Claes G Kallstrom ; Peter Wessel ; Sven Sjolander
The value of reduced roll motions is well recognised. An efficient roll reduction can be achieved on many types of ships especially on naval ships by using the rudder and the ordinary steering system not only for manoeuvring but also for roll damping. The concept of RRS (rudder roll stabilisation) is discussed. A special design based on adaptive filter and control techniques implemented in a microcomputer is described. Measurements obtained on two Royal Swedish Navy ships one attack craft and one mine layer in beam and stern quartering seas show that roll reductions in the order of 40-60 per cent are obtained using the ordinary steering systems when the RRS-system is switched on. The system which is called ROLL-NIX can easily be installed on both existing ships and new designs. Hit probability helicopter operations and performance of human operators can be improved. In conclusion
Claes G Kallstrom ; Peter Wessel ; Sven Sjolander
Editor Dr Roger Owen
Dr J R Owen; Kent
Contents Dr Helen Doe, 'The Thames Merchant Yards in the Napoleonic Wars' p.10 Ken McGoverin, 'William Pitcher and the Northfleet Dockyard, 1830-60' p.22 Kevin J Foster, 'Thames Shipyards and Merchants and the American Civil War' p.39 Prof. Janette Rutherford, 'Thames Iron: History of a New Issue' p.73 Stuart Rankin, 'Wo Was the London Engineer?' p.91 Dr Alston Kennerley, 'Civilian Stationary Training Ships and other Mercantile Marine Education on or adjacent to the River Thames' p.104 Peter Webberley, 'Yarrow's Shipbuilding Yard on the Isle of Dogs' p.130 Hugh Lyon, 'The Thames Steamboat Companies' p.148 Dr Roger Owen, 'Fitting-out and Repairs of Early Steamships at the City Canal on the Isle of Dogs' p.159 Ricahrd Hartree, 'John Penn & Sons, Marine Engineers of Greenwich' p.178
Editor Dr Roger Owen
Dr J R Owen; Kent
Daniel Scourzic
A look is taken at ALISTAR 3000 a multipurpose AUV for inspection and survey missions down to 3000m. ALISTAR 3000 is designed to be especially adapted to perform inspection of underwater structures such as pipes but can also carry out survey missions using typically acoustic and optical sensors. This paper presents the performance and main characteristics of the system a description of the vehicle design a description of the solution selected for the energy source and a description of the Mission Management System. Also illustrations are given of typical inspection missions to be carried out by ALISTAR system and the results are provided of the ALISTAR sea trials along with the outlook of coming-up trials.
Daniel Scourzic
Touch Productions for the BBC
Thames Shipwrecks: a race against time Lloyd’s Register’s Information Services department recently provided research for Touch Productions on vessels being investigated by Wessex Archaeology in the Thames Estuary. The work was captured in two BBC programmes broadcast on BBC2 on Tuesday August 26 and Tuesday September 2, 2008. This generated enquiries and interest in the Lloyd’s Register reference library in London, from both our employees and the general public. The programmes examined a series of wrecks within the main navigation channels looked after by the Port of London Authority (PLA). This work was prompted by major plans for expansion that include new dredging in existing channels, hence the ‘race against time’ to safeguard the archaeological and historical interest in wrecks that lie in these channels.
Touch Productions for the BBC
G L Reynolds
IMarE Conferences and Symposia
Although much work has been undertaken over the last ten years to reduce the impact of shipping on the environment a comprehensive inventory of emissions and discharges is still lacking. This would assist in the assessment of the impact of shipping on the environment of the relative environmental performance of shipping against other modes of transport and of the performance of new legislation technologies and working practices. A review of the current availability of information on the level of emissions and discharges from shipping to the environment is presented. Emissions to air and water and waste streams are considered. It is concluded that information is patchy. Ways forward are suggested.
G L Reynolds
IMarE Conferences and Symposia
H J Creel
Lloyd's List Events
The impact of recent legislation in the United States on the liner shipping industry is addressed. Changes brought about by the Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 1998 (OSRA) are discussed. The FMC's (Federal Maritime Commission) ongoing efforts to assess the impact of OSRA future efforts and reactions of various segments of the ocean shipping industry to OSRA are described. OSRA's changes to the 1984 Shipping Act have resulted in an ocean transportation system that relies more on the marketplace and less on government intervention. It covers service contracts between carriers and customers and has affected rates and services due to market forces.
H J Creel
Lloyd's List Events
Ioannis Moatsos ; Purnendu K Das
This paper discusses the effects of corrosion and slamming on Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) structures in the North Sea by using a time variant structural reliability based approach. An FPSO structure currently in operation in the North Sea is analysed an analytical approach is suggested and used to determine the Ultimate Strength of the FPSO structure and compared with other published methods. A non-linear corrosion method is then used to determine the effect of corrosion on the ultimate strength and subsequently in the reliability of the structure. Slamming loads on the midship section of the FPSO are calculated using closed form expressions. The effect of slamming and green water load on the overall vertical bending moment applied on the structure is combined with the vertical wave bending and still water loads using the Ferry Borges-Castanheta method and the SRSS rule to provide the distribution and variation of a loading component for structural reliability analysis to be performed. Time variant reliability analysis using Monte Carlo Simulation is then used to determine reliability indices and probabilities of failure for the structural system analysed on a component level.
Ioannis Moatsos ; Purnendu K Das
A B Aalbers ; C Leenaars
Full scale measurements of cargo acceleration were carried out on three specially instrumented Dock Express Heavy lift ships during two years commercial trading on Japan-Middle East routes in many sea conditions. Extensive long and short term statistical analysis of the results are compared with predictions made by commonly used theoretical design methods (including `rules of thumb' DnV RP 2-design diagrams response calculation from model tests and the LONGEX wavescatter programme). A design method based on measure acceleration climate of a given trade ro route is proposed.
A B Aalbers ; C Leenaars
M Stopford
A review of shipbuilding at the end of the 1980s through 1990s and into the 21st century is given. Issues facing the shipbuilding industry are essentially the same as 10 years ago. These include 1970s fleet replacement for which IMO (International Maritime Organisation) has produced a revision of Regulation 13G setting out a phase-out schedule ship building capacity and prices. The growth of regional shipbuilding capacity and contribution from Japan Korea and Europe are considered. The decline in shipbuilding prices during 1990s is discussed. Predictions for tankers bulk carriers and containerships and for shipbuilding capacity are made.
M Stopford
IBC UK Conferences Ltd
Andrea Marchesi
Nautical education in Italy is based on a very peculiar scheme compared to the rest of Europe. The present educational project called Nautilus is based mainly on basic theoretical scientific knowledge. Students aged 14-19 attend a nautical high school and are taught both general and nautical-related subjects. After school examinations and mandatory STCW95 courses professional training is carried out during on-board service. However in recent years teachers have had problems with students losing motivation and not wishing to continue their training on board. Nowadays only about 10% of students graduating go on board. A project is presented which was developed to address these problems. The project aims to develop a Simulation Centre for the Deck Department and Engine Department. Simulator equipment is usually used to train the trainee in dangerous situations or in particular scenarios. Here however the purpose is to use the simulator equipment for normal watch keeping activities. The idea is to offer 4 hours on the bridge or engine control room to check the behaviour of all the equipment without any particular problems. The students' activities would be recorded and filmed for discussion and assessment in the debriefing.
Andrea Marchesi
Offshore Marine Studies Unit Aberdeen University
There is a legislative requirement on operators to include information on the thickness and extent of cover of marine growth on offshore structures. This guide is meant as an aid to the reporting of the marine growth on any structure. There is a description of each of the groups, in most cases with a photograph, and there are recommendations on how to describe the abundance of each group of species.
Offshore Marine Studies Unit Aberdeen University
Aberdeen University
Y N Niskovskiy ; E V Niskovskaya ; A M Vasianovitch
International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers
The occurrence of coal ore and gravel deposits on the shelf of Far Eastern seas is described. In particular the occurrence of coal layers on the shelf in the south of the Sea of Japan providing possible coal resources is described. Safe and economic development with environmental considerations is considered.
Y N Niskovskiy ; E V Niskovskaya ; A M Vasianovitch
International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers
M-L Duan ; J C M Li ; J Li
Fatigue tests on offshore structural steels are described. A literature review is given. By analysing the test data of the fatigue crack propagation (FCP) in offshore structural steel A537 a pivot point on the FCP diagram is presented. By applying the pivot point a safety assessment index for low temperature fatigue was derived.
M-L Duan ; J C M Li ; J Li
C A Whitcomb ; G P McHugh
The changing nature of submarine missions from 'blue water' to littoral operations has been well recognised. Coupled with this has been the development of non-nuclear patrol submarines (SSKs). The impact that SSKs may have on naval strategy is discussed and evolving SSK technologies are reviewed. Three typical SSK designs are highlighted and future mission capabilities based on these designs are outlined with particular attention given to submergence endurance weapon payload and mission effectiveness.
C A Whitcomb ; G P McHugh
Gonzalo Malvarez Garcia ; John Pollard ; Roisin Hughes
Some of the Spanish coastal management policies that have relevance for the small business enterprises located on the sea-front are examined. Physical protection of the coast through erosion control programes and urban planning policies are looked at with particular attention given to the 1988 Shores Act that tries to treat coastal planning more holistically than has historically been the case. Business awareness and response to the coastal actions are investigated through a survey of 150 small businesses in four localities on the Costa del Sol.
Gonzalo Malvarez Garcia ; John Pollard ; Roisin Hughes
H Sjoberg
Fuel oil quality in particular heavy fuel oil but also distillate fuel oil and marine diesel oil has deteriorated considerably with time. The main reason for this is the increased use of secondary refining processes. The effect of the different test oils had on the combustion process in general and on the ignition delay and pressure rise ratio in particular was studied using a fully computerised measuring system in combination with software developed for the purpose. The test results indicate taht engines having load-dependant temperature-control systems are fully capable of efficiently burning fuel oils with CCAI numbers up to 875 with few or no difficulties.
H Sjoberg
R W Jorach ; H Doppler ; H Ressel et al.
Several examples of common rail injection systems for medium- speed engines are given. The single-circuit heavy fuel oil servo common rail injection system is detailed. This runs more than 3000 hours on the test rig more than 300 hours on the engine with heavy fuel oil and more than 400 hours with distillate fuel.
R W Jorach ; H Doppler ; H Ressel et al.
Arnt-Lennard Fuglestad ; Mads Grahl-Madsen
This paper reports on a comparison between experimental obtained data for the drag force acting on a model prototype of the HUGIN 3000 (an autonomous underwater vehicle) and data obtained from a Computer Aided Analysis of the drag force carried out by CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics). The experimental results in this paper originate from a model test carried out by Marintek. The range of Reynolds number for both the experimental data and the computational results is 2.707x106 to 1.146x107. The agreement between the experimental data and the computed results is good.
Arnt-Lennard Fuglestad ; Mads Grahl-Madsen
Vincent O S Olunloyo ; Ayo A Oyediran ; Charles A Osheku
The dynamic response interaction of a vibrating offshore pipeline on a moving seabed is herein investigated where the pipeline is idealized as a beam vibrating on an elastic foundation. In particular the time history effects on physics of the stress distributions on the dynamic interaction predicted on sea state and waves is studied. The spectral density analysis of responses and stress distributions over time is used to predict the anticipated time for pipe burst using the seabed state.
Vincent O S Olunloyo ; Ayo A Oyediran ; Charles A Osheku
W-B Kim ; N E Shanmugam ; Y S Choo
An attempt is made to establish the load-shortening response of damaged members for various end restraints. A numerical integration method which uses the moment-thrust-rotation and shortening-thrust-rotation relationship based on past research is used to gain the load-shortening response. First a brief look is taken at moment-thrust-curvature relationships followed by components of shortening of segments. Next analytical approach for end-restrained column is outlined. Lastly the influence of end-restraint on column strength is considered.
W-B Kim ; N E Shanmugam ; Y S Choo