Flavio Balsamo ; Stafano Milanesi ; Claudio Pensa
The most recent results of an experimental research are presented. This research considers the influence of different parameters on the roll behaviour of high-speed V-shaped hulls. The dependence of the deadrise angle on the roll behaviour of V-shaped hulls in planing and semi-planing range is examined. The roll motion depends on many different parameters such as displacement mass distribution speed and amplitude and frequency of the exciting force. The study of the roll motion is achieved by the identification of the coefficients of a second order roll motion equation. The results of the two models are compared by wither considered the roll amplitude and phase or the values of the coefficients of the roll motion equation.
Flavio Balsamo ; Stafano Milanesi ; Claudio Pensa
Yasuo Nihei ; Yusuke Yamasaki ; Kazuo Nadaoka et al.
Although coastal current simulations are frequently carried out in various flow fields numerical models for coastal ocean current are usually based on several simplifications and approximations for turbulence models coordinate systems vertical fluid motion etc. It is therefore necessary to examine the influence of these simplifications on coastal current simulations. In most numerical models the hydrostatic approximation one of these simplifications in numerical models is used for a vertical fluid motion since a horizontal length scale of fluid motion is much larger than a vertical length scale. However the coastal currents in which the vertical fluid motion is important exist for example as coastal fronts and so it is necessary to understand the influence of the hydrostatic approximation on coastal current simulations. Although previous studies have been carried out to do this the numerical accuracy of the hydrostatic approximation under a variety of computational conditions has been poorly investigated.
Yasuo Nihei ; Yusuke Yamasaki ; Kazuo Nadaoka et al.
Netherlands Ship Model Basin (NSMB)
Book produced to publish papers that were presented as part of the Jubilee 40 years Anniversary meeting for the Netherlands Ship Model Basin. Papers as follows: 'The NSMB - 40 years of scientific industrial service in marine technology'; 'Contributions on some current problems of ship resistance'; 'On wind resistance'; 'Recent developments in marine propeller hydrodynamics'; 'Cavitation and its detrimental effects', 'Applied mathematics in ship hydrodynamics'; 'Fish propulsion'; 'Manoeuvrability, state of the art'; Some recent advances in the prediction of ship motions and ship resistance in waves'; 'Retrospection on 15 years NSMB seakeeping activities'; 'Ocean technology'; 'Some developments in the area of strength and vibrations of ships'; 'Propeller vibratory shaft forces affected by design and environmental conditions', 'Computer-aided ship production, management and control' and 'Design and operations'.
Netherlands Ship Model Basin (NSMB)
The Netherlands, Wageningen ; Netherlands Ship Model Basin (NSMB)
S Bludszuweit ; R Pittermann ; A Stanev
As part of the German research project CLEAN results of research on the analysis and optimisation of emissions from large two-stroke cross-head engines are presented. Design factors are investigated and the influence of various fuel on NOx production along propeller and generator curves is analysed. A novel measurement technique has been introduced for this purpose and has provided conclusions on the local formation of nitrogen oxide soot and soot oxidation. This research has greatly improved understanding of NOx formation in large two-stroke cross-head engines and its results will be used to cut emissions in the future.
S Bludszuweit ; R Pittermann ; A Stanev
Tomasz Wegrzyn
Mathematical equations of the influence of nitrogen and molybdenum on impact toughness properties of metal weld deposit are presented. Nitrogen and molybdenum are regarded as the important factors effecting mechanical properties and the metalographical structure of low alloy welds. However there is a different influence of those two elements on mechanical properties of welds. The influence of the variable amounts of molybdenum and nitrogen on impact properties of different basic electrode deposits was tested. Furthermore on the basis of the results of the influence of the variable amounts of nitrogen and molybdenum on impact properties of low to obtain alloy basic electrode deposits mathematical equations regarding those relationships have been given assuming that oxygen content and acicular ferrite in basic electrode deposits are nearly constant and amount of each is respectively 340-420 ppm of oxygen and above 65% of acicular ferrite. The results allow some preliminary conclusions on the relative importance of the various factors i.e chemical composition metallografical structrure temperature of impact toughness tests.
Tomasz Wegrzyn
Hemanta Hazarika
In this research a numerical experiment was conducted on a retaining structure experiencing earthquake loading. For a backfill consisting purely of sandy soils the seismic lateral thrust acting on the structure was first determined by simulating both sinusoidal load as well as the earthquake time history of an actual earthquake. A part of the backfill immediately behind the structure was then substituted by lightweight Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) geofoam which acts as the compressible buffer. The effect of such lightweight compressible buffer material on the developed seismic thrust was then examined. The results show that the use of the EPS geofoam as a compressible buffer yields significant reduction of the lateral seismic thrust against a structure.
Hemanta Hazarika
A S Etienne ; V Seguinot
According to comprehensive theories of navigation animals navigate using two complementary strategies: dead reckoning and long-term associations. The former informs the subject in a continuous manner on its actual location with respect to an earth-bound or absolute co-ordinate system. The latter are long-term associations between particular landmarks and specific locations which allow the animal to find its way within a familiar environment. Research is presented focusing on homing strategies shown by golden hamsters in the hoarding situation. The main areas of consideration are: how are signals computed to yield the homing vector; on what conditions to hamsters rely on optical references rather than on internal dead reckoning and what is the nature of good landmarks; and finally can we maintain the cognitive map hypothesis on the level of our subjects and assume that dead reckoning is an ubiquitous process the outcome of which is automatically fed into the map system.
A S Etienne ; V Seguinot
A M van Wijngaarden ; R J Heemskerk
An inclining test is extremely difficult to run on board a live offshore unit. Experience is presented on the successful conduct of a test where tanks were adapted to shift a controlled heavy load of ballast water across a large ship. This unique test was held in open and deep waters with the ship under dynamic position control. A dedicated loading computer is an essential tool on board offshore craft. In the hands of a competent crewmember it is capable of producing the daily static calculations. But its stability verification relies solely on pre-stored KG' limit data. For the complex internal arrangements on board offshore construction vessels a more suitable alternative to satisfy the requirement for an operationally safe vessel needs to be sought. It is proposed to develop a probabilistic stability assessment method for the offshore industry. A Formal Safety Assessment approach based on risk analysis techniques may yield more realistic stability envelopes for offshore construction vessels.
A M van Wijngaarden ; R J Heemskerk
S Draaisma ; C Lamison ; H R Stewart
The Sable Offshore Energy Project (SOEP) 26” offshore gathering line and the associated interfield lines are the first major offshore pipelines on the East Coast of Canada. The benefits of early cooperation betweeen Owner Designer and Installer are discussed with opportunities for some interesting synergies arising from parallel engineering and planning of installation. The sea states and seafloor conditions around Sable Island impose some substantial loading considerations which resulted in some novel design and installation solutions. These are described together with some of the novel cathodic protection considerations used on the project. Some interesting certification and regulatory challenges encountered in progressing with the pipeline are also described. The state of the art welding and automatic ultrasonic testing approach and its beneficial impact on production lay rates are reviewed.
S Draaisma ; C Lamison ; H R Stewart
Dirk Riechelmann ; Fabien Prudhomme ; Toshiro Fujimori
Development and improvement of gas turbines can be significantly supported by CFD (computational fluid dynamics) provided that the computational models are reliable and efforts regarding time and memory reasonable. The applicability of the models to reproduce combustion of low calorific fuels is investigated. The EBU (Eddy Break Up) model has been widely used until now. However heightened interest in environmental matters and stricter regulations caused questions to be raised about the use of EBU. PDF (probability density function) methods are claimed to be superior. The complex problem is considered of simulation of a reacting fluid in a highly swirling flow field. However the concentration is on an investigation of the combustion model bearing in mind that the quality of numerical results does strongly depend on both the turbulence model as well as the combustion model. The results presented show the influence of combustion model and turbulence model on the flow field fuel concentration as well as pattern factor. The models are evaluated by comparison with experiments.
Dirk Riechelmann ; Fabien Prudhomme ; Toshiro Fujimori
K E Kaasen
It is desirable to be able to use the powerful methods of frequency domain analysis on models of the slowdrift motion of moored vessels. As such models usually are nonlinear a method of linearization is needed. Among such methods the method of statistical linearization should be used. This method based on a minimum variance principle is described. It is shown that the result depends on the correlation between the response variables and that the joint distribution of the variables is needed. By a simple example it is demonstrated that linearizing the response variables independently may lead to significant error. The method involves evaluation of multidimensional statistical expectation for which Hermite integration is used. It may be sufficient to use as few as four points in each dimension. Finally a numerical example of the method is given.
K E Kaasen
W T Pinto ; J A Witz ; J H Vugts
A model which predicts the dynamic tensions and curvatures in a subsea umbilical during installation is presented. The dynamic tension results for a range of wave periods and layback position are given to illustrate the model. The results show the highly non-linear nature of the problem. Firstly equations of motion are looked at. Next the numerical model is described. Lastly the application to an umbilical installation analysis is discussed. It is concluded that the presented model is suitable for establishing operational limits for subsea umbilical installation and has the potential for real time application.
W T Pinto ; J A Witz ; J H Vugts
R Belligotti ; V C S Krzonkalla ; M P Goulart et al.
RBI (risk-based inspection) and on-site maintenance are the key points to ensure the success of a structural integrity management program for FPSOs. Generally as the structure gets older and some operational changes or extended life are requested by the operators the in-service planning of the inspection and repair activities increases in complexity. This paper provides guidance on in-service planning and management drawing directly from the operating and risk-based inspection experience of a fleet consisting of five Petrobras' units located at Campos Basin. Specifically the paper outlines the inspection planning that addresses these unique features and applications and discusses experiences related to the implementation of the inspection plans. It also provides general guidance on the organisation presentation and steps to ensure the asset is fit-for-purpose while being functional and easy to manage and implement for operations.
R Belligotti ; V C S Krzonkalla ; M P Goulart et al.
G Dhinakaran ; V Sundar ; R Sundaravadivelu et al.
The basic requirement of any breakwater is to dissipate the energy in the incident waves in order to maintain preferably calm water inside the harbourage area to facilitate smooth conduct of loading and unloading of passengers and cargo. The concept of SBW (semi-circular breakwater) is one of the recently emerging new types of breakwater. The caisson of the SBW is semi-circular in shape and hollow and is founded on a rubble mound. Therefore the weight and amount of materials required are reduced. The world's first-ever semi-circular breakwater of rear dissipating type has been built at the port of Miyazaki Japan. A SBW model with its seaside perforated has been subjected to the action of regular waves. The wave-induced dynamic pressures and run-up on the caisson of SBW was measured. Tests have been carried out for two percentages of perforations and in three different water depths. The effect of water depth and the percentage of perforations on the dynamic pressures and run-up are presented and discussed. The details of experimental set-up procedure data analysis and results are reported.
G Dhinakaran ; V Sundar ; R Sundaravadivelu et al.
Valerie Quiniou-Ramus ; Marie-Agnes Hoche ; Michel Francois et al.
Contact IMarEST directly (CD-ROM)
Total is pursuing its deepwater field development activity offshore Angola in Block 17 in a water depth of about 1400 m. In order to develop accurate metocean design data and also to assist offshore operations Total started an extensive acquisition campaign in March 2001 with an instrumentation comprising a wave buoy later enriched by current profilers an anemometer and a met station. An insight into the comprehensive analyses that have been carried out on the wave-wind-current simultaneous records is presented with a particular focus on complex directional wave spectra joint probabilities of the various metocean parameters and their impact on the design.
Valerie Quiniou-Ramus ; Marie-Agnes Hoche ; Michel Francois et al.
Contact IMarEST directly (CD-ROM)
R G Wasalaski
On 12 October 2000 terrorists bombed the USS Cole. The chronology of events are discussed along with the associated engineering decisions that culminated in the successful recovery float-on loading (dry-docking) off the coast of Yemen and the safe transit home of this fully armed and badly-damaged warship. Several issues specific to the on load are clarified and more details are provided on the off load. After some introductory information a brief history is given of heavy lift transport. Next the attack is outlined. This is followed by a look at the rescue and recovery. Lastly the float-off is dealt with.
R G Wasalaski
V Hansen ; O Aamlid ; N Sodahl et al.
SCRs (steel catenary risers) have proved to be feasible for use on floating production facilities. The activities and critical issues related to the preparation qualification reeling and installation of two 10 inch SCRs by Petrobras in the Roncador field offshore Brazil are described. A combined installation technique with J-lay of the critical touchdown area and traditional reeling for the remaining flowline-riser part is applied. The operations related to reeling the pipe sections onto the reel reeling off welding on site (J-lay sections) and transfer to P-36 are outlined. The analyses performed to evaluate the effects of using the reeling method for installation of the risers are detailed. The following issues are addressed: riser torsional effects due to residual curvature; effects of residual stresses; ovalisation; strain concentrations; variability in yield strength; riser analyses; reeling analyses; fatigue aspects; hoop buckling; and propagating buckling. Graphs and diagrams appear on pages 6 to 8.
V Hansen ; O Aamlid ; N Sodahl et al.
David de Leon
Upon the request of PEMEX a vibration assessment was conducted on an offshore platform located in the Bay of Campeche. The study consisted in two parts - the first being considered in another paper and the second one involving the response analysis under uncertain conditions of wave height. The uncertainty on the wave loading was considered through the annual probabilities that given wave heights are exceeded. The probability that the platform response exceeds an allowable threshold conditional to given wave heights was assessed. Those conditional probabilities were weighted later on over the annual probabilities that those wave heights are exceeded. The responses are displacements accelerations and forces. The lateral strength of the platform was calculated by assuming a failure mechanism composed by the simultaneous formation of plastic hinges at the ends of the platform legs.
David de Leon
Cheng Ma ; Zhengfang Qian ; Chenjun Yang et al.
Improved permanent-magnet motor technology has made it possible to install a propulsion motor in an underwater case for direct drive of the propeller. This has given rise to the rapid development of POD propulsion - the latest development trend of the electric ship. Research is described on a theoretical method for predicting the steady hydrodynamic performances of a POD propulsor using the vortex lattice method and the surface element method of the lifting surface theory. Based on an existing numerical computation method for the propeller a theoretical potential flow computation method is established for predicting the steady hydrodynamic performance of a POD propulsor. A real case computation is carried out. The results obtained agree well with those obtained from experiments. After this previous research on the propulsion performance of a single-screw propeller is used to further optimise the trailing vortex model of the propeller. A comparison of the real case calculation test results and the original calculation is made. The comparison shows that the calculation results obtained from the improved trailing vortex model are more accurate than those obtained from the old model.
Cheng Ma ; Zhengfang Qian ; Chenjun Yang et al.
Paul C M Frintrop
A project is presented which was set up to compare a new method of analysis (for the determination of the dispersed oil content in produced water from oil gas and condensate platforms) with the current OSPAR reference method. The new method is a modification of ISO 9377-2 based on GC-FID (gas chromatography with flame ionisation detection); the current OSPAR reference method is based on IR (infrared spectrophotometry). The decision for this project was taken at the 2002 meeting of the OIC (Offshore Industry Committee) and was based on a small-scale comparison carried out by the Netherlands in 2001. The results of the small-scale programme were presented at the OIW workshop in 2002 in two presentations. In the 2002 project samples from 58 platforms (five countries) were analysed with both methods. A ring test was added to obtain more specific details about the GC-FID performance in the four laboratories involved. Statistical evaluation of all data was done by TNO Environment Energy and Process Innovation the Netherlands and resulted in two reports.
Paul C M Frintrop