Richard and Bridget Larn
Richard and Bridget Larn
Cornwall: Truran 2006
Catalogue number1 85022 202 9
These pages contain the text of several letters on the Derbyshire Enquiry. In the case of the March reference a list of 11 points drawn from the the Wreck Commissioner's Report is provided.
Shipping World and Shipbuilder
It has been a busy year so far for Multraship. In April the Netherlands-based towage and salvage specialist teamed up with Mammoet Salvage to successfully complete the removal of the wreck of a floating dock which sank in June 2007 at the Viktor Lenac shipyard Rijeka Croatia.
Shipping World and Shipbuilder
Chris Mills
Chris Mills
Scotland: Whittles Publishing 2003
Nancy Martin
Nancy Martin
Devon: David & Charles Inc 1974
Catalogue number919.226
R. Lewis
R. Lewis
London: William Clowes and Sons 1874
Catalogue number363.34
I Florence
This very short paper looks at the process from initial method statement to final survey in 3850m of the two sections of the Prestige wreck off the coast of Spain.
I Florence
Gerald Forsberg
After introducing the reader to the wide and varied field of marine salvage, Commander Forsberg covers many aspects of the salvage scene in greater detail. Salvage personnel, salvage vessels, craft and equipment, grounded vessels, sunken vessels, ocean towage, wreck dispersal and harbour clearance, submarine recovery, aircraft salvage, medium and deep-water recoveries and underwater techniques of divers and submersibles are all discussed and simply explained.
Gerald Forsberg
London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1977.
Catalogue number627.703
These pages contain the text of several letters on the Derbyshire Enquiry. In the case of the March reference a list of 11 points drawn from the the Wreck Commissioner's Report is provided.
K Ab Malek ; A Stevenson
IMarE Conferences and Symposia
Natural rubber tyres and inner tubes recovered from a 42 year old wreck were examined for physical tensile compression and puncture properties chemical composition and microstructures
K Ab Malek ; A Stevenson
IMarE Conferences and Symposia
A N Cockcroft
IMarE Conferences and Symposia
UK system of marine casualty inquiry described with brief details of historical developments and of foreign systems Their contribution (procedures reports data) towards international safety in shipping is discussed
A N Cockcroft
IMarE Conferences and Symposia
B L Williamson
IMarE Conferences and Symposia
Legal aspects of the law governing marine casualty investigation and embodied in the Merchant Shipping Acts 1894 - 1979 are discussed with examples Brief comparison with the systems in other countries
B L Williamson
IMarE Conferences and Symposia
Richard Larn
Contents The Right of Wreck 1100-1599 The Road to the East 1600-1699 Poor England has Lost so Many Men 1700-1749 God Send the Ship in Safety, Amen 1750-1799 The Coming of Steam 1800-1849 Wild Wind and Breakers, their Funeral Dirge 1850-1899 The Pice of War 1900-1919 Waters of Wide Expanse and Free of Dangers! 1920-1979
Richard Larn
Newton Abbot ; David and Charles, c1981.
Catalogue number363.1230916336
ISBN number715374915
A new type of underwater camera has been developed by Marine Unit Technology and British Petroleum. It features remote control of all functions from a surface control room electronic zoom is also surface controlled and an innovative optical system ensures a very large field of view. Various tubes are available for work in shallow to very deep water. The camera designated MUT/BP Stage II has been used to survey the wreck of the Mary Rose in the Solent in conditions of bad visibility.
The Marine Scientist
From frozen mummies on Peruvian mountaintops to submerged Neolithic lake villages in Switzerland the nooks and crannies of Earth have been intensely scrutinized; the world's deep sea are archaeology's final frontier. Seean Kingsley Director of Wreck Watch International describes how marine technology is helping in the race to survey and rescue valuable archaeological sites before they are lost forever.
The Marine Scientist
Intl. Offshore decommissioning platform removal & marine salvage conf held 27-29 March 1990 Aberdeen Papers include - Offshore platforms inshore reefs; update on UK research in the use of decommissioned platforms as artificial reefs The concerns of Scottish fishermen Environmental considerations in contingency planning for platform removal Platforms have other uses A railroad to the seabed; the importance of an efficient and low cost recovery system in wreck and debris removal Some steel platforms may be better secured to the seabed than originally planned The role of university research in decommissioning and removal of structures Issues which influence operators' perception of abandonment Refloating of gravity platforms The breakout of gravity base foundations Refloating a concrete platform
Offshore Confs & Exhibs Ltd
S Brooke ; P Blewett
A pilot study was conducted during an operational dive in 1986 to 250 msw in the Barents Sea. The dive was the second trip to the wreck of HMS Edinburgh to recover the remaining 34 gold bars. The main aim of the pilot study was to examine the dive team selection process and the criteria used. After some introductory information a look is taken at the method data analysis and results. This is followed by consideration of the dive supervisors' selection criteria survey covering introduction method data analysis results table discussion and summary.
S Brooke ; P Blewett
Intl. Offshore decommissioning platform removal & marine salvage conf held 27-29 March 1990 Aberdeen Papers include - International rules; existing and emerging UK abandonment policy; development and implementation Abandonment and removal of mining installations; some legal remarks Abandonment of offshore oil and gas platforms in Asia and developing countries Economics of abandonment in the UKCS Economic aspects of abandonment and removal in Norway The market for offshore abandonment and removal; an assessment Facilities decommissioning; the Australian challenge Meeting the challenge of offshore wreck removals The Amposta Abandonment Project Auk jacket removal studies Deconstruction of steel platforms; crucial engineering aspects Dynamic simulation in the verification and planning of strategies for the toppling abandonment of offshore structures
Offshore Confs & Exhibs Ltd
G G Mott
Operational experience with the "Vickers Pisces" submersible together with support ship Vickers Venturer is described. Taska carried out by the system include aircraft wreck search fisheries research flming and geological sampling. Launching and recovery probvlems are discussed. Underwater navigation and search is described. Two navigational systems have been developed Submarine Position and Tracking Equipment (SPATE) and Pisces Interim Navagitional System (PINS). Methods of improving propulsion efficiency are considered including hull streamlining and a d.c motor driven propeller. Operational safety and certification and approval are finally discussed.
G G Mott
H Walenkamp
IBC UK Conferences Ltd
The role of the salvage industry is described. Dealings with ships laden with dangerous chemicals and crude oil are considered. New solutions to enhance performance of salvage and pollution prevention capabilities are being developed. Innovations include fire fighting materials polystyrene foam to increase buoyancy and new techniques for cutting patching and pumping. Deep water recovery of solid cargoes and wreck removal are also considered.
H Walenkamp
IBC UK Conferences Ltd