Fredrik Henrik af Chapman
The book contains 62 engravings depicting vessels and craft from Sweden (of which Chapman was a native) and abroad. Some were designed by Chapman himself, but many were vessels or types which he had encountered on his travels or seen around him. The book covers everything from warships to cargo boats and small fishing craft. The accompanying text, including the preface to his later work Tractat om Skeppa-Byggeriet (Tract on Shipbuilding) of 1775, is written in German.
Fredrik Henrik af Chapman
VEB Hinstorff Verlag Rostock
Catalogue number720.305
C-G Kang ; J-H Kim ; M S Chislett
In 1993 IMO's resolution No.A.751 on ship manoeuvrability was adopted. Sea trial data carried out in Korean ship yards was collected and analyzed based on the Interim Standards for Ship Manoeuvrability (1993) and the Explanatory Notes to the Standards (1994). The analysis of the data base showed that the criteria in the standards are not so strict for ships built during the last few years. Some suggestions are made arising from the analysis of the data base and the application of the criteria.
C-G Kang ; J-H Kim ; M S Chislett
P Kolev ; M Tzenkov ; P Georgiev et al.
Results of investigations into computer on-board loading systems are discussed. The increase in economical effectiveness and environmental protection is emphasised. Computer control of the damage stability of chemical tankers and of the safe loading and unloading of bulk carriers is considered. Direct strength calculations of cargo deck hatch covers under container loading are examined.
P Kolev ; M Tzenkov ; P Georgiev et al.
T Gunner
This paper consists of some 15 pages of overhead transparencies used at the conference. These look at the impact on surveying of research into the properties of crude oil. The MATCO (marine transportation of crude oil) programme is introduced followed by a Norwegian maritime research programme on the marine transportation of crude oil. After this CRUCOGSA (the physical behaviour of crude oil influencing its carriage by sea) project is introduced together with its findings.
T Gunner
M N Lyons ; J E Strutt ; K Allsopp et al.
ERA Technology Report
Cranfield University has developed a Task Performance Resource Constraint (TPRC) model which provides a foundation for estimating the probability of success in emergency management tasks. The TPRC model concept is introduced. The way in which data from emergency management exercises can be used together with conceptual design data on parameters like intensity duration and escalation rate to assess the impact of design on successful emergency management is described with examples.
M N Lyons ; J E Strutt ; K Allsopp et al.
ERA Technology Report
S Gowing ; L Briancon-Marjollet ; D Frechou et al.
Tip vortex cavitation on an elliptical NACA0020 foil is tested in the Grand Tunnel Hydrodynamic (GTH) in water with various dissolved gas and nuclei contents. The tunnel nuclei injection and filtering systems enable the dissolved gas and nuclei effects to be tested independently. Four different qualities of water are used in the GTH to study free nuclei and dissolved oxygen content effects on tip vortex cavitation inception. A novel imaging system has been developed to measure the cavitating vortex core size allowing quantification of the core growth from diffusion effects over time.
S Gowing ; L Briancon-Marjollet ; D Frechou et al.
K van Wingerden ; O Hansen ; P Foisselon et al.
A water deluge system that is activated on gas detection is a promising way of mitigating gas explosions. The effect of water spray on flame propagation in a congested environment is described and the way in which this scenario is modelled by the computational fluid dynamics tool FLACS is briefly considered. Two full-scale explosion experiments are compared with FLACS predictions. It was found that the agreement between experiment and prediction was better for a general area deluge than for a water curtain.
K van Wingerden ; O Hansen ; P Foisselon et al.
T Tsukamoto ; K Ohe ; H Okada
The measurement of NOx emission from a two-stroke low-speed marine diesel engine was carried out changing the temperature and humidity of the scavenging air. Effects of scavenging air temperature and humidity on NOx emission are looked at on the basis of experimental results. The effect of room temperature is also studied using a comparison of the data gained in winter with the data obtained in summer. The experimental apparatus is reviewed and the experimental results are given.
T Tsukamoto ; K Ohe ; H Okada
S Hong ; S Y Hong
A parametric study is conducted on the coupled dynamics of floating structure and its mooring system in order to investigate the effects of mooring lines damping on slow drift motion of floating vessel. The object of the parametric study is turret moored production system (TPS) with a tanker of 124400 ton. Firstly a look is taken at the simulation method covering equation of motion mooring line analysis contact model of mooring line and numerical integration method. After this the numerical simulations are discussed.
S Hong ; S Y Hong
I Watanabe
A paper describing a general expression for the impact pressure distribution on a flat-bottomed ship making slamming motion in waves. This is derived by matched asymptic expansion on the bases of the shallow draft and the gravity free assumptions. 3-D flat plate formulation is utilized to have the solution in the outer region.
I Watanabe
R Yacamini ; L Hu ; I D Stewart
This paper examines the different types of drives found on offshore platforms and ships. Comparisons of voltage-fed and circuit-fed drives are discussed with the problems in defining operating conditions on d c drives. A power chart approach similar to that used for synchronous generator operation is introduced. Time domain models and the use of the Saber software package is described as well as the parameters which are required in the design of a successful ship or platform electrical system.
R Yacamini ; L Hu ; I D Stewart
G Vlahos ; C M Martin ; M J Cassidy
This paper presents results from a series of 1-g experiments conducted on a scaled three-legged jack-up unit model equipped with spudcan footings on soft clay. The model rig is subjected to combined vertical and horizontal loads at the hull level resulting in combined vertical moment and horizontal loads at the footings. The physical tests explore the load redistribution among the spudcan footings hull and footing displacements at failure and ultimate system capacity. Experimental observation of rotational footing fixity is also emphasized.
G Vlahos ; C M Martin ; M J Cassidy
M Skorupa ; A Skorupa ; A Zachwieja et al.
The paper presents preliminary results of a research program on fatigue crack growth in a low-carbon steel under a variable amplitude loading. First test results are reported on crack growth under simple loading sequences containing single and multiple tensile overloads applied periodically between smaller base-line constant amplitude cycles. Next the observed crack growth behavior is compared to predictions from a theoretical model developed by the authors.
M Skorupa ; A Skorupa ; A Zachwieja et al.
T Koliopulos ; W Winkworth
IBC Technical Services Ltd Energy Division
The Verification Scheme is a process of hazard management to reduce risk by addressing the performance of critical systems which should be reviewed and revised as often as necessary to ensure their effectiveness. The objectives of FPSO (floating production storage and offloading units) verification are presented as well as issues to be addressed based on Lloyd's Register's experiences in providing services to meet legislative and project specific requirements. A structured approach is outlined for providing FPSO verification based on lessons learnt and client feedback.
T Koliopulos ; W Winkworth
IBC Technical Services Ltd Energy Division
G T Westbrook
This paper revisits areas covered in earlier papers and provides an update of significant developments based on additional years research and analysis on the hydrosphere cryosphere and atmosphere. Additional spheres discussed include the biosphere and coral reefs and the heliosphere and Earth's magnetosphere. The emphasis in this talk focuses on the incompleteness of the science in several key areas. In spite of this situation policy development continues on many fronts. A review is made of ongoing policy developments on this issue including the Bonn meeting in November and the potential for U. S. ratification.
G T Westbrook
E Lamprecht
The book considers factors involved in choosing and installing heating system on board (whether air or water systems, cooking, the fuel to be used, safety regulations) and refrigeration and air-conditioning on board (refrigerating foodstuffs, refrigeration using a compressor, types of refrigeration, chest/fridge freezer, hot air heating system used for air conditioning, appliances, central air conditioning equipment).
E Lamprecht
London ; Adlard Coles Nautical
Select Committee on Science and Technology
The background and options for decommissioning of oil and gas installations are outlined. The views of witnesses to the select committee on environmental effects, technical feasibility, health and safety, safety of other users of the sea, cost implications, public acceptability, decision-making framework, scrutiny of operations and monitoring of remains and liability for residues are presented. The conclusions and recommendations of the committee are outlined.
Select Committee on Science and Technology
London: HMSO
K Shiode ; M Kikuchi ; M Kuwabara et al.
Fuel properties' influence on combustion exhaust gas emissions and surface temperature of a combustion chamber was explored by the burning test of various residual fuels with a medium speed super-charged 4 stroke-cycle marine diesel engine. Test data was analyzed and evaluated on ignition delay NOx emissions and cylinder liner temperatures from the CCAI (Calculated Carbon Aromaticity Index) viewpoint. Test results and findings are described.
K Shiode ; M Kikuchi ; M Kuwabara et al.
M R Martins ; H L Brinati ; J A P Aranha et al.
An attempt is made to present a procedure for the numerical evaluation of the wave-current interaction and to show its effect on the determination of the total environmental load and on the equilibrium position of the vessel. After some introductory information a look is taken at the mathematical model. Next illustrative examples using two FPSOs are considered.
M R Martins ; H L Brinati ; J A P Aranha et al.
P Cooney
The information requirement for safe efficient and effective ship management is examined with an overview of the many and varied types of information involved (including data on safety position monitoring performance monitoring commercial factors freight and hire collection charter compliance cargo technical aspects crew and accounting): the advantages of using a fully integrated information technology system based on good local and global communication links for information collection strorage and analysis is stressed. The innovative AIMS (Acomarit Integrated Management System) developed by Acomarit
P Cooney
The Connecticut Maritime Association Inc