also outlined and the contractual work of the system is investigated.


    K McLeay

    Date published


  • Some peculiarities of the ground-effect aerodynamics and their influence upon the requirements to aerodynamic configuration of the ekranoplane based on conditions of stability and stabilisation in height


    V I Shukov ; L A Koltysheva

    Date published



    Some peculiarities of ground-effect aerodynamics are considered. Their influence on the requirements of the aerodynamic configuration of the ekranoplane are discussed base on conditions of stability and stabilisation in height. Graphs are given on pages 351-354.


    V I Shukov ; L A Koltysheva

    Date published


  • Stress investigations on large diesel engines


    P Bourgeaud

    Date published



    Model tests on components of the Sulzer RD marine engine series are described. Three methods are in use:- the brittle lacquer method photo-elastic investigation and strain measurement by electric resistance strain gauges. Investigations on pistons and connecting rods and on bed plates are discussed the latter using isochromatic photographs to show stress patterns. The models and loading rigs used are described. Results for three loading situations are shown:- tie-rod prelooding top dead centre and bottom dead centre. Fatigue strength of welded joints for both investigations is shown.


    P Bourgeaud

    Date published


  • The archaeology of ships of war: based on papers presented at an international conference held at Greenwich, London on 31 October-1 November 1992


    edited by Mensun Bound

    Shelf Location



    This book covers excavation and interpretation; ordnance and construction, reconstruction and preservation.


    edited by Mensun Bound


    Oswestry : A. Nelson, 1995.

    ISBN number


    Shelf Location


    Date published


  • The effects of transom stern on the resistance of high-speed craft


    E M Sireli ; M Insel ; O Goren

    Date published



    The effects of transom stern on the wave resistance of high-speed marine craft is examined using a series of five monohull forms and both experimental and numerical methods. Theoretical wave resistance calculations are made by a panel method based on Dawson's algorithm. Comparisons among the residuary wave pattern and theoretical wave resistance are made and conclusions are derived based on the Froude numbers and transom stern ratios.


    E M Sireli ; M Insel ; O Goren

    Date published


  • The impact on the marine statutory equipment market worldwide


    J Benoit

    Shelf Location



    The current status of marine equipment regulations and their inter-relationships are presented and the scope of the marine equipment directive relating to various types of equipment is discussed. An economic study on the benefits of harmonizing technical standards is described. The roles of the recognised organisation (RO) and notified body (NB) are also considered. The impacts of the marine equipment directive on the marine equipment market worldwide and on each of the main contributors such as manufacturers shipyards ship owners classification societies testing laboratories are described.


    J Benoit


    DMG Marine Conferences

    Shelf Location


    Date published


  • The Mariner and the Maritime Law. Seminar 9. Fire on Board. 17 October 1998


    The Nautical Institute, North East Branch

    Shelf Location



    Seminar 9 held 17 October 1998 by the NE Branch of the Nautical Institute 'Fire on board'. Papers are: The importance of emergency preparedness Dealing with an on-board fire The role of the shore fire brigade Know your cargo Legal aspects related to cargo fires The resolution of cargo fire disputes


    The Nautical Institute, North East Branch


    The Nautical Institute, North East Branch

    Shelf Location


    Date published


  • The new EU directive on port reception facilities for ship-generated waste and cargo residues: an evaluation


    A Carpenter ; S M Macgill

    Date published



    A new EU directive (summer 2000) on port reception facilities for ship- generated waste and cargo residues is evaluated. Five key elements of the Directive are considered examining both the potential effectiveness on existing practices and the suggested weaknesses. On the basis of this analysis conclusions are drawn about the Directive's effectiveness in preventing marine pollution. Additional recommendations are made in the light of the weaknesses identified .


    A Carpenter ; S M Macgill

    Date published


  • The scale effect influence on hydrodynamic characteristics of propellers


    G I Kanevsky ; S N Kruglova

    Date published



    The scale-effect influence on hydrodynamic characteristics of propellers is considered. To solve the problem a modern version of the equivalent profile method is used. This version 'Sep-2000' takes into account both the lift and drag coefficients and the angle of incidence of equivalent profile. New information about viscous and roughness influence on hydrodynamic characteristics of profiles is used. Calculated results using the proposed method are compared with experimental data and show good agreement. Diagrams appear on pages 7-9.


    G I Kanevsky ; S N Kruglova

    Date published


  • Water-on-deck accumulation studies by the SNAME and hoc ro-ro safety panel


    B L Hutchison




    A mathematical theory is presented for the accumulation of water on the deck of a damaged ro-ro passenger vessel. Excellent agreement is shown between results obtained from extensive time domain simulations and corresponding results obtained from integrals in the probability domain. Comparison is made to results obtained during free-floating model tests in waves at NRC (National Research Council Canada) IMD (Institute for Marine Dynamics). The mathematical theory presented leads to a simple curvilinear relationship between the accumulated depth of water on deck freeboard and significant wave height.


    B L Hutchison

    Date published




  • A study of dynamic responses and wave loads on ships by 3D Green Function Method


    Yoshiyuki Inoue ; Mohammed Kamruzzaman

    Date published



    Dynamic wave loads are the most significant factor for the hull design of a ship. But experimental works for the motion responses of a ship and sea loads on her are expensive and time consuming for individual ship design. Therefore the development of theoretical and numerical methods for predicting ship motions and dynamic loads on a ship in waves is very important. Numerical analyses on ship motions and wave loads are presented for ships with forward speed advancing in regular waves. 3D Green function techniques are used to carry out the numerical computations for the radiation problem and wave loads for a moving ship. Based on the 3D linearised potential theory dynamic wave loads are computed for a bulk carrier in regular waves where experimental measurements are available. The computations are carried out for various heading angles between head sea and following sea and various ranges of frequencies. The results for motions and vertical and horizontal bending moments are presented. Computed results are compared with the experimental data. The results calculated by the present method are found to be in fairly good agreement with experimental results and those calculated by the other researchers. Using developed computer code some parametric studies are also carried out for the ship design criteria and discussed.


    Yoshiyuki Inoue ; Mohammed Kamruzzaman

    Date published




    T Moan

    Shelf Location



    Conf was held in June 1988 in Trondheim - Norway Papers cont... Probablistic assessment of the foundation collapse strength of piled offshore platforms A new offshore soil investigation tool for measuring the in situ coefficient of permeability and sampling pore water and gas Simulation of erosion and sedimentation around marine structures by means of a numerical model Behaviour of pile foundations supporting tension leg platforms (End of Vol 1) VOLUME 2 - Computation of the characteristics of the wake past and oscillating cylinder Wave loading experiments on circular cyclinders at large scale Measurements of the drag forces on an inclined circular cylinder in a uniformly accelerated or decelerated motion Non-linear forces on horizontal cylinders in the inertia regime in waves at high Reynold's numbers Storm driven current profiles for design of offshore platforms Oscillations of a flexible cylinder in waves A full-scale experiment and theoretical study of the dynamics of underwater vehicles employing very long tethers Vibrations of pipelines in scour trenches Calculation of hydrodynamic damping of offshore structures Low frequency heave damping of semi-submersibel platforms; some experiment results The computation of wave loads on large offshore structures Wave current interaction effects on large volume structures Wave drift force on slender bodies Advances in the prediction of low frequency drift behaviour Model tests on non-linear slow-drift oscillations compared to numerical and analytical data


    T Moan


    Tapir Publishers

    Shelf Location


    Date published


  • Safety issues governing cargo pumping systems on-board chemical tankers


    Henrik Weiss

    Date published



    The safety issues that govern cargo pumping systems onboard chemical tankers are considered. The aim is to provide an understanding of the risks associated with managing technological advances in electric cargo pump designs for liquid cargoes. This topic is becoming more and more relevant to ship owners managers and other parties that try to keep up with technologies advances in electric pump designs. Here the IEC standards for hazardous area definitions are considered and how they correspond to the given provisions in IMO's IGC and IBC codes chapter 10 for electrical installations. On chemical tankers IMO still does not yet permit the submerged electrical driven cargo pumps whereas on gas tankers it is allowed for electricity in the tank. Therefore today the electrical frequency converter driven deepwell cargo pump system is designed with the motor on the deck and the pump in the tank. Technology has revolutionised the deepwell cargo pump systems for the last 3-5 years and the electrical alternative has enjoyed much support from the industry players concerned about high noise hydraulic power generation risk of hydraulic oil pollution vast maintenance and service as well as high power consumption. These benefits are documented in the associated Delta Marin study on comparison between hydraulic and electrical driven frequency converter deepwell cargo pumping systems.


    Henrik Weiss

    Date published


  • The effects of aspect ratio of spade rudders on sailing yachts


    Jennifer E Rogers

    Date published



    In the world of yacht design rudders although an important part of the vessel have never been a major factor in yacht testing. Research has always focused on the hull keel and sail. This does not allow the model to simulate an actual sailboat on course and also means that the resistance tests for rudders without hulls can be misleading since a major drag appendage has been neglected. The effects of aspect ratio of spade rudders on the balance and resistance of a sailing yacht are investigated. Tests of a five-foot model of an 80-foot Maxi sailing yacht with four different aspect ratio rudders were carried out in the Robinson Model Basin. The four rudders were constructed so that the planform area and cross-section shape were held constant while the aspect ratio was varied. A yacht dynamometer was used to measure drag side force and the yaw moment of the model. The tests were done at two speeds one heel angle six rudder angles and four leeway angles for all four rudders. The rudder aspect ratios tested were 12 3 and 4. Results are presented. Evaluation of the data led to determining the rudder with the least resistance and the effects of aspect ratio on the balance of the sailboat using plots of resistance and balance arm (lead) versus rudder angle. Conclusions are drawn and recommendations for further work are made.


    Jennifer E Rogers

    Date published


  • The impact of stress redistribution on structural reliability predictions of deepwater jackets


    Ronald Schneider ; David J Sanderson ; Simon D Thurlbeck

    Date published



    Structural reliability predictions for fixed jacket structures often involve calculating the probabilities of structural members failing and the overall collapse probabilities of the jackets existing in the corresponding damaged condition. It is current best practice to consider only single member failure conditions and to ignore multi member failure conditions since the probability of more than one member failing has been considered to be negligibly small. This approach assumes that the failure of a member is in no way related to the failure of another member which implies that the two events are statistically independent. However in reality the two events are not statistically independent since the failure of one member changes the stress state and therefore the failure probability of the remaining members. Two studies carried out to investigate the effects of stress redistribution on platform reliability predictions concluded that by ignoring the effects of stress redistribution platform reliability predictions could be significantly overestimated. However they both concentrated on shallow water jackets and consequently a further study was carried out to extend the existing work on stress redistribution to consider jacket structures in greater water depths. The study considered single and dual member failure conditions and compared the effects of including and excluding stress redistribution in reliability calculations. The findings of this work suggest that including stress redistribution reduces the predicted platform reliability. From the resultsX30475 The impact of subsea boosting on deepwater field development


    Ronald Schneider ; David J Sanderson ; Simon D Thurlbeck

    Date published


  • A practical algorithms on health monitoring of submarine pipeline and its application


    Wei-Liang Jin ; Jian-Wen Shao

    Date published



    Submarine Pipeline plays an important role in the development of oil and gas especially when the field extends into deepwater. There is over 4000 kilometers of submarine pipeline in the China Sea and some of them have encountered failure and the accidents lead to loss of property and pollution of environment. Health Monitoring is a new concept and an economical way of ensuring the safety of the pipeline. A practical algorithm which includes abnormality detector remaining fatigue life counter and vibration analysis and its practical application program based on DELPHI are both introduced. An AR (auto-regression) model is adopted as a statistical tool to detect the abnormity of time-history signals if the abnormity comes up the vibration analysis is started up to give out the vibration information which is the effective evidence to alarm the owner where the danger is and how the danger is. With the abnormity detector module a remaining fatigue life counter always runs to counter the remaining life of pipeline especially the welding of pipeline. The system is all developed based on DOFS (distributed optical fibre sensor). The system is now used on QK17-1 Oil field Submarine Pipeline in Bohai Sea China.


    Wei-Liang Jin ; Jian-Wen Shao

    Date published


  • Effect of microstructural characteristics on the mechanical and wear properties of grey cast iron cylinder liner for marine diesel engine


    Jong-Hyun Hwang

    Date published



    Scuffing is the most common failure mechanism in marine engine components such as cylinder liner and piston ring owing to severe engine operating conditions. It has therefore become an important subject in tribology and materials science. To address this various attempts have been made to improve the wear performance of the cylinder liner and piston ring. Currently grey cast iron is used for cylinder liner material due to its high thermal conductivity damping capacity and wear resistance. The wear performance of cast iron is highly dependant on microstructural characteristics such as graphite morphology and matrix features such as pearlite ferrite hard-phase so called steadite and eutectic cell structure. A study suggested that the wear resistance of CV cast iron deteriorates when the area fraction of steadite exceeds more than 10 per cent. Currently the area fraction of steadite in actual cylinder liner material has been controlled within 4~7 per cent. However there is no published paper relating to the effect of steadite size on the wear performance of grey cast iron. The steadite size is determined by the cooling rate during eutectic transformation from a liquid. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of microstructural characteristics on the mechanical and wear properties of grey cast iron used for the cylinder liner of a marine engine.


    Jong-Hyun Hwang

    Date published


  • Effects of temperature on egg and larval survival of cod (Gadus morhua) and spratt (Sprattus sprattus) in the Baltic Sea - implications for stock devleopment


    Anders Nissling

    Date published



    Stock development of cod and sprat two major fish species in the Baltic Sea is linked by tropic interactions. Depending on recruitment success the Baltic may be pushed towards either a cod or a clupeid dominated system. Both cod and sprat spawn in the Baltic deep basins at strongly varying hydrographical conditions with survival during the egg and early larval stages regarded as a major bottleneck. Due to differences in egg specific gravity cod and sprat eggs occur at different depths and are thus subject to different hydrographical conditions. In the present study cod and sprat eggs and yolk sac larvae were incubated at different temperatures. Comparing the results with vertical egg distribution and temperature profiles from field studies suggested no major influence of temperature on cod reproduction but a considerable effect on sprat. Results imply that different environmental conditions; frequency of major saline water inflows into the Baltic Sea for cod and water temperature in the upper layers eg following severe/mild winters for sprat involve different opportunities for egg and larval survival and may thus cause a displacement in the balance between cod and sprat.


    Anders Nissling

    Date published
