Lee Woon Chew ; Liang Cheng
Vortex shedding flow around a pipeline with a spoiler is simulated by solving the Navier-Stokes equations. The effect of spoilers on the velocity profile under the pipe and the seabed shear stress were investigated by a series of numerical tests. It was found that the attachment of a spoiler increased both the flow rate through the gap between pipe and seabed and the shear stress on seabed. The increases are quantified for different spoiler lengths and gap ratios.
Lee Woon Chew ; Liang Cheng
Elena Guijarro Garcia ; Stefan Aki Ragnarsson ; Hrafnkell Eiriksson
Scallop dredging can have a considerable impact on benthic fauna and habitats including increasing the mortality of animals killed or injured following direct contact with the gear. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of dredging on the spatial and temporal trends of non-target species caught as bycatch in the scallop fishery in Breidafjordur west Iceland. The materials and methods are described and results presented and discussed.
Elena Guijarro Garcia ; Stefan Aki Ragnarsson ; Hrafnkell Eiriksson
N Jezequel ; R Maze ; A Pichon
International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers
A two-dimensional linear model developed on a cross- shelf transect used to define the structure of semi- diurnal tidal current over a continental shelf margin in a continuously stratified ocean is described. In a stratified ocean the model exhibited the occurrence of partly baroclinic dynamics. Vertical distribution of the current amplitude corresponded with the Doppler currentmeter data measured on a slope of the Bay of Biscay.
N Jezequel ; R Maze ; A Pichon
International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers
G Schriever
This paper describes the potential impacts of mining processes on the seafloor and the near-bottom water layer as well as on bathyal and abyssal pelagic zones which will receive processing water sediment and abraded nodule fines (tailings) discharged after nodule transport to the mining vessel at the ocean surface. The TUSCH Research Association defined various recommendations to keep the unavoidable impacts to a minimum.
G Schriever
S F Chen ; J P Hao ; N E Shanmugam et al.
A test program on beam-columns and beams subjected to cyclic lateral loading was conducted to investigate the effect of slenderness of plate elements on the behavior and failure mechanism of aseismic frame members. Twelve specimens of H-section beam columns and I-section beams were tested under cyclic loading. Firstly the experiment is outlined. Next the test results are looked at. Lastly failure mode and affecting factors are considered briefly.
S F Chen ; J P Hao ; N E Shanmugam et al.
Luciano Fonseca ; Brian Calder ; Mark Wetzler
A series of experiments were conducted to adjust and normalize the acoustic backscatter acquired by Reson 8111 and 8160 systems. The dependency of the backscatter on the receiver gain transmit power pulse width and acquisition mode was analyzed. Empirical beam patterns are calculated as the difference between the backscatter measured by the sonars and the expected backscatter. Expected acoustic backscatter is estimated based on a mathematical model.
Luciano Fonseca ; Brian Calder ; Mark Wetzler
Department of Trade
Report on the explosion of the steam piping on May 1972 at Imperial Chemical Industries Limited, Petrochemicals Division, North Tees Work, Port Clarence, Teeside, which resulted in the injuries of six people.
Department of Trade
ISBN number115110976
ed. D N Smith
2nd Int Conf on Fire Engineering and Loss Prevention in Offshore and Petrochemical Applications Papers are The new Institute of Petroleum code on area classification of hazardous areas in petroleum facilities The design of well control systems and production completions to limit fire and explosion damage on offshore platforms Applications of nuclear power station design criteria to non-nuclear installations Safety through separation and simplicity Investigation of an explosion on a North Sea production platform Developments in deluge system design Experimental fire tests on offshore simulating rig for optimum design of foam/water spray systems Explosion resistance testing of high pressure hydraulic fluids Risk assessment and the major hazard industries with particular reference to offshore installations
ed. D N Smith
Gulf Publishing Company
T Sriskandarajah ; P Ragupathy ; G Anurudran et al.
Some of the design aspects associated with the effects of fishing activity on pipe-in-pipe systems are addressed. After some background information a look is taken at fishing interaction. Next HP/HT pipe-in-pipe systems are considered followed by trawl gear impact on pipe-in-pipe system pullover of pipe-in-pipe systems and trawl gear hooking in pipe-in-pipe system.
T Sriskandarajah ; P Ragupathy ; G Anurudran et al.
Z Ling ; Y Sasaki
This paper presents the full-scale comparative trial tests of two different types of propeller i.e. a conventional propeller and a highly skewed propeller which were fitted on the same ship. It was found that compared with the propeller exciting forces the exciting forces induced by the main engine have more influence on horizontal hull vibrations.
Z Ling ; Y Sasaki
G M Lindberg
The work of the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) in coordinating the Earth Observation (EO) space programs of the world and the accomplishments in data policy data standards calibration and validation and international network services are outlined. The CEOS dossiers on world satellite missions ground segment/data products and the coordinated user data requirements are highlighted. Lastly new initiatives and the challenges faced by CEOS are looked at.
G M Lindberg
Nuno Fonseca ; Carlos Guedes Soares ; Ricardo Pascoal
This paper presents a systematic study of the structural global loads induced by abnormal waves on a FPSO. A nonlinear time domain seakeeping code is used to calculate the platform responses to deterministic wave traces that include abnormal waves. A large set of wave traces are considered which have been measured at different occasions and different places. In this way it was possible to assess the influence of the abnormal wave height wavelength and shape on the wave induced structural loads.
Nuno Fonseca ; Carlos Guedes Soares ; Ricardo Pascoal
Steel structure of a vessel is prone to corrosion throughout its service life. Due allowance must be made at the new-building stage, and by periodic maintenance to provide effective corrosion protection to ensure continued structural integrity of the vessel. With the emphasis on coatings in the Enhanced Survey Scheme, and with unprecedented acceleration of coating technology, the field surveyors should have some basic factual knowledge on coating systems. It is the intent of this guide to meet this need in a straight forward and practical manner.
The purpose of this handbook is to provide the engine-room crew and the repair crew with a better knowledge of how to use the welding equipment on board. Most of the material relates directly to the actual repair and maintenance jobs which may be performed on board while the ship is at sea. The book covers types of weld and joint preparation, gas welding and brazing, filler materials for welding and brazing, oxygen cutting, regulators, electric welding, welding electrodes and safety regulations.
Oslo : Unitor Ships Service
K V Rozhdestvensky
IMarE Conferences and Symposia
The potential for using unsteady moving wings in marine propulsion introduces a theoretical study in which a mathematical model based on unsteady linear lifting surface theory is developed to evaluate the hydrodynamic forces acting on an oscillating wing propulsor. It is used to design and configure a wing system for a small human powered wet submarine: other numerical methods (describing side force stall effects elastic effects and efficiency) are used to further refine the concept.
K V Rozhdestvensky
IMarE Conferences and Symposia
Hao Song ; Longbin Tao ; Weicheng Cui et al.
In this paper the hydroelastic response of VLFS due to the variation of water depth is studied experimentally and numerically. Experiments were performed in the state key laboratory of ocean engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). Different shoals were set on the bottom of the wave basin to simulate the uneven sea bottom. The cases tested in the Lab were studied by extending the traditional hydroelastic method in constant water depth to the varied water depth. Comparisons between the experimental measurements and the numerical results show good agreement. It is found that the inhomogeneous ocean environment has some effect on the hydroelastic response of VLFS.
Hao Song ; Longbin Tao ; Weicheng Cui et al.
W J Kolkert ; P van Gelder ; B van der Ploeg
Future weapon and sensor systems will rely heavily on electromagnetic energy and pulsed power supplies will be required. The pulsed power needs of lasers HPM weapons electromagnetic guns and electrothermal guns are discussed. Integrating the power requirements of both weapons and propulsion is considered in terms of generating enough power and its impact on design. Miniaturisation is considered to be a crucial part of future development.
W J Kolkert ; P van Gelder ; B van der Ploeg
J P Couput
In 1997 TotalFinaElf installed a MPFM (multiphase flow meter) on an offshore unmanned wellhead platform in the Middle East. Multiphase metering was chosen rather than a test separator due to the potential high savings in CAPEX and OPEX. A MPFM at the wellhead eliminates the need for dedicated testlines from remote wellhead completions as well as the need for a dedicated test separator at the processing facility. The field facilities the implementation of the multiphase meter the operating conditions and the experience gained and lessons learned about this equipment compared to test separators are all described. Diagrams appear on pages 4 and 5.
J P Couput
Shi Wei-Biao
A theoretical/statistical approach to estimating the long term failure probability of ship structures is based on time-variant reliability methods and makes allowance for parameters of sensitivity strength degradation and uncertainty. In an illustrative example used to examine the effects of general corrosion on the ultimate sagging strength of a crude oil tanker the upper and lower bounds of long term failure probability are determined and alternative maintenance strategies are compared.
Shi Wei-Biao
D Gugic ; N Naranca ; V Androcec et al.
A mathematical model of laminate is given with expressions for determining the position of the neutral level surface and flexural rigidity derived on its basis. A PC program analyses the influence of bimodulus layers on the flexural rigidity of laminates. The theoretical side is looked at. Tensile and compressive modulus of layers are considered briefly. Application of the theory is discussed.
D Gugic ; N Naranca ; V Androcec et al.